Wednesday 12 October 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 533 – 20 November 1940

1. Manchukuo.


Jiangjin City, the construction in the capital of Manchukuo.


– The Chinese are the logs are rocker with sand.


– The street trishaw lucky woman.


– Types of buildings in the city.


– On the road passing rickshaw, wagons with horses, cars.


2. Indochina.


Japanese troops enter Indochina by agreement with the Petain’s French government.


– Planes are flying above the port.


– On the ship rises representative of the French troops.


– Japanese and French officers in the negotiations.


– Japanese troops enter the town of Dong Dang, riding tanks.


– The fighting in the mountains, shooting guns.


– Japanese enter the Lyanzung city, the troops are on the mountain road.


3. The Netherlands.


Dutch National Socialists marching through the streets of Amsterdam.


– The Dutch NSB leader Anton Mussert reviews the parade


- Young National Socialists


- Military orchestra is playing


- Residents greet in the roman salute.


4. Slovakia.


Tatra, Slovak children from the Hlinka organization are experiencing a model gliders.


- Gliders in flight, a top view onto the ground.


5. Germany.




- Gymnastic competitions between Germany and Finland in Deutschlandhalle.


- Opening ceremony, the parade of athletes.


- Various events on the horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, gymnastics men.


6. Germany.


Radio House in Berlin.


- Mourning ceremony on the occasion of the death of the head of the Saarland Broadcasting Adolf Raskin.


- An honour guard at the tomb, an orchestra.


- Dr. Goebbels lays on the coffin Cross of Merit 1st Class.


- Wreaths from Goebbels, on radio Stuttgart, Vienna.


- The coffin with flowers.




Reception at the Ministry of Propaganda – Dr. Goebbels awards workers from all regions of Germany with the Knights Cross of Merit.


- Working men and women are sent to the Ministry, to be greeted by Dr. Goebbels and Dr. Ley.


- Feast for the workers, at the table with the workers are Dr. Todt and Dr. Goebbels.


- The workers go to the Reich Chancellery for a meeting with the Führer.


-  Adolf Hitler shakes hands working women, conversing with them, next to him are Ing. Dr. Fritz Todt and Dr. Robert Ley.


7. Germany.


Molotov’s visit to Berlin (12-13.11.1940).


-  The ceremonial meeting given to him at the station, Ribbentrop in the welcome delegation.


-  Molotov bypasses formation of the guard of honour.


-  He goes by car through Berlin.


-  Molotov at a reception by Adolf Hitler in the Reich Chancellery.


-  Meeting of Molotov, Adolf Hitler and Hermann Goering.


The construction of roads in the General Government (former Poland).


-  The car is driving on dirt.


-  Crushing gravel, works roller, gravel goes on the transporter, carried on wheelbarrows.


-  The new road.


8. Poland.


The emergence of new workers village in Posen, construction of houses, on the roof of the house festive wreath with ribbons, builders cover the roof.


9. Germany.


The evacuation of children from Berlin and Hamburg to the countryside.


-  Children with NS flags board the train.


-  The train arrives at the station Watergau, on carts of children being taken to school boarding school, breakfast for pupils boarding school.


- Children help adults on field work.


- Boarding-school for girls in Bavaria.


- Sewing class, fun games in nature, sleep.


Night raid on Berlin by British aircraft.


- The beams of searchlights scurrying across the sky.


- Defensive anti-aircraft battery.


- The remains of the British bombers shot down in the vicinity of Berlin.


Mourning ceremony for students who died in World War I, at the cemetery Langemark.


- General Brauchitsch and Baldur von Schirach lay wreaths on the graves.


- Bypass the rows of troops of the guard of honour.


- Officers pass the line of soldiers.


- German banner at the graves, the crosses.


10. Graves of German soldiers in Norway, Holland, France (on the Marne) and other countries.


- The dates on the graves - April, May 1940.


- Church, winter forest, river.


- Crosses with helmets.


- Crosses on the Marne.


11. Military operations of the tank units of the Wehrmacht.


The soldiers with the equipment, collect platform, decking.


- Tanks pass through the ready-made crossing, tanks in the city.


- The column of tanks moving through open terrain.


12. German anti-aircraft battery on the English Channel.


Alarm, the soldiers take places on the battery, charge the gun, pointing at the target.


- Bearers run with shells.


- Guns firing.


13. Atlantic.


Flying German planes over the Atlantic.


- Ships at sea.


- The planes were bombing transports of the enemy.


- Burning ship.


- Gunner with a machine gun in the cockpit.


- British ships are burning.

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