Monday 30 September 2024

Artworks by Georg Sluyterman von Langeweyde – Part I

Adolf Hitler


„Der Gott, der Eisen...”

„God who made Steel grow did not want any Slaves“ (Ernst Moritz Arndt)



Drummer of the Hitler Youth


Im Kohlenrevier

In the coal-mining District


„Der dem Tode...“

„The only free man is the Soldier who can look Death in the Face“


„Im Felde, da ist der Mann...“

„It is on the Field of Battle that a Man shows his Worth“


„Der Tod für’s Vaterland...“

„Death for one’s fatherland deserves eternal veneration“


Illustration für das Buch von Adriaan M. De Jong „Heller Klang aus dunkler Flöte“

Illustration for Adriaan M. Dejong’s Book „Heller Klang aus dunkler Flöte“


„Besitz stirbt...“

„Goods pass away, Children pass away, and you too shall pass away. But there is one Thing that lives forever: the Glory of the Exploits of the Dead“ (Edda)


„Sieg oder Unsieg...“

„Victory or Defeat are in the Hands of God. Of Honour we alone are Masters and Lords“

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