Tuesday 6 August 2024

My Blog „Der Angriff” / Neues Europa!” is back!


My blog was „locked“ by the censorship on 15 January - for more than six months I submitted countless requests for review - and finally my blog was unblocked!


Here is some history of my blog:


On 10.10.2012 I created the first mirror of the blog on Blog.com – it survived for only a few months and was deleted by the censors. For the last WayBackMachine copy of my blog click here.


On 11.11.2012 I created three additional mirrors of the blog – on WordPress, Blogspot, and Tumblr.


At the end of August 2018, the censorship deleted the mirror on Tumblr – without a warning or explanation. For the last WayBackMachine copy of the Tumblr mirror click here.


In June 2019 the censorship deleted the mirror on WordPress – again without a warning or explanation. For the last WayBackMachine copy the WordPress mirror click here.


Now the last remaining mirror of the blog is on Blogspot! Let’s hope that it will continue to exist and educate for many years to come!!


Der Kampf geht weiter! – The Struggle goes on!


Heil Hitler!

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