Monday 12 August 2024

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 579 – 08 October 1941

1. Germany.




– Meeting of Nazis in the Palace of Sports on the occasion of the opening of the campaign „Winter Aid“.


– Speech by Dr. Joseph Goebbels at the meeting on the importance of aid.


– Table from 1933 to 1941, showing the annual growth of the „Winter Aid“.


– The arrival of the Führer at the meeting at the Palais des Sports.


– Adolf Hitler on the way to the Palace of Sports, he is in the presidium of the meeting. panorama of the auditorium.


– Adolf Hitler’s speech, his speech with gratitude to the front and the motherland in the retelling of the announcer.


– Listeners.


– Singing the anthem.


– The meeting is attended by disabled soldiers of the war.


2. USSR. Military operations on Valdai in the Ilmen Lake area.


The army and SS troops on the approaches to the Valdai heights, from where the Volga begins its course.


– German tanks with infantry travelling forward.


– Overcoming water obstacles.


– Even here, between Leningrad and Moscow, the roads are in a completely unusable condition.


– Soldiers are pushing a car stuck in the mud.


– Crossing the Lovy River on a wooden bridge.


– Liaison officer.


– Gunner.


– Infantry and tanks in the attack.


– The invasion of the Germans in the burning Demyansk, one of the key points of communication between Leningrad and Moscow.


– German soldiers are on the mud.


– Forward is the vanguard and communications troops under cover of artillery.


– Occupation of the town, the soldiers are running against the background of burning houses.


– German cavalrymen in battle.


– Accommodation for a German cavalry squadron in the village.


– Horses are brought into the school premises.


– Turning residential houses into stables.


– Wounded horses are treated.


– Horse faces in the window.


– Soldiers feed sugar to the horses.


– Rest in the air force.


– Peeling potatoes, shaving, making potato pancakes.


– Plucking chickens, cooking, distribution of chicken.


– Soldiers eat.


– In the frame: piglets, chickens, calves.


– German pilots in the plane.


– Explosions.


– The shelling of Soviet columns.


3. USSR. Kiev.


Burning city.


– The Bolsheviks have installed explosive devices in some buildings, which were detonated by remote control during the retreat.


– German sappers explode burning buildings to stop the spread of fires.


– Explosions.


– Working neighbourhoods of Kiev, terrible living conditions for workers, slums.


– The capital is liberated from the Bolsheviks.


– Residents are rejoicing, waving fascist flags, in the shop windows are attached portraits of Hitler.


– In Lenin’s museum 3500kg of dynamite was discovered.


– The Germans take out boxes of explosives, examine the contents of the boxes, the explosive device.


– Captured saboteurs: typical Jewish faces.


– German tanks and guns on the streets of Kiev.


– German troops are moving forward.


– Burning Soviet equipment.


4. USSR. Ukraine.


– Soviet military equipment captured by the Germans near Kiev.


– Column of Soviet prisoners, their faces, selected by the type of Asians.


– Prisoners at the assembly point.


5. The Front in the Atlantic Ocean


– U-boat Action in the Battle of the Atlantic.

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