Thursday 12 March 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 723 – 12 July 1944

1. Germany.

70th anniversary of the writer Wilhelm von Scholz, an honorary doctorate from the University of Heidelberg.

– He was in the garden with the dog.

– He's in the library, on the walls hang photos of scenes from performances from his books.

– Scholz in his office.

2. Germany.

In wartime, the four sisters became mistresses at the sawmill of his brother, who had gone to the front.

– They have cars.

– On the bike rides the postman gives a letter from his brother, they read.

– Performing various operations.

– Finished goods warehouse / boards, commercial timber /.

– The girls rolled logs.

– Yermanov.

– Female instructors in schools of horse Wehrmacht.

– Here prepare notation and rideable horses for the front.

– Dressage.

– Women on horseback.

– A walk on the ground, overcoming obstacles.

3. Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia


– The opening of the German Art Exhibition „RAD - 1944“ (Imperial Labour Service).

– The exhibition features works by artists from the Imperial Labour Service, the best of which were awarded the prize.

– Head RAD Girlie Constantine and Reich Minister Hans Frank up the stairs.

– In the exhibition hall: sculptures, paintings, reflecting the life and life RAD fighters.

– Knight Knight's Cross Oberfeldmeister Fittsler became the prototype of the hero of one of the paintings.

5. Germany.

Speech by Dr. Goebbels in Breslau, July 8, 1944.


– Flag bearers walk down the aisle hall.

 Dr. Goebbels appears.

 He was on the podium.

 Dr. Goebbels speaks about a large-scale attack of the enemy at Europe, the prevention of which requires each person individually and the entire nation as a whole considerable effort.

 A storm of applause greeted the audience a message about the use of new weapons V-1. A Long speech of Dr. Goebbels in a direct recording.

 Ovation in the Hall.

6. Eastern Front, Karelia.

 Transportation of the German troops to the front to support the Finnish troops.

 Shuttle and unloading of food and ammunition.

 The German company of mountain shooters on the ferry.

 Crossing the lake, the soldiers are resting, sleeping, using the moment.

 German boat.


 Finnish „son of regiment“ - a teenage boy named Teppo at the Finnish part.

 He mounts his horse, he sat down on it, jumping from soldier back rides.

 Teppo - one of the fastest and most agile couriers that provide immense help to the soldiers.

 He talks to women, they are embracing the boy.

 On the Finnish artillery positions.

 Meeting of officers of the card.

 The shelling of the Soviet position.

 Calculation with guns.

7. France.

Western Front.

 Coast Map.


 Reservists are sent to the front.

 Cars on the highway.

 Those Marines.

 Rear view of the column.

 Distribution Front newspaper.

 Soldiers reading a newspaper.

 Title „Eisenhower did not catch us by surprise.“

 Marines on bicycles.

 Overturn cars.


 Air raid.

 Machinery and infantry in the shelter.

 Shoot the German anti-aircraft battery.

 Drop downed American four-engine plane.

German units destroyed in the French city of Avranches.


 German soldiers playing the organ.

 Interior damaged by bombing cathedral.

 Discussion of martial law in parts of the Waffen-SS. Officers of the map.

 Tanks and infantry moving forward.

 Tank, camouflaged with branches.

 German observer.

 Uncovered guns.

 Infantrymen in a pause.

 They have something to eat.

 German infantryman in the swamp.

Waffen-SS squad inspects the area.

 The observer on the tree.

 Start a firefight with the enemy.

 Tanks go to the counter.

 Shoot German guns.



 Infantry attacks Anglo-American position.

 Destroyed by American tanks.

 Rewarding distinguished fighters Iron Crosses.

 One of the heroes - the senior lieutenant Lustig.

 The attack of German tanks. 

 The Germans in the burning city.

1 comment:

  1. Watch more "Die Deutsche Wochenschau" on :
