Thursday 22 August 2024

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 583 – 05 November 1941

1. The coast of the English Channel.


German flying unit.


– German fighter Major Walter Oesau returns from his hundredth combat flight.


– The story of the pilot about his exploits.


– Pilots sit in the cockpit.


– The aircraft takes off into the air.


– Squadron in the air.


– Fragments of air combat with the enemy.


– Falls downed aircraft.


– The remains of the downed aircraft.


– The British pilot descends by parachute.


2. Germany.


Adolf Hitler’s headquarters.


– The Führer’s reception of the Italian Foreign Minister Count Ciano and Italian Ambassador to Germany Dino Alfieri.


– Italian delegation.


– Adolf Hitler and Ciano enter the headquarters, then leave the building.


– German ambassador in Rome.


– Ciano at a reception with German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop.


– Departure of Italian delegation to the Eastern Front to familiarise themselves with the situation.


The Führer takes to heart the problems of equip the soldiers.


– He visits factories where winter equipment for the eastern front.


– Inspection of new samples of military equipment, as well as various household appliances for soldiers: stoves, lanterns, collapsible houses, various means of transport / intended for Hitler’s army on the Eastern front.


3. Finland.


USSR. German and Finnish units in the area between Ladoga and Onega lakes.


– German tanks and infantry in the forest.


– Marshal Mannerheim observes the offensive through binoculars.


– German artillery barrage.


– Finnish women at the front helping the wounded.


– Fighting in the area of Petrozavodsk.


– They are German and Finnish soldiers.


– Tanks on the offensive, close-up of a tank advancing towards the camera.


– Fires in the city.


– Finnish flag on the building.


– Finnish Lieutenant General Erik Heinrichs accepts the parade of Finnish troops in Petrozavodsk.


– Passing Finnish troops.


– German cyclists.


4. USSR. Near Leningrad.


Supply battalions on the way to the front.


– German horse-drawn wagons in the mud.


– On the roadless crawl equipment, go carts.


– They are soldiers on the terrible autumn mud.


– At rest by the fire.


– In the German trenches near Leningrad.


– Shootout with Soviet troops.


– German artillery barrage.


– General of Cavalry, Georg Lindemann on the battery.


– Portuguese officers watching the battle.


5. USSR. The central section of the front.


In the area of Kaluga-Bryansk.


– German troops are advancing on Kaluga.


– German infantry in battle.


– Captured Soviet soldiers.


Burning Soviet village.


– Collapsing house.


– Soviet prisoners.


– Defectors.


– The passage of the camera on the faces of prisoners.


– A pig caught by the Germans.


– Burning Soviet equipment.


– German machinery moving on the road.


– Fighting on the outskirts of Kaluga.


– German artillery barrage.


– Infantry enters the city.


In Kaluga.


– The remains of Soviet equipment.


– German soldiers search private homes.


– The Germans at a cathedral.


– They go past the shopping rows.


– Station Kaluga.


– Broken and burning trains.


– Destroyed carriages.


– Column of prisoners are led through the streets of Kaluga.


– View of an endless column.


– German tanks in the area of Borodino.


– German artillery barrage.


– Explosions.


– The shelling of Soviet positions.


– Scheme of fighting on both sides of the highway leading to Moscow.


– View of defeated Soviet positions.



6. USSR. Defeat of the Soviet defence line.


A huge anti-tank ditch.


– Destroyed bunkers along the defence line, trenches, trenches.


– The corpses of Soviet soldiers.


– Destroyed Soviet anti-aircraft battery.


– Sending the wounded to the infirmary, loading them on wagons.


7. USSR. South-Eastern section of the front.


The area of Kharkov-Stalino.


– German troops go forward, galloping cavalrymen.


– A soldier on a camel.


– German aircraft in the air.


– View from the aircraft on the advancing German units (from a low point ).


– Fuel refuelling base. ‘Stukas’ flies out to bomb Soviet columns.


– Explosions of fortifications near Kharkov.


– A huge explosion raises an earth cloud in the air. 24 October - the storming of Kharkov. a panorama of the city from afar.


– On the field lie the corpses of Soviet soldiers.


– Fragments of street fighting in the city, the Germans in the streets.


– German tank shooting, machine gunners.


– German infantry in the city.


– Tram route number 6 stands on the rails.


– Broken railway station.


– View of the streets of the city, the central square.


– German flag on the bell tower.


– Trophies captured by the Germans: heavy and light weapons.


– German tanks go forward.


– Guns, aircraft, motorcyclists, cyclists.


– Unstoppable avalanche rolls forward.


– View from the aircraft on the endless moving forward German columns.

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