Saturday 22 October 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 534 – 28 November 1940

1. Romania.


The consequences of the devastating earthquake.


Night footage.


Dismantling the ruins of a collapsed apartment house.


The narrator talks about the German aid to earthquake victims.


King Mihai of Romania examining the ruins in Bucharest.

2. Italy.


Mussolini’s visit to the steelworks.


Duce and high officials in the shop.


Rally on the territory of the plant.


3. North Africa.


Construction of military fortifications by the Italian troops.


Laying a telephone line.


Workshop for the repair of motorized parts, repair of tanks.


Italian trucks on the highway.


The Italian antiaircraft battery is firing at enemy planes.


Shooting anti-aircraft guns.


Shot down planes.


4. Romania (Bessarabia).


Operation on the resettlement of the Bessarabian Germans from Bessarabia, ceded to the jurisdiction of the Soviet Union.


The Germans on carts with property leaving the territory of Bessarabia.


Crossing the bridge on the Prut River.


Arrival of expatriates at the assembly point in Galati.


German settlers in the camp.


Bathing children, caring for babies.


Cooking, serving lunch to refugees.


5. Germany. 18.11.1940 Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano and Ramon Serrano Suñer arrive for talks.


Ciano talks with Keitel.


Ribbentrop welcomes the Italian ministers.


6. Austria.




Adolf Hitler arrives at Schönbrunn on the occasion of festivities in connection with Hungary’s accession to the Tripartite Pact.


Hitler greets the officials and generals.


Hitler receives Hungarian Prime Minister Teleki and the Hungarian Foreign Minister. 20.11.1940 - ceremony of admission of Hungary to the Pact.


Ribbentrop, Ciano and Teleki sign a document on Hungary’s accession to the Tripartite Pact.


– Adolf Hitler leaves Schoenbrunn Palace.


He gets into a car that drives out of the palace.


– The Führer is greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of Vienna.


The police quell the enthusiasm of the masses.


7. Germany.




Arrival in the capital of Germany, the Romanian Prime Minister, General Antonescu (23.11.1940).


The ceremonial meeting at the station.


Antonescu sits in the car.


The motorcade follows the streets of Berlin.


The ceremony of signing the treaty between Germany and Romania, Hitler at the ceremony.


Speech by German Foreign Minister J. von Ribbentrop.


The signing of the Tripartite Pact.


Exchange of hands between the Foreign Ministers of Romania and Germany, Gigurtu Ribbentrop.


8. Germany. 24.11.1940. Arrival at the Reich Chancellery of Prime Minister Tiso of Slovakia.


Signing of the pact between Germany and Slovakia.


9. Austria.




Opening of the exhibition “Victory in the West”.


War trophies captured by the German army, at the exhibition.


Modern German military equipment.


Goering looks at the exhibition, he is welcomed by representatives of the local administration


10. France.


Camp of the Reich’s Labor Service (RAD) in France.


Awakening of the soldiers, they are dressed, do physical exercises, wash their faces.


The soldiers ride bicycles out of the camp.


Handing out shovels.


The soldiers at work on the demolition of the old bunker.


Dismantling of French fortifications on the Maginot Line.


11. Norway.


Work on the unloading of trains with materials for the construction of winter barracks, insulation of the already built buildings.


Military exercises part of the Wehrmacht.


Arrival of mail to the unit stationed in northern Norway.


The soldiers and local residents who arrived on the reindeer.


German soldiers are drinking fish oil.


German planes fly around the fjords.


12. the Atlantic coast of France.


Goering in one of the Luftwaffe units on the English Channel.


Awarding ceremony for distinguished pilots.


Delivery of fuel in the location of parts.


Pumping fuel from the tanker to the fuel tank.


Filling planes with fuel.


German planes in a raid on England.


Anti-aircraft guns British are trying to bombard the German squadron.


Planes dropping bombs on Coventry, explosions, fires.


The pilots in the cockpit.


Fires in British territory.


13. Return of the German submarine after military operations.


The crew and commander.


The boat goes to sea.


The captain is watching.


The sailor in the galley peeling potatoes.


Members of the team on vacation.


The boat is moving forward.


Alert, the crew takes their places according to the battle schedule.


English freighter?


In sight.


Torpedo release, enemy ship is going down.


On the submarine the crew is busy with their business.


The presentation of distinguished sailors to the Knight’s Crosses is printed.

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