Sunday 22 October 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 570 – 06 August 1941

1. Führer’s visit to the Eastern Front.


Adolf Hitler gets out of the plane, the soldiers are running across the field.


General Keitel meets the Führer.


Fare in the car.


Soldiers greet the Führer.


Adolf Hitler at the headquarters of one of the divisions, discussing with General Leeb the military situation behind the map.


Adolf Hitler leaves the headquarters, cheering crowds of soldiers welcoming the Führer.


The Führer leaves.


2. Recruitment of volunteers to fight Bolshevism.


Young Dutch volunteers, their send-off to the front.


Croatian volunteers.


Croatian Marshal Kvaternik bids farewell to the volunteers.


Solemn send-off at the railway station.


Italians are sent to the Eastern Front, send-off at the railway station.


3. The northern section of the Eastern Front.


The German offensive in the area of the city of Salla.


Artillery bombardment of Soviet positions.


The gun crew in action.


4. Southern section of the Eastern Front, Moldova, Bessarabia.


Romanian troops forcing the Dniester.


Romanian and German officers discuss the military situation.


King Mihai of Romania and General Antonescu at the positions of Romanian troops.


German troops are forcing the Dniester, they cross the river on boats and boats.


German soldiers on the march, they are walking through a cornfield.


Shootout with Soviet troops.


Search of the inhabitants of the occupied settlement.


Captured Red Army, many of them wounded, the wounded are carried by their comrades.


German planes over the city of Balta, a panorama of the destroyed city from the aircraft.


Victims of the GPU, on the ground lie the corpses of those killed.


Arrested Jews, taken by the Germans to a concentration camp.


Column of Jews.


5. In the neighbourhood of Vinnitsa.


The population is repairing roads.


Cars and buses drive on broken roads.


Soldiers pull out of the mud bus.


Hungarian troops on the river Bug.


Hungarians in a populated area.


Fighting for Vinnitsa.


Blown Bolshevik bridges, broken Soviet equipment, the corpses of soldiers, a dead Soviet soldier at the wheel of a broken car.


Germans on the streets of Vinnytsia.


6. The central section of the Eastern Front.


Meeting at the headquarters of the German troops.


Supreme Command of the army.


Preparing for battles on the „Stalin Line“.


German artillery bombardment of Soviet positions.


German aircraft in the air.


German generals watching the battle.


Fighting for Mogilev.


The entry of German troops in burning and destroyed Mogilev, the ruins of buildings.


Infirmary in the premises of the City Party Committee, doctors and wounded in the infirmary.


The Soviet airfield after the German air raid, broken Soviet aircraft.


Military trophies captured by the Germans.


Captured Red Army soldiers.


Column of prisoners.


In the area of Smolensk.


Burning villages.


Broken goods train.


German troops are moving forward. 16 July 1941 the Germans are in Smolensk.


Fragments of street battles.


German soldiers in a firefight.


Soviet Red Army, disguised in civilian clothes, prisoners.


Two women - employees of the GPU.


Jews on the dismantling of ruins.


Jews with stars on their clothes dismantle the rubble, remove rubbish.


Distillery in the premises of the church, the power station in the premises of another church.


The miserable dwellings of labourers.


Rachitic children.


The peaceful population returns to their homes.


Hungarian officer congratulates German soldiers and gives them commemorative badges.


Return of civilians.


Residents in conversation with German soldiers.


Old women and women bless the liberators.


German troops follow forward.


German tanks, tanks in the attack.


German soldiers in battle.


Burning village near Smolensk, burning houses.


German soldiers on the background of the fire.


7. German bombers raid on Moscow.


Pilots in the cockpit.


Planes in the air.


Shoot anti-aircraft guns.


View of night Moscow from the board of a German aircraft.


Flying bombs, explosions against the background of the night sky.


8. Military operations in the area of Lake Peipsi.


Captured by the Germans Soviet railway train with weapons.


Propaganda materials, portraits of leaders.


Restoration of communication lines, laying telephone cable.


Waffen-SS troops in the area of Lake Peipsi, they are in battle.


Infantry guns fired at Soviet positions.


Burning Soviet tanks.


Captured Soviet soldiers.


Battalion RAD and Todt’s organisations behind the restoration of roads and bridges.


The construction of a new road.


German troops on the motorway.


German artillery shelling Soviet positions.


Soviet Red Army surrendered as prisoners.


German troops are going east.


The Germans on holiday.


The funeral of a fallen comrade.


Soldiers in a wooded area.


Punitive operations to clear the forest of partisans, clearing obstacles on the road.


The Germans continue to move forward.


The German artillery firing.


Crossing the river.


Soviet bombers raid on the forward positions of the Germans.


Fragments of aerial combat.


Shot down and burning Soviet aircraft falling to the ground.

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