Sunday 22 March 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 725 – 26 July 1944

1. Germany.

View rates after the attack July 20, 1944 for the Fuhrer and staff officers, who are trying to make a small handful of dishonest officers.

– Defeated room.

A few hours later after the assassination attempt on July 20 Mussolini and Marshal Graziani at the reception of the Fuhrer.

– Hitler and Mussolini talking.

– Duce says goodbye to the Führer of the car window, the train leaves.

2. Germany.

Executives Board of the German defence industry.

– Armaments Minister Speer award distinguished directors military factories.

– The Director-General Kesler gets Knight's Cross with Swords, were also noted director Langinen and Lucian.

– Hitler arrives at the meeting of the Council for the utterance of speech.

– Speer sets in motion a new production line at a defence plant.

– Inspection of the new military facility.

– The new German tank "Panther" is competing with captured American tank.

– Tanks go through concrete barriers, American tanks, it can not do.

– Tanks shelling Faustpatron.

– Comparative results of the shelling.

3. USSR. Eastern Front, Grodno-Bialystok-Minsk.

– The retreat of German forces.

– On the highway going car.

– Shoots self-propelled artillery.

– Heavy artillery moved to new positions.

– Sappers blast railway line.

– German rear-guard after hard fighting leaves town, blazing house.

– Refugees from the Bolshevik terror go along with retreating to the new position of German units.

– German tanks were sent to the front.

– Fragments of heavy fighting.

– Damaged Soviet equipment.

– German pilots sit in the car.

– The plane takes off on a mission.

– Planes in the air.

– The bombing of an important logistical supply routes.

– German planes dropping bombs.

4. Germany.

– Western Front map.

– Handling heavy shells to be sent to the front, they are wrapped in woven blankets.

– Convoy disguised branches, moving to the front.

– Observers noticed a car enemy aircraft.

– German anti-aircraft guns fired at American planes.

5. Western Front.

– Machine moving at night to advanced.

– German soldiers in the destruction of the French city of Caen.

– Caen turned into a burning torch across Normandy.

– Convoys moving through the city.

– Soldiers occupy positions.

– German infantrymen front of the camera.

– German cars, tanks.

– The tanks followed by fast and manoeuvrable machine with ammunition.

– Next are the paratroopers.

– German soldier with Faust cartridges.

– Marines.

– American tanks burst into the village held by paratroopers, begin firing.

– German soldiers in the trenches.

– German tank is shelling out their guns.

– Shoot German guns.

– German paratroopers pursue a fighting machine, to combat tank in the melee.

– They use a Faust cartridges.

– American tanks shelling. "Goliaths" are involved in this fight.

– Germans discover seriously wounded American.

– The Germans are preparing for battle.

– The wounded were sent to the rear.

– Captured Americans followed the camp.

6. England.

– Southern coast of England, a long-shot camera.

– German planes raided England.

– Launch missiles V-1, the "weapons of retaliation."

– Unexpected weapon was a response to the German defence industry on the Anglo-American air terror.

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