Thursday, 30 August 2018
Monday, 27 August 2018
Friday, 24 August 2018
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 666 – 09 June 1943
- Hitler Youth Volunteer for Waffen-SS;
Monday, 20 August 2018
The National-Socialist Welfare Organisation and The Winter Help Scheme
Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation
Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation
now done in Germany is prompted by the conviction that our nation will only be
able to assure its future existence if we succeed in maintaining the National
Socialist regime. National Socialism is not a temporary political expedient,
but rather a political creed based upon the recognition of our people's vital
necessities. If it is to remain a living force, it must be continually renewed
and must be continually applied to the facts of real life. It demands of every
individual German that he should be conscious of his responsibilities.
Individuals, however, as well as nations, can only possess that consciousness
on condition that they are strong.
All the manifestations of
our public life - such as our agricultural, industrial, financial, cultural,
military and foreign policy - have for their object to guide the activities of
every German along healthy lines. The task of creating the educational,
hygienic and social foundations for these activities is entrusted to a number
of organisations working in co-operation with one another, e.g., the Hitler
Youth, the National Labour Service, the National Socialist Women's League, and
the National Socialist Welfare Organisation.
The special task entrusted
to the National Socialist Welfare Organisation differs essentially from that
entrusted to the others inasmuch as it is its business to step in wherever the
measures adopted by them prove insufficient to attain the desired ends.
In order to carry out so
comprehensive a task, a complete break had to be made with the methods and
principles formerly applied to public welfare. Prior to 1933, when a purely
materialist view was taken of such welfare work, it was considered sufficient
to "dole out" some relief to each individual requiring it, and that relief
consisted-for the most part-in money. This view was erroneous. The assistance,
for instance, thus given to a habitual drunkard was just as much misplaced as
that given to a person suffering from some illness if it was merely enough to
provide a temporary-instead of a permanent-cure. On the other hand, the relief
granted to persons morally and physically sound was bound to fail in its object
altogether when the recipients found themselves faced with distress due to
circumstances entirely beyond their control, e.g., in such "special"
areas as the Rhön, the Lower Bavaria, and the Eifel district. Distress of that
kind could and can only be combated by concerted action on the part of the
whole nation. It soon became clear that there is a mutual relationship between
the assistance given to single individuals and that given to a whole section of
the people. A strong sense of solidarity strengthens the individual and his
family, whilst a strong and healthy family always enriches the nation. A really
effective scheme of public welfare work must be based upon the active
collaboration of all Germans and must exercise a permanent influence upon the
Nation. Uncoordinated measures on the part of the State can never be effective.
For these reasons, the
carrying-out of the welfare work here described was entrusted by the Führer to
the Winter Help Organisation and to the National Socialist Welfare
Organisation, and not to the Government relief offices. The principles
underlying their work are as follows:
1. The
hygienic standards of the nation must be raised, so that the latter will be
able to effect even greater achievements than hitherto.
2. The
spirit of national solidarity must be fostered.
3. The
physical and moral health of individuals must be improved to such an extent that
they will be capable of holding their own in the struggle of life.
The ultimate aim of all
this educational work must be to strengthen the sense of national solidarity.
The instrument that enables
us to make the most comprehensive appeal to the spirit of national solidarity
is the Winter Help Scheme, which - for that reason - is a matter especially
dear to our hearts. There was, to be sure, a winter relief scheme prior to
1933; but the sum of fifteen or twenty million reichsmarks which the Government
placed at its disposal each year (and which was diverted to that end from the
revenue) was hopelessly inadequate to satisfy the material needs of the seven
million unemployed. The National Socialist Winter Help Schemes of 1933-4,
1934-5, 1935-6 and 1936-7 have been carried through, at the express desire of
the Führer, by the people and not by the State. Every German capable of earning
an income in some way, the business man as well as the worker, the professional
man as well as the mercantile employee, contributes a certain percentage of his
earnings to the scheme. Street collections are made once a month, especially,
however, on the day of national solidarity, when the most prominent members of
the Government and the party, the leading representatives of science and the
arts, the heads of the business community, and many others, parade the streets
with their collecting boxes. During the winter, every German family is content
once a month to have a plain "one course" dinner, the money thus
saved being applied to the scheme. Innumerable presents comprising foodstuffs,
clothing and money - most of them contributed by anonymous donors - testify to
the readiness of all to sacrifice some of their own comforts and to improve the
lot of those of their fellow-countrymen who are less fortunately placed than
they. The finest reward they receive for their sacrifices consists in the
feeling that they have rendered direct assistance to a scheme of nation-wide
The administration of the
Winter Help Scheme is vested in the hands of the Head of the National Socialist
Welfare Organisation. About 1,200,000 voluntary helpers assist him in his task
by collecting and distributing the contributions. The gifts consist of food,
clothing and fuel. They are distributed among all who are in need of them,
including foreign residents provided that they have shown, by their personal
attitude towards our country, that they are worthy of assistance. Jewish
residents benefit in the same proportion as all other recipients, a separate
organisation - subject to the general supervision of the Head of the National
Socialist Welfare Organisation - having
been created to look after their interests.
Thanks to the scheme, it
has become possible to add from 15 to 20 per cent. to the income of the
families requiring assistance. When we learn that some 1,500,000,000
reichsmarks have been collected by the Winter Help Organisation during the four
winters that have passed since it was founded, we can appreciate the extent to
which consolidated action has helped to increase the standard of living of the
necessitous sections of the population and we can realise the success achieved
by the work of fostering the spirit of solidarity.
The Winter Help Scheme is,
of course, a seasonal measure. A similar concentration of efforts on an
all-the-year-round basis is utilised, however, to combat the distress to which
certain "special areas" are subject. This work is done by the National
Socialist Welfare Organisation, which was made solely competent-by a decree of
the Führer issued May 3rd, 1933 - to deal with such matters. The National
Socialist Welfare Organisation succeeded within a very short time in convincing
by far the greater part of the nation that its ideas and methods are right.
Having a membership of 8,000,000 including 1,200,000 voluntary helpers, it is
the world's largest organisation of its kind. A good many of its officials and
many helpers act in an honorary capacity. Their endeavours have made it
possible to discover every family that may be in need of aid, so that there is
literally no case of distress that remains unattended to or unrelieved.
Everything is done to give effect to the comprehensive measures considered
necessary to improve the hygienic, the moral and (as a corollary) the economic
standards of the population of the "special areas," where the
mal-administration during past centuries has given rise to a wholesale and
lasting physical and ethical deterioration. The people living there, on a poor
soil and in unhealthy houses badly in need of repair, had lost all hope of ever
being able to lead a decent life. The rate of infant mortality was much higher
in these parts than the national average, the hygienic conditions were very
unsatisfactory, and the vitality of children as well as adults was only a
fraction of what it should be. Comprehensive measures have now been taken to
eliminate these drawbacks. A great deal of painstaking work is now being done
by the population and the Labour Service to re-afforest bare patches and to
cultivate the waste land. The water supply is being improved, so that the
economic value of the soil is increased and great risks to the health of the
inhabitants are removed. The National Socialist Welfare Organisation provides a
considerable part of the funds thus required, as well as working clothes and
ample supplies of food for all those engaged in this useful work.
It is the hygienic domain,
however, to which the National Socialist Welfare Organisation devotes most of
its energies. It has caused all the infant children in the Reich up to the age
of 2 to be medically examined and has not only given advice to parents (in
accordance with the results of the examination) as to the correct food and
education of their children, but has also supplemented the food provided by the
parents themselves, all this being done free of charge. Through its affiliated
organisations it has enabled the mothers and children most in need of it to
spend a holiday in other parts of the country. It has established numerous
kindergartens for those older children whose parents are at work in the
daytime, and their number is being constantly added to. As there is a lack of
medical facilities throughout the district, the National Socialist Welfare
Organisation has covered it with a network of stations for nurses who can point
out to parents, in the course of their periodical visits, the ailments to which
their children are subject and the remedies to be applied. Dental disorders are
still frequent everywhere. They are being combated by means of appropriate food
preparations and by dental surgeons in travelling dental clinics.
Health Stations will be
established by the National Socialist Welfare Organisation for infants and
their mothers, more stations for municipal nurses will be established, and so
on. Special areas will be accorded special preference in connection with the
numerous labour promoting measures introduced by the Winter Help Organisation.
One other example may be
given of the methods employed by the National Socialist Welfare Organisation to
improve hygienic conditions and to give practical effect to the spirit of
national solidarity. In the district of Schleiden (Eifel, Rhineland) the
barrenness of the soil and the lack of opportunities for earning adequate wages
had for result that the housing accommodation of the inhabitants was far below
National Socialist standards. The sufferings of centuries had deprived these
people of all their vitality, but at the suggestion of the Public Works
Organisation they created a self-help organisation for the purpose of remedying
the existing defects. Everyone contributed his share to the work of providing
better houses. The necessary materials were supplied free of charge by the
National Socialist Welfare Organisation. Bricklayers, carpenters and others who
had been given relief during the time of their unemployment, now showed their
gratitude by building the walls, the roofs and the doors of the new houses; and
people of all classes and of all ranks and professions were only too glad to
render whatever assistance they could. Thus the district - formerly a picture
of depression and neglect - has now been improved out of all knowledge; and no
trace of their erstwhile dejection can be noticed in the inhabitants.
The educational and relief
work described above - which concerns itself with the nation as a whole - finds
its counterpart in the work done in individual cases. There, too, the economic
assistance given only serves the purpose of promoting hygienic and educational
We refuse to alleviate
distress by doling out alms, not only because that kind of help fails to
achieve its object in any case, but also because it destroys the recipient's
sense of responsibility and makes him unfit for self-help. The Führer once
said: "If you want to live, you must fight for it; and if you refuse to do
so in this world of ceaseless fighting, you do not deserve to live."
We all know that life is
one long fight; but we also know that such fighting is of benefit to the
fighter, because it increases his inherent strength. Thus, the educational aim
of our welfare work is to train the individual for that struggle of life. The
ethical principle on which our activities are based is: "We are intended
to be active fighters, and not passive sufferers." Only those persons who
realise that they must shape their own destinies and who are able and willing
to rely on self-help are the objects of our endeavours. To render the
individual fit for self-help, we must strengthen the family and the community
spirit that animates it. The family, and not the individual, is the
fountain-head of the nation's strength. The family is the carrier of the
characteristics bequeathed from one generation to another and is the source
from which each of its members continually derives additional strength. A
strong family is better able to render assistance to its members that may
require it than any public relief organisation. Two conditions must be complied
with to make the family strong: first, the parents must be enabled to resume
those duties towards the family which they tended to neglect during the time of
economic distress and during the vogue of woman's emancipation; and second, the
family must be made fully efficient again in the hygienic and educational
The National Socialist
Welfare Organisation has therefore created several great relief schemes. One of
them is called "Mother and Child," whilst the others are intended to
provide free board and lodging in deserving cases, to enable town children to
be sent to the country, to give assistance to young people, and to fight
The "Mother and
Child" scheme naturally occupies a central position in these endeavours,
as the whole life of the family gravitates towards the mother. She looks after
the education of all its members, provides their food and regulates the
domestic routine. The connection between the National Socialist Welfare
Organisation and the "Mother and Child" scheme is effected in such a
manner that each local group of the former has affiliated to it a relief
station which is in charge of a woman and which is required to deal with all
applications and to give ethical and practical advice to mothers. By far the
largest part of this work is done on a voluntary basis, about 24,000 relief and
advisory stations being run by more than 100,000 helpers in an honorary
The three objects which the
organisation endeavours to achieve are:
1. To
co-operate in the fight against economic distress and its moral and hygienic
2. To
promote the health of mothers and their children.
3. To
promote, more especially, the health of children prior to school-age.
The economic relief work
includes such material assistance as the gift of clothing, household utensils,
baby outfit, etc. Moreover, care is taken to ensure that the mother need not
supplement the family income by doing outside work and that the opportunities
for such work are made available to unemployed married men, more particularly
those who have to support large families. In suitable instances, funds are
provided by the National Socialist Welfare Organisation to finance part of the
expenditure incurred in the building of homesteads, to enable families with a
large number of children to obtain dwelling accommodation that is hygienically
suitable, etc. In addition, the Minister of Justice has authorised the National
Socialist Welfare Organisation to act as a mediator in all disputes between
landlords and tenants so that these may be settled out of court. The success
achieved is so great that about 90 per cent. of the disputes concerned can now
be settled that way.
The hygienic assistance
given under the scheme is equally comprehensive. During the first two years of
its operation not less than 106,016 mothers were sent to special recuperation
homes where they were able to spend from five to six weeks in each case. The
corresponding number last year was just under 70,000. Medical attendance is
also given them when there, as well as advice on physical culture and on food
problems; and our observations have shown that this arrangement has proved
highly beneficial. If, for one reason or another, it is impracticable to
arrange for such accommodation in a recuperation home, it is generally possible
to enable the women concerned to spend about five days a week in the fine
gardens and parks of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation and to supply
them with good food, whilst sending the children to some kindergarten. During
the mother's absence from her home, her domestic duties are performed by some
member of the Women's Voluntary Labour Service unless some friend or relative
is available for that purpose. Expectant mothers and those recently confined
are given especially nourishing food, and they are also advised on matters of
hygiene and the upbringing of children. Preparatory knowledge of this kind is
systematically supplied by the Reich Mothers' Service Organisation attached to
the National Socialist German Women's Welfare Association, this being
additional to the advice given by the relief stations of the "Mother and
Child" organisation.
The measures taken on
behalf of young people also serve the purpose of assuring the future welfare of
the family. Whereas the" Mother and Child" organisation is a direct
product of the National Socialist State, the scheme under which children are
sent to holiday homes originated during the terrible years of the War when,
owing to the blockade there was not sufficient food for the town children.
Notwithstanding the beneficial results then attained the scheme quickly
decreased in importance and its scope declined, because it was found impossible
properly to finance it. Besides, the party dissensions so prominent in the
post-war era had largely destroyed the feeling for mutual assistance and mutual
The National Socialist
Welfare organisation has introduced a new method in connection with these
matters. Only those children who are urgently in need of assistance are
actually sent to holiday homes, whilst the others are provided with suitable
accommodation in farms or with people resident in small country towns, where
they are given good food for a number of weeks and where they can recover their
impaired health in open-air surroundings. The National Socialist Welfare
Organisation selects the most suitable accommodation in each case, pays the
travelling expenses, and attends to insurance matters. The board and lodging is
provided free of charge by the farmers or other householders who act as the
children's hosts.
In this manner, it has
become possible to send 1,793,354 children to country places during the four
years that have passed since the foundation of the National Socialist Welfare
Organisation. To us, the work thus done for the children is much more than a
hygienic measure. We believe that it will enable the children and their hosts
in the various parts of our country to arrive at a better mutual understanding
of their provincial or regional differences and that it will help to bridge the
gulf between the towns and the country. Children who have grown up in an
atmosphere of town life learn to appreciate the amenities of Nature and to love
their beautiful country and are thus filled with a desire to extend that
knowledge in subsequent years.
Another aspect of our
juvenile welfare work is the educational one. In this respect, too, we have
benefited from the unsatisfactory experience made in the past; and here, too,
we are guided by the principle that prevention is better than cure.
In former years, the public
authorities competent to supervise the training of those young persons who were
exposed to dangerous social influences or difficult to educate did not commence
their activities until it was too late; and the only remedy then available to
them was to prescribe institutional treatment for the boy or girl concerned.
The most effective method
by which we can assist in the upbringing and training of children is that
afforded by means of kindergartens. There is no intention of relieving mothers
of their duty to care for their children, because, after all, the proper place
for the latter is their parental home. But there are cases in which the parents
are unable, either because of their work or their inexperience, to carry out
that duty themselves. The National Socialist Welfare Organisation has therefore
established seasonal kindergartens in which the young children of peasants and
farm labourers can be looked after during the harvesting season by trained
helpers, as well as a number of permanent kindergartens. There are at present
2,360 of the latter kind, and the children sent to them are looked after by
qualified kindergarten teachers. Most of them will be found in the industrial
districts and in the distressed areas. As we have great faith in the benefits
secured by them, we intend to increase their number considerably. Whilst there,
the young children are not only protected against all sorts of moral dangers,
but also learn to regard themselves as members of a community. Thus the
foundations are laid for making these children good citizens.
The practice adopted by the
National Socialist Welfare Organisation of removing social and hygienic defects
rather than giving temporary relief of a haphazard kind can be studied with
particular advantage when we consider its two schemes exceeding the juvenile
sphere, viz., that of providing facilities of recreation for men and women in
need of it and its tuberculosis relief scheme. Under the former, necessitous
applicants are provided with free board and lodging along lines similar to
those applicable to the corresponding scheme for children. Whenever the ailment
is of such a kind that a stay in one of the country's health resorts or spas
may be expected to be really effective, the persons concerned are sent to one
of those places for a cure. The other scheme named has had for effect that
there is practically no case any longer in which lack of funds makes it
impossible for patients suffering from tuberculosis to obtain the right kind of
Apart from the
above-described schemes, the National Socialist Welfare Organisation is
carrying out innumerable activities of importance to which no exhaustive
reference can be made in this place. Thus, for example, it has distributed so
far not less than 897,000 beds free of charge; it is constantly engaged in
giving advice on matters of welfare legislation and on any problems that may
arise; it co-operates in the fight against infectious diseases, in the
financing of homesteads and in remedying the destruction wrought by natural
catastrophes, not only through the personal efforts of its helpers, but also by
the supply of the necessary funds. When the educational and hygienic tasks have
been successfully accomplished, it takes pride in granting such economic relief
as will enable the beneficiary to stand on his feet again and to take proper
care of the members of his family. In short, it is impossible to express in
words the full extent to which the National Socialist Welfare Organisation has
rendered and is still rendering prompt and practical assistance wherever it is
wanted; but some idea of the magnitude of its work may be obtained when we
learn that it spent about 81,700,000 reichsmarks on its various social
improvement schemes in 1936 alone.
In this manner we add to
the strength and health of the nation and prepare the ground for our further
activities, that is to say those that deal with the health of the family.
Roughly speaking, we may say that the guiding principles that have moulded and
will always continue to mould our destinies are: a readiness to make sacrifices
for the benefit of the nation; a belief in the pre-eminence of the family; a
sense of honour; a knowledge of our responsibilities, and a determination to
hold what we have. We have faith in the ancient saying that a sound mind and a
healthy body are mutually inter-dependent.
Our work, therefore, not
only teaches our nation the importance of health, both morally and physically,
but also enables every individual to obtain a proper idea of his
responsibilities towards the nation and towards his family. By developing all
our intrinsic abilities we make up for our country's lack of valuable raw
materials and for our inferior degree of economic and political power as
compared with other countries. The more we contribute towards the establishment
of fundamentally healthy conditions at home, the stronger and healthier will be
the influence exercised by all our national manifestations, be it in the realms
of economy or science, in our domestic and our foreign policy. We are proud of
the assistance we can give towards the realisation of the high aim once defined
by the Führer when he said: "The question of the national progress of a
people is largely a question of creating a healthy social atmosphere, that will
make it possible to provide each individual with the right kind of
The Results of the 1936-7 Winter Help
Year after year the
response of the German people to the appeal made to them on behalf of their
suffering compatriots has gained in strength, and the figures showing the
results of the 1936-7 Winter Relief Campaign are no exception to the rule. More
than 400,000,000 reichsmarks were subscribed and collected - about 50,000,000
reichsmarks more than previously. The nation has thus proved the extent to
which it is capable of giving practical effect to the principles of charity.
The report on these
activities was submitted to Herr Hitler by Dr. Goebbels at the end of April
1937. The number of persons in need of relief has undergone a regular decrease
in successive years, that decrease corresponding to the economic progress made
by the country. The figures have been as follows: 1933-4, 16,600,000; 1934-5,
14,000,000; 1935-6, 13,000,000, and 1936-7, 10,700,000. These persons had to be
assisted under the Winter Help Scheme in supplementation of the welfare work
done by the State and the municipalities.
People abroad have often
wondered what is the object of all these" collections." Well, their
main purpose is to make it abundantly clear to everyone that he must at all
times be conscious of his duties towards his fellow-men and women and that he
must act accordingly. It is not sufficient that the well-to-do classes should
contribute fairly large amounts towards the relief of suffering and distress.
Every wage-earner - no matter whether he or she is a manual worker or a
brainworker - voluntarily contributes towards it, however modest the amount may
be. As a rule, the street collections take place once a month during the winter
months. People are then asked to buy badges at 20 pfennigs each. In the winter
of 1936-7 the value of the collections was as much as 38,000,000
reichsmarks-twice as much as in 1935-6. The German people regard these
collections as a firmly established institution, and gladly respond to the
appeal for their co-operation.
The number of badges sold
last winter was 131,500,000, which is 100,000,000 more than it was when the
Winter Help Scheme was first introduced. The work of manufacturing them
provided in itself considerable relief to the industrial workers in many a
distressed area.
The maximum amount
collected in one single day was 5,600,000 reichsmarks. That result was achieved
on the Day of National Solidarity, when all those who occupy a prominent position
in the State or in the party appealed to their compatriots by taking an active
part in the street-collecting work.
In addition to the street
collections, large sums were obtained in the form of voluntary deductions from
salaries and wages; and indeed, the money thus contributed represented the
major part of the scheme's income. The figure for 1936-7 was 162,000,000
reichsmarks, compared with 138,000,000 reichsmarks in 1935-6. These
contributions are truly in the nature of sacrifices on the part of those from
whom they originate. In acting as they do, they receive their inspiration from
the words of the Führer, who said that a sacrifice must really be a sacrifice.
Great credit is also due to
the street collectors and other voluntary helpers, who spent many a cold and
rainy day in collecting. They, too, realise that their action helps to bring
relief to those of their countrymen and women who need it most. The guiding
idea is that no one living in Germany should suffer from hunger or cold or inadequate
dwelling conditions, least of all in winter. Everybody is conscious of the
duties he has towards those less fortunate than himself. It is essential that
everybody should be anxious to help those who render assistance to others. The
work done under the Winter Help Scheme is probably the greatest-and certainly
the most comprehensive-charitable action ever accomplished by one single
organisation. Its scope is not confined to German nationals, but extends to
necessitous foreign residents as well. The number of foreigners assisted in
1935-6 was about 89,000.
In thanking all those who
had collaborated in the splendid work, Herr Hitler has repeatedly emphasised
that the Winter Help Scheme is of particular value inasmuch as it helps to
train the German people along the lines of social and national consolidation.
Friday, 17 August 2018
Social Policy in the New Germany
Leader of the National Labour Front
Leader of the National Labour Front
great importance of social policy to the working population of Germany cannot
be properly appreciated without some knowledge of the changes that have come
over the country's economic structure during the last fifty years or so. In the
'eighties of the past century, that structure was relatively balanced; but
since then the process of industrialisation has made enormous headway. Large
parts of the population are now concentrated in the big towns and in the
industrial districts, whilst - on the other hand - extensive agricultural
regions are but sparsely populated.
The percentage of persons
engaged in agricultural pursuits went down from 42 in 1882 to 21 in 1933.
During the same period, the percentage of persons employed in industry,
including handicrafts, rose from 36.9 to 38.8, and that of persons engaged in
commerce and traffic, from 9.6 to 16.9. In 1882, about 14,700,000 persons were
absorbed by industry, as compared with some 25,300,000 in 1933. The number of
persons engaged in commerce and traffic rose from 3,800,000 in 1882 to
10,400,000 in 1925 and to about 11,000,000 in 1933, nearly three times as much
as in 1882. This great structural transformation was accompanied by internal
migration on a considerable scale, with the result that, for instance, the
density of the population in such industrial areas as the State of Saxony and
the Prussian provinces of the Rhineland and Westphalia is now 346.8, 318.3 and
249.3 per square kilometre respectively, whilst it is as low as 38 and 43
respectively in such agricultural areas as Mecklenburg-Strelitz and Grenzmark
Posen- Westpreussen.
Another factor that has
materially affected the position is the increased concentration in industry,
commerce and traffic. Whilst the percentage of persons operating a business of
their own decreased from 46 to 19 during the past fifty years, that of workers
and other kinds of employees increased from 55 to 76. The workers soon discovered
that, as individuals, they were unable to obtain a proper share in fixing the
conditions of labour, and therefore created their own organisations - an
example followed shortly afterwards by the employers. Under the influence of
the "class" principle, these organisations gradually developed into
mutually antagonistic forces; and in many instances, they regarded it as their
principal task to fight one another. It is quite true that the Government,
especially after the close of the War, became conscious of its duty to
intervene in all serious labour disputes; but it continued to adhere to the
Liberalistic dogma that the conditions of labour must be fixed - generally
speaking - by the interested parties themselves. However, neither the
organisations of the workers nor those of the employers proved capable of
accomplishing this task in a satisfactory manner, so that strikes and lock outs
followed upon one another in rapid succession. The social tension thus
resulting was bound to develop into a grave internal crisis at some moment or
Germany found herself in
the midst of such a crisis when Herr Hitler took over the Government of the
country. Labour disputes had become a chronic feature. The Government's
arbitration boards were either too weak or too much under the influence of the
politicians to bring order into the growing chaos. The trades unions that were
swayed by Marxist teaching did not want social peace. They calculated that
their chances of acquiring political power would improve with the growing
dissatisfaction of the workers.
One of the first
necessities with which the Hitler Government found itself faced was that of
dissolving the organisations that kept alive the antagonism between employers
and employees. They were replaced by the German Labour Front - a body
comprising employers as well as employees. At the same time, preparations were
made for the creation of an entirely new system of social order based on the
following National Socialist principles: the solidarity of all persons working
for their living; the idea of leadership; the recognition of the factory, etc.,
as a bond of union, and the ethical conceptions of honour and loyalty. All this
preliminary work crystallised in the passing of the Act governing the
regulation of national labour (January 20th, 1934).
That Act has been correctly
described as the Magna Charta of Germany's social policy. The National
Socialist principle of the solidarity of all persons working for their living
finds its chief expression in its application to the individual works or
factories. They are the nuclei of all social and economic life. The object
aimed at is clearly set forth in Article 1 of the Act, according to which
employers and employees are required "to collaborate with one another in
order to promote the objects for which the undertaking has been founded and for
the common benefit of the people and the State." The same principle of
solidarity is given expression in Article 2, where it says that the employer -
described as the "leader" of the undertaking - is required to promote
the welfare of the employees, whilst the latter are asked to show that spirit
of loyalty towards the employer which is founded upon their joint interest in
the undertaking.
On the basis of this mutual
loyalty it became then possible to extend the National Socialist principle of
leadership to the economic and social sphere, more particularly so because the
employees are protected from any misuse of the powers thus conferred upon the
employer by the Government-appointed trustees of labour. These latter are the
Government's representatives in the domain of labour. Their principal task is
to preserve social and economic peace. They have to supervise the confidential
councils (see below) and to settle any disputes that may arise. If it is found
impossible to elect the members of the confidential councils in the ordinary
way, the trustee of labour may make use of his power to appoint them himself.
Such members as prove unsuitable for their task, either because of incapacity
or on personal grounds, can be removed from the councils at his behest. He is
entitled - either at the request of the confidential council or at his own
initiative - to modify the works' regulations or to draw up such regulations
himself and to issue them with binding force if, contrary to the provisions of
the law, no regulations have been drawn up by those required to do so or if the
existing regulations fail to comply with the legal requirements. He is
empowered in certain cases to issue wages regulations (to take the place of the
wages agreements customary until 1933), and the works regulations have then to
be adjusted to them. He is also authorised to issue guiding lines governing
individual employment agreements, to which the works leader is required to
adhere. Finally, he acts as prosecutor in connection with cases brought before
the courts of social honour, and has to be consulted before any works are shut
down and before any large numbers of workers are given notice. In special instances,
additional functions can be transferred to him by the Minister of Labour or the
Minister of National Economy. The trustee can only carry out his numerous tasks
on condition that he maintains close contact with all those who are engaged in
economic pursuits. The law has therefore empowered him to make use of experts
who are specially sworn in and who have to promise" that they will
exercise their functions to the best of their ability and knowledge, that they
will not unduly promote the interests of any one party, and that they will
devote themselves exclusively to the welfare of the community."
Another instrument of which
the trustees make use in the interests of the maintenance of social peace is
the so-called confidential council already referred to. Confidential councils
have to be set up in all works where more than twenty persons are employed. The
members are elected by the employees. It is their special duty "to deepen
the confidence that must exist in the works community." The chief
difference between them and the works councils created under the provisions of
the Act of 1920 is that they are intended to remove the antagonism between
employers and employees consciously fostered by the Act just referred to, in
which it was provided that the works councils had "to represent the
special interests of the employees as opposed to those of the employers."
Thus, the representative body of the employees is no longer an organ of class
warfare, but one serving the interests of the community. Seeing that all
members of the confidential councils must belong to the German Labour Front, it
is evident that a close connection exists between the two organisations.
Although the new Act
explicitly states that each undertaking has to settle its own affairs itself, it
does not follow that there is a complete absence of regulations applicable to
all of them in a general way. Thus, for instance, the wages regulations issued
by the trustees of labour are of a compulsory character. Since May 1st, 1934,
some 2,100 sets of such regulations have been issued - a circumstance which
proves that the National Socialist Government is well aware of the dangers that
might result from too individual a system of labour conditions during the
period of transition.
It is in conformity with
the spirit pervading Germany's new social legislation that additional
protection is now accorded to employees against unjust dismissals. Every
employee who has been connected with an undertaking for not less than one year
is entitled to appeal to the Labour Courts if, in his opinion, the notice of
dismissal sent to him is unjust and is not prompted by the necessities of the
If the court orders the
employer to withdraw the notice and if he refuses to do so, he is required to
pay compensation to the employee concerned. Normally, the sum thus payable must
not exceed one-half of the income earned by the employee during the year
immediately preceding his dismissal. If, however, "it is obvious that the
dismissal is due to the high-handed action of the employer, that the reasons
given for it are of a trivial nature, or that the power vested in the employer
has been grossly abused," the court may order the employer to pay
compensation equal to the amount earned by the employee during the whole year.
Whenever it is intended to dismiss a large number of employees, the trustees of
labour are entitled to postpone the date at which the notices become effective
by a period up to two months.
It follows from the
foregoing brief outline of Germany's new labour legislation that there can be
no question of "the creation of a new kind of white slavery," as had
been asserted by hostile critics abroad during the first few years after Herr
Hitler's assumption of government. The truth, indeed, is that the liberty
promised to the German workers by the preceding regimes but never really
granted has now become a reality. The worker has been made a partner of the
works community on a footing of equality. He has received increased protection
from dismissal, and his social honour is safeguarded by a special code which
has no equal anywhere. The stigma of proletarianism has been removed from him.
It is self-evident, of course, that there can be no fruitful collaboration
between the employer and his employees unless all are animated by the National
Socialist spirit of solidarity. To cultivate that spirit, is the special task
allotted to the German Labour Front. The tribunals of social honour see to it
that decency, comradeship and loyalty are more than mere words when applied to
the private intercourse between all members of the works. Anyone whose actions
conflict with the essence of the spirit of solidarity or with the duties
incumbent upon him as part of the works community, has to face severe penalties,
such as his removal from the undertaking at which he was employed or his
disqualification for the office of a works' leader or for membership of the
confidential council, all of which are equivalent to his elimination from the
social sphere. Such penalties have already been inflicted in a number of
instances and have been given full publicity.
The legal foundation upon
which the German Labour Front rests is a decree issued by Herr Hitler under
date of October 24th, 1934. In Article 2 it is stated that the establishment of
nation-wide solidarity of all persons engaged in economic activities is to be
its chief purpose. In other words, the German Labour Front (G.L.F) is required
to make the conviction prevail in all undertakings that - in the economic as
well as in the political sphere - success depends upon the closest possible
collaboration of all. Another object for which it has been founded is to
maintain industrial peace, and to do so in co-operation with the trustees of
labour. In order to achieve this object, the works' leaders must have a
profound understanding of the just demands of the employees and vice versa. To
this end, a special agreement was concluded in March, 1935, between Dr.
Schacht, the Minister of National Economy, and Dr. Ley, the head of the G.L.F.,
for the creation of social self administering bodies, viz., the local labour
committees, the regional councils of labour and economy, the National Council
of Labour, and the National Economic Council. Their function is to attend to
economic and social questions transcending the scope of the individual
undertakings and to give due prominence to the spirit of solidarity in solving
The G.L.F. is organised in
a twofold way-first, in conformity with the organisation of the National
Socialist party, and second, in conformity with that of the country's national
economy. On the occasion of the Nuremberg party rally (September 1936), Dr. Ley
gave a detailed account of the practical work already done by the G.L.F. He
showed that, among other matters, some 38,000 homesteads had already been
created by that organisation, whilst an additional 65,000 were in course of
erection and an additional 80,000 were contemplated. Not less than 234,000,000
reichsmarks was paid by way of benefits in the course of three years; and
2,500,000 persons attended the educational courses that were held in more than
400 training centres. More than 1,000,000 youths and young girls have so far
taken part in the national vocational contests.
Special mention should be
made of a sub-organisation of the G.L.F.-styled "Strength through
Joy"-which is mainly concerned with holiday and leisure-time arrangements.
Thanks to this branch of the G.L.F., Germany's social policy has been extended
to the cultural sphere.
The great popularity of the
arrangements made by the " Strength through Joy" organisation is
proved by the large number of participants in them. The section for travelling
and hiking is perhaps the most popular one, its membership having trebled in the
course of the past three years. Its pleasure cruises to foreign countries have
attracted great attention, both at home and abroad. They have enabled German
workers to visit Norway, Finland, Great Britain, Lisbon, Madeira, the Azores
and the Baltic countries; and even though personal contact with the inhabitants
of those parts has necessarily been but brief and cursory, it has been
sufficiently effective in showing up the preposterousness of many an
anti¬German prejudice.
Equally valuable results
have been attained by the tours within Germany. Whatever regional antagonisms
may still have divided Germans, they have been dispelled by numerous
opportunities thus afforded for obtaining a better knowledge of one another.
Ethically and morally too, division into North and South has vanished. In 1934,
the number of persons taking part in these travelling and hiking arrangements
amounted to some 2,000,000; but by the end of 1936, it had gone up to more than
6,000,000, whilst several more millions will be added during the current year.
The ultimate object is to enable 14,000,000 persons of small means to benefit
from these arrangements every year. The cost is so low that 16 reichsmarks will
pay for one week's seaside holiday this year.
Other sections of the"
Strength through Joy" organisation deal with sporting, artistic and
educational matters, all of which tend to promote the spirit of national
solidarity. On the occasion of the third annual meeting (November 27th, 1936),
the management was in the proud position to announce that 52,700,000 persons
had attended the 142,000 entertainments organised by the entertainment section
during the preceding couple of years. During the first eleven months of 1936,
the number of persons attending the stage performances of the theatres
co-operating with the organisation amounted to 4,850,000.
Nearly 17,000,000 persons
attended the variety entertainments arranged for the evening hours. Millions of
German citizens have thus been enabled to derive pleasure and enjoyment on a scale
which would have been unattainable by them without the aid of the organisation.
Foreign critics have often pointed out the relatively low level of the wages
paid in Germany and have commented on the fact that there has been no
appreciable rise in that level notwithstanding the enhanced activity in the
economic field during the past three years. They forget, however, that the real
purchasing power of the masses has considerably increased, as the German
workers are now in a position to benefit from the manifold facilities offered
by the G.L.F. and its affiliated organisations.
Another special section is
that attending to the æsthetic aspects of work. Its activities extend to the
provision of up-to-date swimming baths, washing - and dressing - rooms, canteens,
green spaces, etc., in connection with factories and other undertakings, to the
improvement of the dwelling accommodation on river-craft, to the creation of
model villages, and to the elimination of everything that detracts from the
outward appearance of the workers' homesteads. More than 500,000,000
reichsmarks has already been spent on these objects at the instance of that
section and with its collaboration. As regards their pleasant appearance, the
access to them of light and air, and their tasteful design, the German factory
buildings are second to none.
A few remarks must be added
on the subject of sports. The" Strength through Joy" organisation has
taken a remarkable interest in furthering them. Even when it is remembered that
physical education is one of the main planks of the reconstruction programme of
modern Germany, the fact that 6,000,000 persons took part last year in the
sporting arrangements made by that organisation is an achievement of no mean
significance. The number of sports instructors went up from 1,300 at the end of
1935 to 2,800 a twelvemonth later. The report presented to the annual meeting
held on November 27th, 1936, rightly speaks of a cultural achievement and
contains the following passage:
Three years ago we began to
arouse and mobilise the intellectual and ethical capabilities inherent in the
German workman by enabling him to realise the beauty and grandeur of life in
nature, art and the company of those of his fellows who share his own views. In
doing so, we have broken with a social convention that had been valid for
decades and have removed the antagonism between work and culture.
The report shows that the
objects aimed at have already been attained to a considerable extent.
The scope of this article
does not allow us to give an account of all the branches of social policy. We
therefore limit ourselves to a description of those especially characteristic
of the attitude of the Third Reich towards these matters, and now turn to the
National Socialist achievements in connection with public welfare work, the
most important of which is the Winter Relief Scheme - an organisation well
known abroad. It is conceived as a comprehensive effort on the part of the
whole German people. Within its framework, the various organisations of the
National Socialist party, the independent private associations, the Roman
Catholic "Caritas," the Home Mission, the Protestant Church, the Red
Cross, the Salvation Army, and others, harmoniously collaborate with one
another. Even very small religious groups, such as the Adventists, are
represented among them. For reasons of convenience the Jewish organisations
have alone been left outside the scheme; but this does not mean that the
charity work carried on for the benefit of necessitous Jews is in any way
inferior to that carried on for the rest of the population. Any allegations of
a contrary nature that are made by anti-German writers are pure inventions.
During the winter months of
1933-4, some 17,000,000 persons were looked after by the Scheme. Thanks to the
improved economic conditions and the decrease in the number of unemployed, the
figure went down to 13,800,000 in 1934-5, and to 12,900,000 in 1935-6. Among
the beneficiaries were 69,336 foreigners. Although the number of persons looked
after has gone down year after year, the aggregate amount collected has
continually gone up, as may be seen from the following figures: 1933-4 -
350,000,000 reichsmarks; 1934-5 ¬ 360,500,000 reichsmarks; 1935-6 - 372,000,000
reichsmarks. Hence, individual benefits could be correspondingly increased. A
comparison with the results achieved by the Winter Relief Schemes of 1931-2 and
1932-3 -when the total collections amounted to 97,000,000 reichsmarks and
91,000,000 reichsmarks respectively - clearly shows the great change that came
over the attitude of the German people in this respect since the taking-over of
the Government by Herr Hitler. Not less than 52,903,070 (metric) hundredweight
of coal were distributed in 1933-4, or nearly fifty times as much as in 1931-2.
The methods adopted under
the scheme present a good deal of variety. Once a month, every household, etc.,
limits its principal meal to a so-called" one-dish dinner," the money
thus saved being passed on to the organisers of the scheme. Additional funds
are obtained by street collections on the part of members of the party
organisations, the various vocational groups, etc., and people are also asked
to subscribe fixed amounts at regular or irregular intervals. The Fuhrer's
motto: "No one shall go hungry, and no one shall feel cold," guides
the activities conducted under the scheme. The circle of beneficiaries includes
persons out of work or doing part-time work only, those receiving assistance
from the public welfare authorities, those in receipt of small annuities, etc.,
so that the surprise sometimes expressed by foreign critics at the alleged
disproportion between the small number of unemployed and the large number of
persons benefiting from the Winter Relief Scheme is easily explained.
The cost incurred under the
Scheme works out at 1.7 per cent. of the total value of the collections, this
low percentage being due to the large number of unpaid collectors, of whom
there were 1,234,000 in the winter months of 1935-6.
Next in importance to the
Winter Relief Scheme is the "Mother and Child" organisation. Its
object is to improve the racial biological standards of family health. The
methods adopted to that end are threefold: First, assistance is given to
healthy families in economic distress (money, deliveries in kind, opportunities
for work, facilities in connection with dwelling accommodation); secondly,
assistance is given to mothers and children just before and after the birth of
the latter by sending them to suitable recreation homes; thirdly, numerous
kindergartens are provided in the towns and in the country. The funds required
for these measures are mainly derived from the contributions paid by the
members of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation - the leading
organisation of its kind in modern Germany, with a staff of 21,935 helpers in
1936. Some 1,098,000 children below school age were looked after in the
kindergartens. More than 3,000,000 persons made use in 1935 of the facilities
for advice placed at their disposal. Economic assistance was given, in 1935, to
1,180,000 families comprising 4,760,000 persons. The total sum of money spent
on economic relief up to September 1936 amounted to 38,600,000 reichsmarks.
It should be noted that the
various schemes here described are of a voluntary character, that they are
financed by the people, and that they are supplementary to the enormous
achievements of the National Socialist State in respect of social insurance,
war veterans' relief, national relief, publicly financed charitable
institutions, and labour exchange, most of which - as has been said before -
have to be left outside the scope of the present account.
There is room, however, for
some remarks on two publicly conducted activities, viz., the homestead scheme,
and the work done by the labour exchanges.
Everybody who has travelled
through Germany in recent years must have noted the numerous pleasant-looking
dwelling houses (and colonies of them) on the outskirts of large towns, each of
them surrounded by a small garden. These homesteads are financed with the aid
of the Government. Their present number is about 140,000; but an additional
60,000 or 70,000 will be built in the course of the present year, so that there
will soon be some 200,000 in all parts of the country. Even this, however, only
marks the beginnings of a far larger scheme, as it is intended to raise their
number to several millions within the next few years. National Socialists are
firm believers in the "back-to-the-land" movement and hold that
something must be done to stop the excessive congregation of human material in
towns and industrial districts. Besides, the homestead scheme is of
considerable economic value. On an average, 400 reichsmarks' worth of
supplementary foodstuffs is produced by each homestead per annum.
At its inception, the
scheme was intended to be mainly a charitable measure. This was expressly
stated in President Hindenburg's decree issued October 6th, 1931, relative to "surburban
Preference was to be given
to big towns and industrial districts where unemployment was particularly
severe. The National Socialist Government has abandoned that conception. The
homesteads now created are chiefly intended for persons in full employment, and
preference is given to small and medium-sized municipalities and to country
areas. The object aimed at is to assist in creating a working population more
or less permanently settled on the land occupied by it and enjoying a fair measure
of economic security. Although on principle every German citizen possessed of
small means only is entitled to benefit from the scheme, provided that he is
honest, healthy and nationally and politically dependable, it has become more
and more customary in recent years to confine the scheme to workmen. Last
autumn, for example, the public funds provided for its working were exclusively
assigned to the erection of workmen's homesteads.
Private funds are being
increasingly used to finance the scheme. At first, practically the whole cost
of each homestead was covered by loans obtained from the Government. To-day,
however, the funds required are largely raised in the private capital market.
From 15 to 20 per cent. of the cost has to be found by the worker himself.
Public funds are now only granted to finance the "peaks" of the
invested money. As a rule, no loans exceeding 1,500 reichsmarks are granted per
homestead, although in exceptional instances an additional 300 reichsmarks and
a Government guarantee of second mortgages are also obtainable. The size of
each homestead together with the ground it occupies must be large enough to
include 1,000 square metres of usable land.
Not every German worker is
either able or willing to acquire a homestead of his own. Moreover, there is
still considerable lack of dwelling accommodation in the towns, notwithstanding
the increased building activity since 1933. It has therefore become necessary
to use public funds for the erection of workmen's flats as well. The money thus
made available helps to finance buildings of this kind, the flats being let to
workmen at reasonable rents. The" barracks" type is avoided, most of
the buildings concerned being relatively small and only rising to the height of
a few storeys. Since the early part of 1935, about 100,000 such "people's
dwellings" have been provided.
The distribution of labour
in modern Germany is regulated by the Government in a systematic manner. The
"totalitarian" principle, which governs all the activities of the
Third Reich, has thus impressed its stamp upon this domain also.
The public authority
dealing with these matters is the Government Board for Labour Exchanges and
Unemployment Insurance. Its name sufficiently indicates its twofold purpose. By
the collaboration of all the competent bodies it has become possible to reduce
the number of unemployed from 6,014,000 in January 1933 to about 1,100,000 in
August 1936. Seeing that at most 50 per cent. of the latter can be regarded as
still employable, it follows that mass unemployment has ceased to exist in
One of the aims in view -
in so far as the distribution of labour is concerned - is the application to it
of the National Socialist views on population policy and vocational policy.
This means that, as a first necessity, the
influx of workmen from the rural districts to the industrial centres
must be reversed, and, in addition, that preferential treatment must be
accorded to older workmen and to married men with children. The first-named purpose
is achieved by an Act passed May 15th, 1934 by which the President
of the Board referred to above is empowered to rule that his consent must be
obtained before non-local workmen and other employees are permitted to look for
employment in districts where unemployment is high. The prohibitions thus
enforced in regard to Berlin, Hamburg, Bremen, and the Saar have achieved the
desired object. In Berlin, for example, unemployment was reduced by two-thirds
within a couple of years. It was therefore possible to cancel some of these
prohibitions (viz., those affecting Bremen, the Saar, and, to some extent,
Berlin) by a decree which became effective in December 1936.
A decree issued May 11th,
1934, prohibited the admission of agricultural labourers to certain industries,
to the post office and railway services, etc. By the decree issued on February
26th, 1935, the President of the Board was further empowered to withdraw
agricultural labourers from non-agricultural vocations and thus enable them to
return to their original occupations.
Further assistance to
agriculture was provided by the arrangements enabling young men and women
volunteers to place their services at the disposal of farmers for periods of
six months or more. On an average, some 100,000 young persons volunteered to do
so during the period 1933-5. They are given free board and lodging by their
employers, and also receive a monetary remuneration out of the funds controlled
by the Board. Many of them have continued to stay with the farmers after the expiration
of their original term of six months. Now that this measure has served its
purpose well, the relevant decrees issued by the President of the Board have
also been withdrawn, effective December 1st, 1936.
Other regulations concern
the exchange of younger for older employees. It had been found that the decline
of unemployment since Herr Hitler took up office mainly benefited the younger
unemployed (between the ages of 18 and 25). In that category, unemployment
decreased by two-thirds, whilst the decrease was only half as much in the age
group from 40 to 60. Such a development conflicts with the principles of
National Socialist family policy. By a decree issued August 10th; 1934, the
President of the Board was accordingly authorised to make arrangements for the
interchange of younger and older employees. This measure affected some 130,000
employees during the period October 1934 to October 1935. It was also provided
that the consent of the competent local Labour Exchange had to be obtained
before persons below 25 were given employment. That interchange has now come to
an end, and - in view of the progressive shortage of labour - the consent just
referred to is hardly ever refused.
Another measure intended to
facilitate the most suitable distribution of the available labour is the
introduction of the so-called "employment book." This was made
compulsory by the Act passed February 26th, 1935 The book contains exact
particulars regarding the owner's age, whether married or unmarried, his
vocational training, his qualifications for employment, and similar matters. By
now, some 20,600,000 workers and other employees have been supplied with such
It will be gathered from
the foregoing account that the distribution of labour in Germany is not subject
to hard and fast rules, but is governed by the conditions that prevail at the
time concerned. Restrictions in connection with the search for work, etc., are
only imposed in so far as the primary interests of the State and those of the
body economic make it necessary.
This remark also applies to
the rules governing the distribution of labour under the Four-Year Plan as
drawn up towards the close of 1936 by General Göring, Herr Hitler's
commissioner responsible for the working of the plan. Owing to the decrease of
unemployment, the number of available trained workers has progressively
declined, more especially in such key industries as the building trade and the
iron and non-ferrous metals industry. The number of unemployed bricklayers went
down from 162,000 in 1933 to 8,000 in 1936, and that of unemployed locksmiths
and engine-fitters from 262,000 to 31,000. There was a risk that serious
inconvenience might arise in those two industries if nothing was done to
improve the position; and as the conditions in other industries tended to
change in the same manner, it was considered wise to make timely arrangements
for a supply of trained apprentices before it was too late. Accordingly,
General Göring decided to introduce a series of measures which were announced
on November 7th, 1936. The first of them deals with the two key industries just
referred to. On the strength of the reports received by the President of the
Board for Labour Exchanges from works employing ten or more persons, he is
authorised to demand that the works concerned shall add to the number of their
apprentices. It may be assumed that he will but rarely avail himself of this
authority, because the reports already received show that employers have
spontaneously complied to a far-reaching extent with their duties in connection
with the training of apprentices. Here, too, the initiative of the Government
commissioner is therefore of a subsidiary nature only. In exceptional cases -
i.e., when the works are unable, for special reasons, to increase the number of
apprentices - they may be asked to pay a sum of money by way of compensation.
At present, these rules are only applicable to the two key industries named;
but it may be taken for granted that they will be applied to other industries
as well if the need for doing so should arise.
The second and third of the
measures introduced by the commissioner for the Four-Year Plan are intended to
ensure that there is always a sufficient supply of workers in the metal-working
industry and in the building trade. Whenever it is desired to employ ten or
more additional metal workers, the consent of the Labour Exchange must first be
obtained, which will only be given after carefully considering the primary
interests of the State and the body economic. Moreover, it has been provided
that trained workers employed in work not really suitable for them in view of
their past training may be transferred by the Labour Exchanges - if necessary,
without formal notice - to other work for which their skill and knowledge makes
them more suitable. A further rule serving the same purpose-i.e., that of
making more rational use of the available labour - makes it compulsory to
inform the authorities beforehand of any large piece of work which it is
intended to take in hand. Lastly, there is a rule by which preference is to be
given to older workers when vacancies have to be filled up. That rule is in the
nature of an appeal to the works' leaders, reminding them of their moral duty
in this respect. If they fail to respond to it, compulsion will be used by the
There can be no doubt that
the Four-Year Plan makes additional demands upon the workers. It is an
important aim of Germany's economic policy to maintain the existing equilibrium
of wages and prices; and for that reason, no wage increases are possible.
General Göring, however, acting as the Führer's Commissioner for the Four-Year
Plan, has issued a decree dated December 3rd, 1937, which provides that payment
in full is to be made for the following public holidays: New Year's Day, Easter
Monday, Whit-Monday, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day, although, of course, no
work is done on these days.
Germany's social policy is
thus a healthy combination of freedom and compulsion. No other policy would
enable the country's predominantly industrial population to preserve its
continued existence on the relatively limited space within which it is
confined. Beyond that, the new social order pays due regard to such
specifically German character traits as a sense of honour, loyalty, comradeship,
fairness, collaboration, and a pronounced love of nature. All these
characteristics were temporarily submerged owing to the soulless mechanisation
typical of some aspects of modern civilisation. No correct appreciation of
Germany's new social order would be complete if it confined itself to a study
of the institutional innovations. The spirit that has created the new forms and
that finds its expression in them is far more important than these can ever be.
There is probably no
country - except Russia - in which international Marxism has done more serious
damage than in Germany. The German people have a natural liking for abstract
speculation - a circumstance which made it easy for the spokesmen of the
various Internationals to poison the minds of nearly one-half of the German
population by their anti-national propaganda. In the end, a widespread
conviction had grown up that the national interests were the special
prerogative of the capitalists and that the workers' only hope of salvation was
the world revolution.
To-day we find it difficult
to realise the depth of the antagonisms that divided the German nation prior to
1933. In some other countries there is undoubtedly a greater cleavage, at least
outwardly, between the various social groups than exists in Germany; but in our
country things had gone so far that, although the vital needs and the life
habits of all its inhabitants are very much the same, the various sections were
unable to understand one another, as the political views they held were so fundamentally
different. They were, indeed, quite ready to fly at each other's throats and
looked upon one another as enemies rather than as fellow-citizens. The tension
between the workers and the middle classes, and between the different
vocational groups had become so great that civil war - always latent -
threatened to break out openly at any moment. Since then, however, a complete
transformation has taken place. The workmen, the handicraftsmen, the farmers,
the average citizens - none of them resemble their former selves. Naturally,
there are still a few who cannot or will not detach themselves from the past,
but their existence is made negligible by the fact that the broad masses of the
people have changed their political outlook within a remarkably brief space of
Consider, for instance, the
workman. Accompany me on a stroll through the factories of the country, and you
will discover that the spirit that prevails in them has changed.
Germany has been re-born.
The Leader told us on the occasion of one of the party rallies - and he has
often repeated it - that he regards this fundamental transformation as the most
wonderful achievement of our time. Where there was hopelessness and despair,
there is now faith, a joyful outlook on life, and renewed hope. Formerly, there
was mutual enmity, jealousy, envy, and hatred, but to-day everybody tries to
make himself useful to his fellows, to be their loyal comrade, and to render
them some small service whenever he can.
I have always stated in my
numerous speeches and addresses that it would be wrong to assert that all our
troubles had vanished, and that everybody could now look at things through
rose-coloured spectacles. The truth is that our troubles are still great and
that they will remain so. The sacrifices demanded of each individual are
perhaps greater than before; and the work many of us are expected to perform is
certainly much more difficult now than in the past. We have not reached that
state of supreme bliss that may result from the absence of all worries,
anxieties, and oppressive burdens. And yet, people have taken a new delight in
life, in mutual collaboration, and in everything that makes a nation what it
Formerly, every citizen who
was a little better off than his neighbour, or earned more than he, or exceeded
him in skill and efficiency, was treated with spiteful jealousy. Certain
quarters made it their business to exploit that antagonism for the furtherance
of their political ends, and the vitiated atmosphere thus created, was like a
blight affecting the whole nation. That does not mean that optimism,
hopefulness and a sound faith in the future had completely died out. But these
characteristics were confined to individuals, and when the latter came together
in mass meetings or created a political party, their place was immediately
taken by discontent, strife, and a lack of mutual trust.
Now, however, that
disunited people has been given a new leadership. Critics may fail to
understand what I mean by this and may ask: "Were there no leaders in the
past?" There have certainly been States, and political, social, and
economic regimes since the dawn of history; but true leadership is something
absolutely new and unique. This nation has passed through every form of
political organisation. It has had its emperors, kings, princely rulers, and
republics. It has tried all kinds of economic organisations. Vocations, class
divisions and class distinctions have come and gone. But a genuine leadership
has never existed during the past two thousand years; and the individual
citizen has never felt that there is someone at the head of affairs who takes a
personal interest in him, that his own troubles are also the troubles of his
leaders, and that people occupying responsible positions look after him.
Those who make a total
claim to the soul of a people must not content themselves with advocating their
principles, but must also possess a gift for organisation. It is not sufficient
that everybody is theoretically convinced of the truth of those principles. The
point that really matters is that the idea proclaimed must continue to remain a
living force and must be translated into actual practice. For this reason,
National Socialism has created an organisation that is truly all-comprehensive.
Foreigners may find it strange that almost all Germans belong to some
organisation or other and that a good many of them wear a uniform or are known
by some designation of their status. This, however, is not so strange as it
looks. The object of that great organisation is to make every German realise
that he is personally called upon to do his share in the governance of the
country within the sphere allotted to him, and that he is not merely governed
from above. National Socialism does not wish to rely for support upon a small
number of ruling elements, but desires to be always representative of the will
of the whole nation. That means that the National Socialist movement must
maintain the closest possible contact with the people and that the capacity for
doing so - without which the work achieved could not have been accomplished -
must not be lost. A leader who loses contact with the people is sure to lose
very soon the qualifications for leadership. No other movement has been better
able than National Socialism to speak the language of the people. Its teaching
is therefore immediately understood and all the measures initiated by it become
effective forthwith without the necessity for prolonged deliberations as a
preliminary to action.
The National Socialist
Government has dissolved the trades-unions and the federations of employers. It
will oppose anyone and anything tending to divide the people into groups. Every
factory and every undertaking constitutes a unit, and nothing must be done to
interfere with its unity. Works' leaders and employees must decide for
themselves, as far as this is possible, how matters are to be arranged. They
must find their way to one another, must look upon themselves as an inseparable
community, and must cultivate the spirit of comradeship. Their destinies are in
their own hands. We have told them: We cannot and we do not interfere with you.
Those who assert the contrary want to deceive you. All we can do is to teach
you how to master your destiny. We can supply you with the weapons which you
need in your struggle. But do not forget that no one can relieve you of that
No one can dissociate
himself from that community or defy it or cowardly hold himself aloof. Every
man and every woman, old and young, employer and employed, are governed by the
same destiny if they are jointly working in the same undertaking. Their own
destiny and that of the undertaking are identical.
Whenever the undertaking is
prosperous, they are prosperous also; and whenever it has to face adversity,
they have to do so too. They are members of a living community.
It would be completely
wrong to imagine that it would be contrary to National Socialist principles to
engage in economic activities in a private capacity. It is a fashion with some
people to cry out against materialism and materialists. But without material
things, there can be no life. We therefore do not despise them. Sometimes there
have been moralists who advocated the separate identity of body, soul and mind;
but such a view is untenable. If we take away the body, neither a soul nor a
mind will be left. If we take away the soul, all that is left is a cold and
unemotional creature; and if we take away the mind, the result will be a poor,
miserable idiot. The three things belong together. We shall and must retain
command of all material things; and we shall and must wrestle with materialism
day after day lest it should acquire command over us. Providence has given us
reasoning powers and a creative mind, which enables us to mould the material
things as we like, to make new inventions, and to ponder over them. But we
always need material things when we wish to give practical shape to the new
ideas our brain has conceived.
There is therefore nothing
disagreeable in our concern with material things. What would be the good of all
our Socialist projects if there were no persons capable of calculating,
organising and doing business?
Members of another school
of thought desire to persuade us that business and idealism mutually exclude
each other and are mutually contradictory. That allegation, too, is not
correct. I maintain that the very opposite is true. A real idealist anxious to
render a genuine service to mankind must have both feet on solid ground. If he
has not, he becomes a visionary and a dreamer, and all his idealism becomes
worthless and futile. No one derives any benefit from his ideals and ideas. But
it is also true that no economic undertaking can prosper unless it is planned
and managed and organised in a genuinely idealistic spirit. In every other case,
sham prosperity is the best that can be hoped for.
Thus, business and idealism
are not contradictions, but rather supplement one another. No idealism can be
of any use if it lacks a material foundation.
Our paramount duty is of an
educational nature, and our ultimate aim is to establish true national
solidarity. Socialism is neither a gift nor a message. It is not a lifeless
object manifesting itself in dead paragraphs. Socialism is justice. The workmen
in the new Germany know that they do not belong to the great mass of those who,
despite the heavy and burdensome work they do, are merely able to earn a scanty
livelihood, whilst a small number of more privileged persons can indulge in all
the pleasures of life. They know that their welfare is being constantly looked
after, that this world and all the things it has to offer exist for their
benefit also, and that they are not mere outsiders to all that. It was
certainly no easy task to convert convinced Communists and Social Democrats
into wholehearted supporters of the principle of national solidarity. Fine
words alone were no use - they had to be supplemented by deeds. Those who had
an uncompromising faith in their ability to convince the German workmen of the
justice of the claims made by the Leader won the day after a hard struggle. We
now know that the people are behind their Leader like one man. It is therefore
possible to entrust them with tasks that demand sacrifices and retrenchment.
The Four-Year Plan is such a task, and its fulfilment is assured because of the
nation's confidence in its Leader. The great work to be achieved under the plan
will prepare the road for the German people's new prosperity. True Socialism
always endeavours to create new values, so that the nation can spend more money
and can buy more commodities. The peaceful struggle for safeguarding the
material independence of the German people and the supply of a sufficiency of
raw materials will be brought to a successful issue.
This conviction is almost
unanimously shared by Germany's workers. They realise that Herr Hitler is
fighting their own battle and that he - who has sprung from their own ranks -
is indeed their Leader. They know that he concerns himself by day and night
with the cares of every German. They have therefore put their trust in him and
support his efforts for the maintenance of social peace within Germany just as
keenly as they support those for the maintenance of external peace throughout
the world. The Leader's foreign policy aims at international peace, and his home
policy has established social justice. For that reason, Germany is now spared
the strikes and the unrest so prevalent in some other countries.
Herr Hitler, as the true
Leader of his fellow countrymen, gives effect to the will expressed by them,
just as they, in their turn, have willingly and loyally acknowledged his
leadership. Thus, there is perfect concord between the Leader and the nation.
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