Thursday 12 October 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 569 – 30 July 1941

1. Eastern Front.


Hermann Göring arrives at the eastern front by train, he is in the division of the Luftwaffe, bypasses the generals, greeted General Student, talking to the high honours of the Reich pilots.


– Bypass the formation of pilots.


– Reichsmarschall Göring makes a speech.


2. Germany.


Hermann Göring Receiving Croatian General Slavko Kvaternik in the train carriage, they exchange of handshakes.


– Kvaternik gives Goring gifts from the Croatian people: richly inlaid antique sabre, box, axe, etc.


3. Volunteers from the countries of Europe are sent to the Eastern Front.




– Danish battalion is sent to the Eastern Front.


– Procession of legionaries through the streets of the city.




– The new replenishment of the “Blue Division” departed for the front, seeing off at the railway station.



Solemn march replenishment of the Italian army on the eastern front.


– Crown Prince Umberto on the podium.


– Residents welcomed the soldiers.


– The train leaves the platform.


4. USSR. Northern section of the eastern front.


Operations of German fighters and torpedo boats off the coast of the Murmansk Peninsula.


– A fragment of the battle with Soviet ships.


– Burning Soviet ship.


– The Germans and Finns repair roads, remove stones.


– Horse-drawn carriage with difficulty sneaking along the broken road.


– Fighting in the area of the city of Salla.


– Fires a gun.


– Shelling of Soviet positions.


– Crossing the river.


– The Germans landed on the opposite bank, go on the burning settlement.


5. Bessarabia.


German troops are on the road, combing the forest.


– German infantrymen in an ambush.


– Pointing a gun.


– Germans search Soviet prisoners.


– German infantry at the Dniester.


– They are on boats and boats forcing the river.


– Building a pontoon bridge.


– Crossing in action.


– Transportation of heavy guns.


– Column of Soviet prisoners.


– The camera shows the faces of individual soldier prisoners.


– Hungarian and Slovak troops are moving forward.


– Soldiers dragging motorbikes.


– Blown up bridge, the soldiers sneak through a temporary crossing.


– Slovakian troops are advancing along the motorway.


6. USSR. The area of Kiev.


The accumulation of Hitler’s troops on the outskirts of the city.


– There are German infantry, tanks.


– Waffen-SS troops crossing the Dnieper River on boats and pontoons.


7. USSR. The area of Polotsk-Vitebsk.


German cavalry on the march.


– They are infantrymen.


– Fragments of the battle near Polotsk.


– The Germans fired at Soviet positions from guns and machine guns.


– Liaison officers pull the line of communication.


– The Germans in the village.


– Explosions.


– Destroyed Soviet battery, the corpses of soldiers.


– Polotsk, engulfed by fire.


– The Germans climb over the remains of the blown-up bridge.


– Burning ruins of buildings.


– Destroyed houses, completely burned-out buildings.


– The Germans are forcing the Daugava.


– The construction of a new bridge.


– German soldiers in the village occupied by them.


– Horses drink water, eat hay.


– German kneads dough in a trough.


– Hunting for a pig.


– Carcass cutting.


– Cooking pork.


– Distribution of the finished dish.


– German troops moving in the direction of Vitebsk.


– Capture of the farm, carried out by a patrol that arrived on the railway.


– Station, destroyed station buildings, steam locomotive circle.


– Broken trains on the tracks.


– Sappers-railway workers restore the tracks.


– Trophy Soviet steam locomotive goes on the road.


USSR. The front near Vitebsk.


The retreat of Soviet troops.


– Destruction of the Bolsheviks of their cities before the retreat.


– Vitebsk, burning buildings, set on fire retreating troops.


USSR. Bolsheviks destroying their cities before retreating.


– Vitebsk.


– Burning buildings set on fire by retreating Bolsheviks.


– Karelia, burning houses.


– The ruins of Kishinev.


USSR. Columns of Soviet prisoners of war.


– German units moving to the East.


– Motorised infantry.


– Tanks.


– The northern section of the eastern front.


– German planes are attacking a cluster of Soviet troops in the huge forests around Lake Peipsi, the bombing of the railway junction.


– German soldiers crossing the “Stalin Line”.


– Fragments of battles.


– Surrendering Soviet soldiers.


– German troops are going east.


– Motorised infantry.


– Destroyed railway line.


– German bombs flying on a Soviet column.




– Under the plane Tartu.


– Destruction in Tartu.


– This city with 900 years of history suffered particularly heavy losses from the terror of the GPU. The ancient cultural monuments of this old German settlement in the east lie in ruins, the dwellings completely destroyed.


– Every day more new victims of the GPU are discovered. The corpses of civilians.


– SS troops on the offensive north of Lake Peipsi.


– Shelling of Soviet fortifications.


– Tanks and motorised infantry can continue the offensive.


– Captured Red Army, their faces in front of the camera - selected Asian types.


– The Germans are on the offensive.


– Some settlements are taken by storm.


– Burning in the night huts, on the streets lying dead.


– The Germans are forcing the water frontier.


Air Force Base.


– German planes are preparing for the first flight to Moscow.


– Summary of the Wehrmacht on 22 July says that the German pilots avenge the Soviets for the Bolshevik attacks on Helsinki and Bucharest.


– German aeroplanes are in the air.


– They are dropping bombs on the Soviet capital.


– Visible from height fires on the banks of the Moscow River remain after the flight of the first machines.


– Explosions.


– A huge fire in the area of the Kremlin.

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