Friday, 30 October 2020

Artwork Collection – Animals

Rudolf Otto (1887-1962) - Umdrängter Hirte (1944)

„Gatherers around the Herdsman“ (1944)


Alfred Weczerzick (1864-1952) – Arbeitspferde (1940)

Workhorses (1940)


Alfred Weczerzick (1864-1952) - Simmenthaler Ochsen (1939)

Simmental ox (1939)


Arnold Moeller (1886-1963) - Kühe im Dorfbach (1942)

Cows in the Dorfbach (1942)


Willy Tag (1886-1980) - Kühe auf der Weide (1940)

Cows in the Pasture (1940)


Heinrich von Zügel (1850-1941) - Durchs Wasser (1937)

Through the Water (1937)


Heinrich Schütz (1875-1946) - Frühlingsabend im Vorgebirgsmoos (1941)

Spring Evening in The Foothills of the Mountains (1941)


Josef Strahn (1904-1997) - Schäferrast (1943)

Shepherd‘s Rest (1943)


Carl Weisgerber (1891-1968) – Kämpfende Truthähne (1940)

Fighting Turkeys (1940)


Willy Kriegel (1901-1966) - Eisvogel (1940)

Kingfisher (1940)

Thursday, 22 October 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 744 – 07 December 1944


1. Germany.


School locomotive engineers, flight training.


– Trainee in the locomotive cab.


– The attendant translates the arrow.


– A woman with a child is the head of the station, she sends the train.


2. Germany.


Dr. Goebbels takes patronage over the regiments of the division „Greater Germany.“


– Tank crew formation, the tank „Rommel“.


– Major-General Lorenz passes a memorial to Dr. Goebbels.


3. Germany.


German pilot Schnaufe on his return from a mission, he was in full uniform tells of flight.


4. Germany.


The captain and crew of the submarine returned from combat flight.


5. Western Front, the area of Aachen-Saarburg.


– Respite from the soldiers.


– German tanks.


– Repulsing an air-raid of Anglo-American planes.


6. Vosges.


German fortifications on the Swiss border.


– German troops are firing flame throwers.


– Destruction of buildings, bridges and roads German sappers.


7. East Prussia.


German ships at sea, firing naval guns.


– Unloading in Gdynia group of German infantry.


– German General Schermann award distinguished themselves in combat soldiers.


8. Military air-reconnaissance over Bulgaria.


– German planes in the air.


– View of Sofia from the air.


9. Hungary.


Reflection of the Soviet offensive in the area of Budapest.


– Are the German tanks.


– Burning Soviet military equipment, dead Soviet soldiers.


– German infantry in the attack.

– Germans on the streets of the Hungarian village.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

“Wife, I am Proud of You!”


Source: SS Leitheft, Year 8, Issue 2, 1942


An upper office informs us the roughly 2000 fallen soldiers of the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS have left behind only a little over 400 children. Although many of the fallen were not yet married, such figures are nonetheless serious. The question of the replacement of each individual by new life cannot be postponed until after the war. Decisive are not the difficulties, rather the courage of our wives and mothers, on whom, despite victory of arms, the final decision depends. We hence publish today the letter of a comrade on the eastern front to his wife:


My Dear Wife!


Perhaps you did not expect to hear from me again so soon, but I feel strange: I wish to continue with you a conversation that we had started at home, but which - you will remember - did not really flow. But it is so that out here things show themselves in a strange way; they get a different face, become clearer - and more concrete.


But wait, my love! First, I must thank you! No, do not resist; it is now about the eternal. The front shows everything, even the most intimate, in a new light. I could again be with you, with you and the children, and spring blossoms around us. It was so rarely beautiful. Fancy words are not valued much out here, and between the two of us - how do they belong there? Nonetheless: I have never known the meaning of our struggle more deeply and more bindingly. You and the children and our common home: Is it not a small part, a cell of our greater, beautiful, German fatherland? I want to thank you above all for your still and self-evident courage, of which I know well that it weighs no less than the courage of the soldier. My thoughts are often with you, my love, with you and with our shared past. Oh, I could always be proud of you! Remember that day in the year of struggle 1932. You then carried our first child under your heart, and you certainly had reason to spare yourself. But when had you ever spared yourself when it was about me or the children? Back then it was about me. The Reds were always after me, and this time it looked like they would get me. I was just able to reach out house-door, and there they were, a whole pack. I was already getting ready for the defence, and then the door quietly opened behind me and you pulled me into the house. You had, as so often already, my good angel, stood by me; your worry would have not let you rest.


It also does not let you rest now; I know that well. So much more do I respect your brave, self-evident fulfilment of duty. It is after all so in this war, that all the sacrifices, even the most difficult, are to be born by front and homeland in common. And when you take our four children to the cellar during the Tommy’s frequent night bombing attacks, then we out here can best judge, what that means. How often haven we spoken of these things in comrade circle, and I have also - not without pride, as I want to confess to you - described how “militarily exact” you have organized this nocturnal “taking cover”.


But I begin to diverse, and it is probably time that I come to the actual subject. Although all of that, the sacrifices, the action, the loyalty and the silent courage, although all of that already belongs to it, for without these things there would be no future. About the future, however, that is what I wanted to talk about with you. Has our Ingeborg told you that shortly before my departure she was with me in her little garden? Oh, she was indeed so proud to be able to show me her work, above all the little radish plants that she had herself planted. Just a little piece of earth, nurtured by child’s hand, but with what love and with what enthusiasm! To me, at any rate, became clear at that moment where our future and our deepest obligation are to be sought. The child hands of our Ingeborg dug in the earth; somewhere a weed probably showed itself, that she has previously overlooked; but I had to immediately make comparisons. I saw the loose, almost white sand run through the girl’s hands and then saw in my mind’s eye the thick, black earth out here. A gift from God that hardly anybody uses. What is accustomed is so easily taken for granted.


But we, my love, will one day with many other Germans find a new homeland. This beautiful, wide land, drenched with the blood of so many comrades, holds future for Germany and hence for us as well. Fertile land for people who cultivate it and pass it along to children and their children, over endless generations - there you have life’s final and deepest meaning!


It is not new to you, of course, what I say here; we have often talked about it, and our four children are the living witnesses of our affirmation of life and of the future.


But now, dearest wife, you want to give me a fifth child. Do you understand that at first I did not understand, when you shyly spoke of it? There is the war with all of its worries and efforts. From early until late our four soldiers keep you on your feet, and the bomb nights in the cellar dig into your already meagre rest. No, I did understand right away, and it required the return to the front and the new view that the struggle out here bestows. But now you know, why I spoke to you about life and future in this letter, why I had to again and again thank you, for it should be said once: I am endlessly proud of you!, and I am happy, that I may be so! We will have a fifth child, and it will live and prosper like the others. And one day our children will as free Germans cultivate the land that their father was allowed to help to win. So will our life be blessed.


For I will come again, my love; you should not worry about me. Faith and trust have helped us this far; they will continue to help us. One day a new morning will stand before our life, too. I am always with you and the children in love.


And now dear greetings from your Hein.


Heinrich Sternberg

Saturday, 17 October 2020

The National-Socialist Critique of Democracy


Democracy or Leadership

Translated by Hadding Scott from the 16th (1940) edition of Hansjoerg Maennel's Politische Fibel.

Democracy is the doctrine of the equality of all human beings and of the ability of all human beings to govern themselves. (Democracy, Greek = rule by the folk, rule by the masses.)

The starting point of the democratic conception is: "All men are equal." "Everything that bears a human countenance is equal." Not only are the peoples equal to each other (this view leads to Internationalism), but even the human beings within a folk are equal. Consequently all have equal rights, even an equal right to participate in the state. "The authority of the state comes from the people." (Weimar Constitution, Article 1.) – Since direct rule by the people is unworkable, one chooses representative democracy or parliamentary government.

Parliamentarism is the principle of vote by representatives, who make decisions through majority rule. (Parliamentarism, from Lat. parlare = to speak.)

Critique of parliamentary democracy:

1. It is not true that all men are equal. Human beings are different. The democratic principle, "to each the same,” leads directly to Communism, to the dispossession of the gifted, industrious, and thrifty (precedent: Russia). – Democracy in the modern age started with the French Revolution (1789). "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" (“Gleichheit, Freiheit, Brüderlichkeit”) were the catchwords that ruled the entire 19th Century. The democratic principle of equality is always an instrument of the Jew for the elimination of the best racial forces. When all have equal rights (das gleiche Recht), the capable and intelligent are thereby forced onto the same level as the corrupt and stupid.

2. It is not true that the best and most capable emerge from a vote. Usually the greatest shouters, the most irresponsible, are chosen. Whoever promises the most has the greatest prospect of going to parliament. The MPs of the democratic system were in no way the elite of the nation. The principle of vote by popular representatives leads inevitably to the creation of economic or religious special-interest parties. The MPs did not represent the folk community, but mostly a specific class or group. Thereby unitary, goal-conscious state-leadership was made impossible. The bourgeois parties and the Marxist parties on the other side cancelled each other out. The power of the nation was likewise nil and could not be effectively and coherently (geschlossen) utilized abroad. International Jewry, however, tipped the balance on the scale of the parliament. – Democracy is always the reign of the Jewish money-bag; it leads to the most evil corruption.

3. It is not true that the decisions of a majority are always right and beneficial to the people. On the contrary: by no means are 51 voices against 49 voices necessarily correct. "What is the majority? Majority is nonsense. Understanding has always only been among few. One ought to weigh voices, not count them." (Schiller, Demetrius.) The individual MP conceals himself behind an anonymous majority. He has "obeyed only his conscience." Mostly however the "representatives of the people" had no conscience. Parliamentary democracy is irresponsibility elevated to a principle of government. It leads to the elimination of all authority, thus ultimately to the complete ruin of folk and state.

Adolf Hitler: "The Jewish democracy of majority rule was always merely a means to the destruction of the existing Aryan leader-class."

National-Socialism is the fiercest enemy of parliamentary democracy. In opposition to that, it stands for the principle of Fuehrertum. Fuehrertum is the direction of an organization by one over-towering man. The fuehrer-principle is based on the conception of human inequality. There are the intelligent and the stupid, the industrious and the lazy, the good and the bad. The particular peoples and races are different, and so are the individual human beings within a people. – Every folk comrade is appraised according to his performance for the folk. Valuation according to performance. – The standard of valuation must be the same for every folk comrade. We National-Socialists reject preferential treatment for one class. (Examples: absolutism of the 18th Century; the Weimar System, in which the National-Socialist was a second-class person, while lower humanity could run wild with impunity; English plutocracy).

There is no privilege for any special class; all folk comrades are evaluated equally (Program, Point 9). The result of an equal evaluation of the individual person is however not the same, but different. Here this principle applies: "To each what is appropriate,"* not "To each the same," as in democracy. He who sacrifices and achieves much ought to stand higher than he who achieves little and sacrifices nothing. The National-Socialist idea of leadership (Fuehrergedanke) is founded upon a deliberate selection according to race (genetic value), character, and ability. Thus a rank-order develops. The entire folk organically arrays itself as a pyramid. The most capable and gifted member of the folk, who has prevailed through his over-towering achievements, stands at the head of the folk: he is the Leader.

(Draw this on the blackboard.)

In democracy the "power of the state" comes from the people. It consists in the rule of the mass. Authority (power to give orders) goes from below to above, while on the other hand, responsibility goes from above to below. Both are, however, unworkable in practice. One cannot command upward and assign accountability downward. (Examples.) Democracy thus leads directly to leaderlessness and irresponsibility. – In Fuehrertum by contrast these principles apply: authority from above to below, responsibility from below to above. The Leader appoints his lieutenants (Unterfuehrer), he gives them their orders and guidelines, and for the execution and success of these they are responsible to the Leader.

The National-Socialist movement is an example of true Fuehrertum. If a political leader or an SA-fuehrer gives an order, this must be carried out. Every follower (Gefolgsmann) can be called to account by his leaders. Because Adolf Hitler built up the NSDAP rigorously according to the fuehrer-principle, the movement inevitably prevailed against the Marxist and bourgeois mobs. – Likewise the German state, which is led by means of strict Fuehrertum, prevails against the neighboring democratic states. Against the democratic idea of the mass we National-Socialists set the idea of personality. Everything great in this world, all inventions and all cultural achievements are created by personalities. (Examples.) – Our Leader has formed a German folk out of disintegrating mass. Democracy is a symptom of decline in dying peoples (e.g. Greece, Rome, etc.) All ascending peoples are, by contrast, always led by significant personalities. – Democratic propaganda flatters the mass. Everyone would rather command than obey. Consequently democracy was beloved and the idea of leadership was often unpopular.

It is a mistake to believe that under the "people's government" it goes well for the people. On the contrary! Experience has shown that parliamentary democracy leads to the ruin of the people. A people can only experience progress (Aufstieg) when a leader (Fuehrer) stands at its head. Heroes make history!

A true leader feels that he is responsible to his people. Here Adolf Hitler is a shining example. This principle of the responsibility of the Leader to the Nation is designated "Germanic democracy." With Western parliamentary democracy, which we reject, Germanic democracy has nothing in common.

The fuehrer-principle has meaning only in service to the entire nation. To be leader carries obligations The leader is the leader not because he bears special distinctions but because he bears greater responsibility. Leadership is not a privilege but an exalted duty. To be leader is to be an example!

Adolf Hitler is the ideal leader: purposeful and inexorable, but at the same time tactically astute; industrious, never resting, moreover prudent and far-sighted; proud and righteous, but also modest and unpretentious; energetic and austere, but full of warm love for his people. From the simplest origins our Leader has worked his way up against the most difficult obstacles to become the greatest statesman in German history. We National-Socialists are proud that we are privileged to follow a man such as our Leader. He is a lofty example for us. We emulate him with all our powers.

* Jedem das Seine is still the motto of the German military police.