Wednesday, 27 February 2019
Sunday, 24 February 2019
Friday, 22 February 2019
Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 684 – 13 October 1943
- Hitler Decorates Four Luftwaffe Officers;
- Kuban
Bridgehead Evacuated;
- German
Troops Withdraw to Crimea;
- Stuka
Formations in Action.
Wednesday, 20 February 2019
Europe - Peasant Land
“The Germany of the future can only be a
peasant Reich or it will again perish like the Reichs of the Hohenstaufen and
Hohenzollern have perished, because they forgot to place their folkish and
economic concentration in themselves.”
Adolf Hitler, Harvest Festival 1933
The Reich of the
In no other state is the peasantry given such decisive
significance as in National Socialist Germany.
was often misunderstood outside of the Reich. The hard taskmaster of nations,
war, simplified understanding for the Reich’s measures in the area of
agriculture and the security of the peasantry. At least in Germany’s
neighboring states hard hit by the war one today realizes the necessity of an
ample national food supply.
bitter experiences that Germany once had with the liberal neglect of its
agriculture and the National Socialist measures to restore its peasantry hence
find special interest among Germany’s neighbors. The German folk, too, once did
not have enough to eat, namely during the British hunger blockade in the World
same brutal fate would today again, sooner or later, befall all nations on the
European continent, if the Reich had not made its best efforts to provide
relief. The folks of the industrial nations would hunger and the people in the
rural nations would suffer shortage of fodder or industrial goods. Even so,
this lesson is still very bitter for our neighbors in the west. How was it
possible that these rich lands were compelled to so severely restrict the
consumption of food and luxury items?
Results of
liberal economics.
Wasted shipping capacity - millions of tonnage remain empty during Germany’s
time of need. Sailors and bargemen starved while overseas grain was burned.
Mortgage seals on the fields of German peasants. Interest slavery
mortgaged grain while it was still on the stalk.
own economic development gives a clue. A hundred years ago German provinces
still produced what they themselves consumed. Beyond that, they could even
export grain and wool to England. A powerful industry emerged there. For the
crowded masses in English cities, domestic food production no longer sufficed.
Transport of foodstuffs from the possessions overseas was too slow and was only
profitable for so-called colonial wares such as rice, raw sugar, tea, coffee,
chocolate etc.
during the second half of the previous century, the Reich developed into a
first-rate industrial power. Its old, self- sufficient economy ceased. The
populace in the old Reich territory increased by roughly 25 million within
seven decades. This growth was concentrated in the large cities. While in 1882
42% of the populace worked in the agricultural field, today it is only 22%.
rural populace hence had to feed an urban population that grew each year.
this did not lead to healthy and firm
prices for agricultural products.
much-praised free trade imported foodstuffs from all parts of the world at such
low prices that the European peasant, for various reasons, could not match
regardless of his ingenuity.
with its industrialization, Germany’s economy became enmeshed in global economic entanglements. Such an
international cooperation becomes dangerous when the economic sense is selfish
and the political security of a country is sacrificed for the goddess “profit”.
Tens of thousands of German peasants could no longer survive on their
farmsteads against this game of the stock market and unhealthy pricing.
On the lower Elbe
Large farmstead in the Austrian mountains
the liberal Germany at the turn of the century all considerations of this kind
were ruthlessly decided against the
good of the whole. The most vital goods (foodstuffs, fabrics) were brought in
from the cheapest producers. A strengthening of domestic agricultural
production in the interest of agricultural self-sufficiency and hence also of
national defense and the preservation of the peasant were rejected. This effort
for a self- sufficient economy would have been too “unprofitable”. One
preferred to get the cheaper products from overseas. There was enough money,
because industry had seemingly insatiable markets.
the German worker finally ate wheat from La Plata or Canada; the fruit for the
Reich grew in Africa or East Asia and its flax in Eastern European. Wool was
best purchased in Australia etc. Not just German, rather all European peasants
suffered from this very cheap overseas competition, because cattle breeding and
meat production and the diary business (cheese, condensed milk, butter) boomed
in these overseas lands with ideal climates for them.
is certainly right that not all of
these products could have been produced in Germany. The living space became smaller more crowded here year by year and the
populace’s need increased with the raising income. Even with the most intense
cultivation, German agriculture could have never produced all of every life necessity.
This fact is in itself tragic and dangerous. But in addition to this is the
fact that the liberal large distributor imported life essential consumable
goods and raw materials for his personal
gain. So, he will not limit himself to only import what the soil of his own
fatherland cannot offer despite all effort. Quite the contrary - he will
without restraint import much more than the country’s requirements and try to
sell it by means of massive advertising. Such businessmen will at the same time
strive to suppress domestic production as bothersome competition.
trader in agricultural products has the advantage of being able to sell
cheaper. He is further advantaged by the fact that domestic industry seeks to
keep wages as low as possible and many consumers are hence forced to buy as
cheap as possible.
consequence of this economic leadership in the old Reich was the sacrifice of
peasantry in favor of the superior cheap competition abroad. As a result,
people field the countryside and emigration increased, farm debt rose and the
poverty of the rural populace increased in Germany and in the neighboring
Germanic countries.
development started the proletarianization of a valuable population segment. As
the century ended, the peasant was less free than ever.
Weather-proof farm on the German North Sea coast
incontestable prosperity of the Reich before the World War hence stood on feet
of clay. The World War proved that itself.
showed that the care or neglect of domestic peasantry is not a problem of
economics, rather a problem of politics and folkish self-assertion. The
prosperity of the German folk was purchased with the sacrifice of agricultural
self-sufficiency and with the economic enslavement of the peasantry. Freedom
and honor - who asked about them in the age of profitability!
World War suddenly destroyed the free access to the cheapest markets of the
world as well as the paths to the colonies. The British blockade around Germany
could not be broken back then. After consuming the supplies in private hands - that
become more and more expensive - came the fateful dip into the substance of
cattle, partially because of lack of fodder and partially because of Jewish
sabotage. Then hunger came! The German folk will never forget it. A million
people fell victim to it. This, however, was “overlooked” by a large part of
the rest of “humanity”.
Farmstead in the Order’s land (East and West Prussia)
it became terribly clear that the political freedom of a folk stands or falls
with its agricultural self-sufficiency.
addition to that came the Allied demand for reparations after the war, who
demanded payment in gold and currency, but who at the same time refused the
import of German wares.
Reich was hence forced to fight for sales of its products in the remaining
markets of the world against tough foreign competition, because it needed
currency for the reparations. At the same time one neglected to place trade
politics under firm, government direction. Foreign trade largely remained in
the hands of the individual entrepreneur. He tried to meet the sharp
competition on the global market by the cheapest offer.
Whoever wishes to sell cheap, must produce cheap. So
costs had to be further reduced. The lowest wages for workers still employed
were the result. Lowest wages and unemployment support demand the cheapest food
the peasant again had to bear the main burden. In addition to this came burdens
and taxes as a result of state aid for the unemployed.
So domestic agriculture was not only sacrificed to
cheap foreign competition, rather it also suffered from heavy additional
the number of unemployed reached seven million, when the purchasing power of
the folk hard been ruined and both public and private debt reached astronomical
heights, the man millions of desperate people looked to with hope took over the
leadership: Adolf Hitler!
the middle of National Socialist economics does not stand the well-being of
individual classes or groups, rather the whole
folk. The businessman of past, liberal times is, on the other hand, the
representative of a selfish economy. Instability, risk, price swings and
speculation are his element. He subjugates his country’s politics to them, if
possible; he sacrifices the physical and mental well-being of his folk to them.
representative of consistency and obligation toward the entire folk, on the
other had, is the peasant. The immovable ground is his work place. The fruits
of his labor are the foodstuffs of the whole folk. Work on the soil and care of
the forest demand thinking in generations. That is why protection of the
peasantry is at the same time protection of the folk. The National Socialist
state leadership protects the country people. Because it is the guardian of the
most valuable portion of the German folk fortune, of the earth itself. In
protecting the peasantry, it also protects that portion of the folk whose
health and large families constantly give new, good blood to the German nation.
New farmstead on the German North Sea coast
Through the possibility of loans and debt against
agricultural property, the soil had largely been dragged into the liquidity of
all values. No war and no failed harvest had ever driven so many peasants from
their native threshold or turned them into subjugated renters as did the
slavery of interest.
is where the measures of the National Socialist leadership started. Land is no
long an unworthy trade ware. Land cannot be used as security and hence
mortgaged, nor can it be divided.
first step toward protection of the peasantry was the creation of a new land
law based on the ancient Germanic model. From now on a farmstead large enough
for self- sufficient nourishment of a four-head peasant family up to a size of
125 hectares can only be passed along undivided - as an “Odal” - to the next male heir, provided he possesses professional
ability, is genetically healthy and of good character. The other children’s
settlement claim is limited to the scope of what is possible for the farmstead.
Debt and division of the farm - hence inability of economic survival - are
hence eliminated. Marriage for money is also less likely. The young peasant
will again look at the health and capability of his future wife. The value of
the farmstead can no longer be reduced by inheritance or debt. Hardships are
avoided by tax and education insurance.
Family of a new peasant in front of their farmstead in Mecklenburg
for an individual belonging to the peasantry is professional ability as well as
character and overall worthiness.
basic requirements create for the first time the foundation of a professional
honor of the German peasantry. The peasantry hence purifies itself through
gradual expulsion of useless elements. Admission to the peasantry is also
dependent on worthiness and no longer on money. The SS watches over this. Thus
emerges peasant honor just like officer honor develops through selection and
removal of the farmstead from the “free” real estate market means, from the
purely economic standpoint, the security of the peasant’s work place. In
reality it means much more, namely the preservation of the homeland and the
prevention of being uprooted.
security of agriculture production was achieved through departure from the
world market and from selfish agricultural speculation.
peasant receives the security of firm prices for his produces and the security
of being able to sell them. The worry about surpluses has been taken from him.
In liberal times, good harvests depressed prices. In the National Socialist
state surplus production is absorbed by a systematic state supply economy and,
if necessary, brought to market at appropriate prices.
is no longer arbitrary, rather authoritarian. In the future the businessman no
longer needs to be a selfish speculator, rather he becomes a useful distributor
in the folk economy.
acquisition and the military security of the German folk demanded limitations
even on some of the genuinely necessary agricultural imports of foodstuffs and
It was
hence necessary to quickly and energetically promote surplus domestic
production and to thereby make the domestic agricultural market more and more
the country people would have never heard such an appeal for increased
production, if they did not now, after many centuries, again have a feeling of
trust, security and systematic order of their life. Only that made it possible
for German peasantry to increase the domestic supply of the German folk from
about 65% to approximately 83% of the total need.
German peasant is thus filled with pride and self-respect, because he has
contributed such a substantial portion toward the achievement of the political
and military freedom of action of his folk. The German peasant has in difficult
times achieved what friendly and less unfriendly neighbors alike admire: The
German folk has plenty to eat despite the English blockade.
of its daily bread did not only strengthen the German folk’s confidence in its
own strength: it has above all found understanding for the significance of the
“treasure of the field” and its guardian and multiplier - the peasant.
also knows today that the physical and psychological condition of the folk is
secure for the future through the valuable gene pool of the peasantry’s
fertility. The SS has long been a champion for the restoration of an
economically healthy and racially splendid peasantry. The Reichsführer SS
himself is a trained farmer. The SS has made the preservation and increase of
valuable blood in its ranks a fact by means of strict clan laws, for example
through the engagement order of the Reichsführer SS of December 31, 1931. Among
urban SS man as well it awakens understanding of the laws of nature, they rule
over the peasant’s fields no less than they do over the generations of one’s
own clan. The SS man, whether peasant or city dweller, against learns to think
in terms of generations, an important characteristic of any leadership strata.
characteristic is inner freedom. Whoever has his own land under his feet, does
not have to dance to another man’s fiddle, rather he can act according to his
own conscience. The Führer has given the Reichsführer the task of protecting
the German folk. One day the farmsteads of Germanic warrior peasants will form
the distant borders of a greater Europe.
Sunday, 17 February 2019
Source: SS Leitheft, Year 5, Issue 2
By SS-Ustuf.
Gerhart Schinke
Death accompanied, invitingly, along the path the
officers and soldiers carried their mortally wounded king from the ferry-house
across the Oder bridge to the castle Reitwein. As he lied on the bed,
completely alone in the dark room (the officers discussed the day’s
misfortune), death beckoned to the king: Follow me, leave the path of suffering
and pain. Rest you should from the labors of life. See, I give you rest and
king’s thoughts circled around the bloodbath of Kunersdorf. In his mind he heard
the noise of battle, felt the combined strength of the Russians and Austrians,
exhorted his army to fight, but had to recognize that the hounds were too many
who wished to hunt the noble beast.
a moment full consciousness returned. The trembling hand gripped a sheet of
paper and put to paper the order to General Fink. When the general then stepped
to the sickbed, the king’s pale lips moved. He tried with his last strength to
translate the paper:
unfortunate army that I turn over to you is no longer in condition to fight the
Russians... If Laudon wants to go to Berlin, he could attack and beat it.
Wherever possible, resist the peril and hold them up, for winning time is a lot
under these desperate circumstances.”
* * * * *
king lies alone. Darkness fills the room, and in it the hours of the unholy
battle come back to him anew: In the feverish dreams horses collapse, warriors
die, in his ears the shrill noise of battle roars.
the eyelids lift and the gaze falls on the mirror on the wall: The king looks
at a white face and glimmering eyes in the shadow of deep hollows. The king
wants to scream. Death lays its hand on the king’s shoulder and speaks softly,
very softly, kind words, in order to tempt him from painful life.
heart beats tiredly. Since the lost battle the king has taken neither food nor
fluid. So, the appearance of death finds it easy to promote thoughts of death.
An exhausted body is sooner ready to surrender life.
the form of death suddenly steps the strict face of the father. “Did I think of
death, son”, he thinks he hears, “when all my limbs seemed to rip in pain when
gout befell my body? My life was only work, worry and pain; there were
countless hours when death would have been my salvation. But I was held by
duty! Taking the path of duty is what makes a man a man. Only thus do you win
the crown of struggle. And know, son, higher than you and I is Prussia!” -
Frederick rises up: “Prussia!” passes loud through his lips.
loyal servant holding watch in the next room peeks fearfully through the
slightly opened door. He sees the death sweat on the pale brow of his king and
dares to pour a little wine over the trembling lips, and is happy, because the
weary life accepts it. With soft steps, the servant leaves again.
time passes. The king pulls himself up and stares into the flickering light of
the almost burned out candle.
extinguishes like the light”, he thinks behind his high forehead. “Only that
light, as a lifeless thing, suffers no pain, no so unspeakable need of body and
mind.” Fever again shakes the king. His right arm reaches for the uniform on
the chair and pulls out the small silver box. But as he feels the container
with poison in his hand, the energies of life begin to give consciousness to
the body. Again he thinks he hears his father’s words: “Higher than you and I
is Prussia.” The sentence shoots through his brain and his heart. And now, as
the king again regains consciousness, the royal soul is also awake. “Should I
follow you, death? Will you lead the army from defeat to new victory? Dying is
easy in these hours of unspeakable distress. Always choose the harder path, the
path of hardness, of iron duty. Only so does a man win the crown of battles.”
Just as the king’s mind again thinks such thoughts, does the will to life grow.
Another hour passes as the energies converge.
needs the will of the king, if the army lies on the battlefields, replacements
are hardly trained and the officer corps largely consists of mere lads.” The
words he once wrote to Voltaire come to his memory: “I, however, threatened by
shipwreck, must bravely and defiantly resist ruin and think, live as king...”
He continues the thought, different than in the hour when he put it onto paper
- “and may not die. No!” He shouts the last word loud and determined into the
room. The chasseur enters the room as ordered. The king sits upright.
my breakfast!” the king orders the servant. Totally surprised by the utterly
unexpected transformation of the king’s condition, he swiftly carries out the
command. The king then summons his adjutant. When the highly surprised officer
enters the room, he finds the king ready to issue orders.
the situation is not hopeless?”
and Austrians are divided about the continuation of the conflict with Prussia.
Even after Kunersdorf they shy away from Prussia’s daring.
king’s fire-soul blazes brightly. “Where does the enemy stand?”
camps at this hour in the forests between the Oder and the Repener alley.”
to my brother!” the king instructs the officer.
proclaim the miracle of the House of Brandenburg. The enemy could have dared a
second battle and ended the war. He did not dare it; our situation is less
desperate than it was yesterday.”
the officer writes down these words, the king, the military uniform now already
wrapped around his shoulders, steps next to him. The king taps him on the
what my spirit suffered this night. The scope of my suffering was almost too
great. Death seemed salvation. Listen! As death wanted to tempt me out of life
in this night, although dying would have been easy, I refused to obey death. In
the darkest moment my hand reached for the container that held the poison. Do
you know what it means that I now stand here? Often it is easier to depart life
than not to die. The harder path in life is always the right one. I have chosen
it so that my state will remain intact. That was what duty commanded!”
silence fills the room. The officer stands at attention in front of the king.
the nation’s young note it for all time. There are moments, when death tempts
from life before the time. Who then follows death and flees by poison or
bullet, is a weakling and commits treason against life!”
king’s courage and his will to life saved Prussia. The defeat of Kunersdorf was
followed by the victories of Liegnitz and Torgau. And Prussia won the Seven
Years War
Prussian miracle was Frederick himself. The miracle was the idea of duty that
was born in Prussia, and his most complete embodiment was the king.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt Suite
Conductor: Herbert
von Karajan
Performance: Berlin
Philharmonic Orchestra
Recording: September,
I. No.1 Op.46
1. Morning Mood: 0:00
2. Aase's Death: 4:00
3. Anitra's Dance: 8:47
4. In the Hall of the Mountain King: 12:33
II. No.2 Op.55
1. The Abduction of the Bride - Ingrid's Lament: 0:00
2. Arabian Dance: 4:56
3. Peer Gynt’s Homecoming: 9:37
4. Solveig's Song: 12:21
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 681 – 22 September 1943
- German Troops Capture Rome;
- Heavy
Fighting at Allied Beachhead at Salerno;
- Mussolini
Rescued in Abruzzi Mountains;
- SS Captain
Skorzeny and Mussolini;
Saturday, 9 February 2019
Adolf Hitler – speech at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition - 17.02.1939
February 17, 1939
For the seventh time, I have the pleasure of
opening an exhibition which affords us insight not only into the workings of
one of the most important branches of industry in our country, but also of a
large part of the world.
Within the framework of the Four-Year Plan, we sought to free motorization
in Germany from dependence on factors abroad and to establish our own
independent raw material base. After only a few years, the results of this
effort may today already be called gigantic. In part, they have led to
overwhelming new inventions whose superiority renders it unnecessary to use raw
materials formerly [involved in the production process], even should they be
abundantly available once more in the future.
In an overview of these facts, which in themselves reveal to us the
greatness of the results attained, we note the striking evidence of the
gigantic increase in production, the extraordinary rise in exports, the
lowering of prices for certain models of automobiles and motorcycles, and above
all, the excellent work in detail. I open an exhibition today which will
splendidly demonstrate these achievements. In spite of this, along with a few
smaller tasks and current problems, there remain great tasks yet to be
1. It was understandable that, in times of grave concern for sales, each
individual firm, more or less nervously, tried to scan the market and its
requirements. Hence, as I already pointed out in my last speech, each firm
seized that model which apparently held the greatest promise, without
considering how many other factories were already involved with this particular
model, or the potential size of the series already in production at any one
factory. The resulting competition precluded a potential decrease in prices for
certain models. Furthermore, it was understandable that, under the
circumstances, a relentless competition for customers ensued which led to an exaggeration
of the mechanical element. This meant the incorporation of any type of
innovation in the car, no matter how insignificant its practical application,
simply because of the belief that one had to oblige a highly selective
The conditions which led to this technically and economically undesirable
phenomenon no longer exist today. It is less the task of today’s German
automobile industry to seek potential customers than to satisfy the demands of
existing customers. The demand for automobiles is overwhelming. The following
are necessary in order to satisfy this demand:
a) Lower prices. This is possible in the long run only if one instills
order in the types of models produced. This means that individual firms must
achieve a consensus on the type of models to be produced and restrict the
overall number of models. Indeed, there must be a simplification of the
production program to very few models. It is crucial to augment the total
production of automobiles instead of increasing the number of models offered.
The multitude of these would ultimately lead to a splintering off into an
infinity of models, encumbering the production process and possibly lowering
total output.
b) Justice can be done to this call for lower prices only if the weight of
cars, particularly of those in mass production, is significantly lowered. Every
kilogram of steel needlessly tacked onto an automobile not only raises its
costs and its retail price, but also maintenance expenditures. This in turn
leads to more gas being used up, tires wearing out more quickly, and street
surfaces needing more frequent replacement. Moreover, a 3,000-kilogram
automobile performs no better than one in a 2,000-kilogram category, but
needlessly taxes the raw materials at our disposal. Two cars in such a heavy
weight class simply rob us of the materials needed to produce a third one.
I do understand that, in the end, the industry was not capable of arriving
at such an ordering of its production on its own. Therefore, I appointed
Colonel von Schell as plenipotentiary to see to
these tasks being carried out. He is presently issuing binding directives to
all appropriate offices within the framework of the Four-Year Plan. His
activities have already resulted in exceptional results and hold great promise.
He will be in a position to account for his activities for the first time at
the 1940 exhibition. The resulting further decline
in prices for our automobile industry will undoubtedly have a positive effect
on exports.
2. Let the new Volkswagen represent an enormous, real avowal of these
principles. All those concerned are called on to devote the greatest energy to
press forward the construction of its factory. I sincerely rejoice in being
able to afford you a glance at the car for the first time in this exhibition.
The Volkswagen’s ingenious designer has bestowed an object of extraordinary
value on the German Volk and the German economy. It is up to us now to
persevere in our efforts to shortly begin mass production of this car.
3. The pending increase in the flow of motorized traffic, due to the
Volkswagen and the introduction of a series of low-price trucks, now forces us
to take steps necessary to ensure traffic safety. In a period of six years, the
German Volk sacrifices nearly as many men to automobile-related accidents as it
did in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71. This cannot be tolerated. Though the
beneficial cooperation of State and Party offices, and the deployment of
traffic police and NSKK patrols has already brought some relief, these results
can neither be regarded as satisfactory nor can the situation be regarded as
Above all, there are certain principles and duties all those who
participate in traffic on German roads must be aware of: When someone causes an
accident today, whether he be the engineer or the switchman, then the
responsible party will be regarded as an unscrupulous criminal who is
indifferent to the life of his contemporaries, and he will be punished
accordingly. The driver of a private vehicle bears similar responsibility not
only regarding his own life, to which he may be indifferent or which may be of
little value, but for that of other participants in traffic.
Whoever nonchalantly endangers these lives acts in a criminal manner and
without any scruples.
Those who cause the nation to lose 7,000 men annually, in addition to
imparting to it the care of 30,000 to 40,000 injured, are parasites on the
They act irresponsibly. They shall be punished as a matter of course,
provided they do not escape the Volksgemeinschaft’s wrath by dying themselves.
It is truly not an art to drive fast and to endanger the lives of others.
Rather it is a great art to drive safely, i.e. carefully. Lack of caution
coupled with high speed is the most common cause of automobile crashes. And it
is discouraging to realize that the majority of those driving could easily
spare the extra ten, twenty, or even thirty minutes which, at best, they can
hope to save by their insane reckless driving (Wahnsinnsraserei), even
on long stretches.
This constitutes a call for all those involved in the training of our
One should point out that the new roads in Germany, especially the
Autobahn, distinguish themselves in allowing for a high average speed, although
peak speeds may well be relatively low. The Reichsautobahnen were not built, as
many mistakenly believe, for a speed of 120 to 140 kilometers per hour, but
rather for an average, let us say, of eighty kilometers. This is easily
obtained by driving at a near-constant speed. In the end, this speed over long
distances far exceeds that of even our most rapid trains.
Speaking on a matter of principle, it is indeed un-National-Socialist
behavior to be inconsiderate towards other Volksgenossen. At this point, I
would like to say today that I expect, in particular of representatives of
National Socialist institutions, that, in this realm as well, what otherwise
would be mere lip service to the Volksgemeinschaft, will become a matter of
course for them. Besides, in the context of our national supply of raw
materials, it is absolutely senseless to drive at speeds which increase the
rate at which tires need replacement twice or even three or four times.
Naturally, these speeds also cause an uneconomical fuel consumption. In general,
our race cars and their drivers set speeds and records for performance, as do
others who promote motorization. They do not need the support of more or less
talented amateur drivers. Consideration for one’s fellow man should have
priority for all those on our streets; otherwise they cannot expect the
Volksgemeinschaft or the state to show consideration to them. All of us should
unite to make our country not only the one with the greatest traffic density,
but also the one where traffic is the safest. In the interest of maintaining
this traffic safety, the state stands determined to mercilessly destroy and
exterminate those criminal elements which set up road traps and rob taxi
drivers, and commit murder.
I wish to take advantage of today’s occasion to thank all those who have
not only contributed to the domestic significance of the German automobile and
motorcycle industry, but also to its renown worldwide: the businessmen for
their enterprising spirit; inventors, engineers, and technicians for their ingenuity;
and masters of their trade and laborers for their astounding achievements. The
German Volk today can justly be proud of the marvels of an industry which once
took its first, gingerly steps toward practical application in this country.
In this spirit, I hereby declare the 1939 International Automobile and
Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin open to the public.
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
SS Inf. Rgt. 4 on the Eastern Front in the Winter of 1941-42
Published in
„Siegrunen“ Magazine – Volume 6, Number 1, Whole Number 31,
Airlift to the 4th Army
having spent more than two months in action on the Eastern Front, the SS Inf.
Rgt. 4 was pulled out of the lines in November 1941 for a leisurely program of
refitting. In March 1942 it was supposed to join the SS Div. “Das Reich,” which
had lost most of its SS Inf. Rgt. 11 in heavy fighting on the road to Moscow.
SS IR 4 was replaced as a component of the 2nd SS Inf. Bde. by the newly formed
SS Volunteer Legion “Flandern,” composed of Flemish volunteers.
26 November 1941, the regiment began its relocation to Poland. The three
regimental battalions would leave the Leningrad sector in march columns
staggered a day apart on 26, 27 and 28 November respectively. In great cold and
biting winds, the truck convoys made their way through a bleak, snow-covered
land. The soldiers had thickly insulated their troop trucks with straw to
provide some protection against the cold. The three regimental march groups
passed through Pleskau, Riga, Mitau, Bischofsburg, Zichenaw and Warsaw and
reached their destination at Krakow on 5, 6 and 7 December.
and III. Battalions were quartered in the Polish Army barracks in the “Old
Town” while II. Btl. was sent to the SS- “Totenkopf” guard barracks in Krakow.
The regiment was now supposed to be rebuilt into a motorized “schnell” rifle
regiment, so it could be added to the “Das Reich” Division. After a short rest
period, the unit’s vehicles, equipment and weapons were overhauled. Maintenance
work went on at a feverish pace, and the so-called “refreshing” the regiment
was supposed to be enjoying became one in name only.
4, which had gone into action near Leningrad armed with Czech weapons, was now
resupplied with German machine guns (MG34s) and rifles. Some new replacements
also arrived and a weapons training program soon got underway. The “old
warriors” from the Leningrad fighting taught the new young soldiers all the
tricks and shortcuts they had picked up in action. By working closely together,
the old and new members of the regiment rapidly gained a firm sense of
community and comradeship.
Christmas fast approaching, half of the “veterans” with the regiment were
slated to go on home leave, but developments in the “East” looked ominous. The
Soviets had launched a dangerous counteroffensive before Moscow and the German
lines were threatened up and down the front. The men of SS-IR 4 soon got the
bad news: “All leaves are cancelled!” To say the least, this put a quick damper
on the Christmas spirit. As an added precaution the whole regiment was put on
readiness alert. This meant that the unit could be sent back to the front at
any moment, and those orders were not long in coming:
Members of the Regiment prepare to board a Ju 52 in Krakow.
SS-IR 4 is to be flown to the area of Army Group Center. Infantry weapons will
accompany. Heavy weapons will follow in an overland truck convoy. Each man will
take only his personal weapons and equipment and only the most essential items
in his clothing bag.”
companies immediately sprang to life; officers and NCOs shouted out commands
and directions. In very short order weapons were distributed, clothing bags
packed and last letters to home were written. On the next day they would move
out. Men that had just started out on leave returned and the last replacements
came in. Each man in the regiment was issued with a new winter overcoat. By 16
December 1941, SS-IR 4 was ready to go.
regimental units were scheduled in sequence for the transport flights. I. Btl.
was to be the first to leave. On 18 December, its companies were trucked to the
Krakow airfield where Ju 52 transport planes were waiting for them. But the
weather proved to be too unsettled to permit a takeoff and the men of I. Btl.
had to be hauled back to their barracks. The next day calm weather prevailed
and they were loaded into the aircraft.
19 December, 1st Co./SS-IR 4 under Hstuf. von Rautenfeld was the first element
of the regiment to begin its flight to the east. The pilots carefully
supervised the loading of the men and their equipment since too much weight
aboard created additional hazards. Each Ju 52 could hold only 20 soldiers and
their accessories; therefore, it took 10 planes to carry a full strength 200-man
company. Because of their weaponry, the machine gun companies took up fully 15
airplanes each.
Vitzthum, the battalion CO, along with the rest of his staff, left Krakow by
air on the morning of 20 December. It would still take two more days to get the
rest of the battalion in flight. The planes had to fly at particularly high
altitudes to avoid contact with any enemy fighters. Far below stretched what
seemed to be an endless panorama of frozen white earth.
Co./SS-IR 4 was the first to disembark at the Malojaroslavice airfield near the
Juchnov-Moscow road, but it was not until the evening of 22 December that it
could be reassembled with the other battalion companies along with 12./III.
Btl. (machine guns). The 4th Co. was the last battalion unit to arrive at
Malojaroslavice during the late afternoon of 22 December. It was just in time
to come under mortar fire from nearby Soviet advance spearheads. Parts of 2nd
and 4th Companies were sent off slogging through the snow to engage the enemy.
guns were immediately put into position in the woods next to the airfield and
an enemy attack group was driven off. It was quite a warm welcome for the newly
arrived SS troops! The entire battalion was now readied for action. It was
apparent that the Reds had broken through along both sides of the main Juchnov
road. Stubaf. Vitzthum split his command into three segments, each of which was
to join with Army units to help stem the enemy advance.
dropping the troops off, the Ju 52s immediately refueled and left the
threatened airfield. The soldiers were able to get a quick meal from a field
kitchen and then they were rushed off to their new assignments. 1st Company
drew the first mission; it was to be sent to reinforce part of the 260th Inf.
Div. in the front lines. Hstuf. Rautenfeld and his platoon leaders supervised
the loading of the SS men and equipment into a truck convoy which quickly left
for the front.
SS IR 4 troops before the counterattack on Kolodkino, north of Juchnov.
of the enemy ground fire nearby, the Malojaroslavice airfield had to cease
operating during the evening of 22 December. The rest of SS-IR 4 now had to be
sent to other destinations. III. Battalion and the regimental staff were
rerouted to Kaluga, and the various units arrived there between 22 and 24
December. The regimental CO, Ostubaf. Hinrich Schuldt and his adjutant, Hstuf.
Molderings, established a command post in a small building on the edge of the
city and they immediately began laying out situation maps to try and figure out
where the various companies of I. Btl. had been sent. The first incoming news
received at the HQ was a report that Hstuf. Heinz Herdt, the commander of 3rd
Co., had already been killed in action.
4, which had been scheduled to leave Krakow on 24 December, received a two-day
delay due to foul weather conditions, and did not get underway until 26
December. 5th, 6th and 7th Companies along with the battalion staff and parts
of 13th, 14th and 16th Cos. landed at the Juchnov airfield, south of Orscha, on
27 and 28 December. During those two days the military situation around Juchnov
deteriorated rapidly. Soviet assault troops had broken through to the south of
Kaluga and to the north of Suchnitschi. In the process they managed to reach
the Juchnov-Roslavl road and penetrated deeply into the interior sectors of 4th
4, under the command of Hstuf. Walter Harzer, was given the difficult mission
of securing and defending the area around Naro-Fominsk to the south of Juchnov,
while at the same time preserving the vital supply road running to 19th Pz.
Div., which was fighting for its existence against strong communist forces. The
13th, 14th and 16th Cos., which were part of the heavy weapons elements of the
regiment, were ordered to proceed to the front with II. Battalion.
Surprisingly, the light antitank and infantry guns assigned to these companies
were also airlifted in instead of being shipped up in a transport column as
previously planned. This additional firepower made II. Btl. a very welcome
reinforcement to 19th Pz. Division.
the time period from 19 December to 28 December 1941, the Special Air Transport
Sqn. 600 under Maj. Zeidler did a masterful job of flying the 2,200 soldiers of
SS-IR 4 with their weapons, supplies and equipment to hard-pressed Army Group
Center. But noe the real epic struggle of the regiment was about to begin!
I. Battalion/SS-lR
4 at Serpuchov-Djetschino
the early morning hours of 23 December 1941, all of the troops of I./SS-IR 4
were enroute to destinations in the area held by XIII. Corps. At 0300, with the
thunder of heavy artillery fire resounding in their ears, the half-frozen men
of 1st disembarked from their trucks at a small village near the frontlines.
Clothing bags were tossed out and stored together in designated houses. At 0400
the troops formed up for a foot march to the front.
platoons had to make their way down a lonely forest road in hip-deep snow.
After some ground had been covered an enemy patrol caught sight of the
Waffen-SS troops and promptly opened fire. The men of 1st Co. quickly threw up
improvised snow wall fortifications and spent the entire day there pinned down
by the enemy forces. During the night of 23 December, having suffered numerous
cases of frostbite and with only frozen rations for sustenance, 1st Co. slipped
back to the village where they had originally arrived. Here it was made a
rear-guard company of a battalion of the 260th Inf. Division.
about noon on 24 December, 1st Company’s “village” was surrounded by the
Soviets. At 1300 the enemy began to attack and the SS troops fought back with
small arms and hand grenades. The resistance was too much for the Reds and they
pulled back for parts unknown. But 1st Co. was still in a bind; the wounded
could not be evacuated and the soldiers in the vicinity from 260th Div. proved
to be apathetic and fully demoralized.
night was a subdued one; a pine bough on the wall of the company command post
served in place of a Christmas tree. Radio contact was luckily made with
battalion HQ (260th Div.), and permission was granted for the trapped garrison
to attempt a breakout at 2200 hours. Fortunately, scouts had already ascertained
that there was a big hole in the enemy ring to the west, so a withdrawal in
that direction began on schedule in a falling snow. The empty village was set
ablaze as the SS men left prompting one soldier to snarl: “Now that damned
place is pretty good and warm!”
small groups, the SS men slipped through a close-by Russian-held village
without firing a shot. They were given an assist by “General Vodka” as all of
the Red Army troops were in a drunken stupor! By Christmas morning, 1st Co. had
safely reached its reception point with 260th Inf. Division. Hstuf. von
Rautenfeld reported in to the battalion commander saying; “Luck was with us.
We’re very glad the Russians had enough schnapps!”
the soldiers of 2nd and 4th Cos./SS-IR 4 finished driving off the Soviets
around the Malojaroslavice airfield, they were quickly loaded into a waiting
truck convoy for a trip to the “real” front. The combined company battle group
came under the command of Hstuf. Ullman. Following a freezing night journey, the
men of Kampfgruppe “Ullman” took up readiness positions around Vysokinitischi
with orders to prepare for an attack along the road to Serpuchov.
by two assault guns, the two companies rapidly cleaned out an enemy infested
woods and advanced down the road to a designated defensive line, where they
halted to await further developments.
21 December 1941, 3./I./SS-IR 4 and 12./III./SS-IR 4 (machine guns) had landed
at the Malojaroslavice airfield. The two companies were lumped together and
during that night were sent to the vicinity of Vysokinitschi, traveling through
Obnins- koje and Belusova on the way. This sector was held by parts of the
260th and 52nd Inf. Divs., but the front-line situation was now unclear.
Siberian ski battalions had broken through the German security lines at many
SS IR 4 machine gun position on the Oka River near Kaluga.
SS-Hstuf. Maitre, CO of 8./SS IR 4 and later l./SS IR 4.
22 December, the commander of 3rd Co., Hstuf. Herdt, who was also in charge of
the 3rd/12th Company battlegroup, joined his command with that of a task force
from the 260th Inf. Div. in a small village near an arterial road. The Soviets
began pressing in on them from three sides. In the early morning hours, 12th
Co., under Ostuf. Graun, began to set up firing positions for its machine gun
teams in the beleagured town. But Hstuf. Herdt was not about to yield the
initiative to the Soviets; in the pre-dawn darkness he led 3rd Co. on a night
march behind the enemy lines. At daybreak, the company was able to attack the
Red forces from the flanks and rear and achieved a total surprise. The Russians
began a hurried retreat to a small hill, but they were caught in a cross-fire
by the weapons of 3rd Company. Unable to make much progress through the deep
snow, the Soviets were simply slaughtered and in a short time the entire enemy
battalion had been destroyed.
with success, Hstuf. Herdt now made a tragic mistake. He regrouped his company
and led it over the open battlefield, which was covered with dead Russians, but
otherwise barren. While moving back towards the village, 3rd Co. left itself
totally exposed. As a result, it was caught between the pincers of some Red
Army units coming to relieve the now nonexistent Soviet battalion. Just as
their adversaries had done before, the SS men began floundering through the
deep snow in their haste to escape from this new trap. A devastating enemy fire
ripped apart the company, and during the attempt to reach safety fully 90 SS
men fell killed or wounded. Among the dead was the CO, Hstuf. Herdt.
by the stunning losses absorbed by 3rd Co., I. Battalion’s commander, Stubaf.
Vitzthum, requested that its survivors be removed from the front sector. Little
did he know that they would only be taken out of the frying pan and thrown into
the fire! The 3rd Company’s remnants were sent farther south to join the
hard-pressed 52nd Inf. Div. which was valiantly resisting the onslaught of the
49th Soviet Army. In the week of 16- 22 December, the division had lost 11
battalion commanders killed or wounded—giving some idea of what the fighting
was like in its sector! On 22 December alone, I./181st Inf. Rgt./52nd Inf. Div.
which was defending Strongpoint Dvoriki, lost 30 men killed and 159 wounded,
and its CO was also wounded.
23 December, 3/SS-IR 4, now led by Ostuf. Friedrichs, along with Ostuf. Graun’s
12./SS-IR 4, were sent to help the Dvoriki defenders. The strength of 3rd Co.
now stood at two officers/11 NCOs/55 men, while 12th Co. had 4/20/128. Both
companies hauled along their equipment on hand-pulled sleds. Clothing bags and
personal effects had been lost in a fire in the first deployment area. On 24
December the commander of Strongpoint Dvoriki, Hauptmann Werner, gave up his
position and fell back with his command (which now included the two SS
companies) on Roschtscha, to protect the withdrawal of 52nd Division’s heavy
weapons. This proved to be a prudent defensive move. Late in the evening a
radio message reached the battle- group from Lt.Gen. Rendulic: “For your heroic
actions at Roschtscha, my full appreciation. Christmas greetings! Signed:
27 December, the reinforced Kampfgruppe “Werner” with its two SS companies
attacked enemy positions that were threatening the villages of Panovo and
Sugurovo. This enabled the bulk of the 52nd Div. to safely retreat from the
woods and fall back on Njedelnoye. While the attack proved successful, it
immediately provoked enemy counterattacks which continued around the two
villages until 29 December. In the evening of that day, Kampfgruppe “Werner”
began pulling out towards unoccupied territory in the west. Unfortunately, the
movement of the troops attracted a strong enemy attack column, and panic
suddenly set in among the Kampfgruppe soldiers.
Werner and Ostuf. Graun desperately strove to keep the retreat orderly, and by
and large they were successful. No disaster occurred and later during the night
of 29/30 December, the Kampfgruppe marched out of danger and reached the
village of Gontscharovka where Stubaf. Vitzthum and part of his I. Btl. had
built-up a reception point. Soon afterwards, Soviet forces launched a vigorous
attack against the town, but were driven off. The SS and Wehrmacht soldiers
conducted a rapid counterattack that scattered the enemy troops and succeeded
in reopening the Malojaroslavice-Kaluga road to heavy weapons and supply
31 December, KGr. “Werner” traveled south via Djetshino to Mysgi, where it
entered the main defensive lines for what would be a protracted stay. However,
the Waffen-SS contingents were soon given other assignments. The 3rd Co. left
the Kampfgruppe on 4 January 1942 and was followed a short while later by 12th
Company. The 3./SS-IR 4 had gone into battle on 22 December with a strength of
150 men; after ten days of violent fighting it only had 15 men from its
original complement left! The company was reformed using regular Army
replacements from 52nd Inf. Div. and by mid-January it again held 3 officers/19
NCOs/67 men. The 12th Co. had likewise suffered from some attrition; it had
gone into battle with 152 troops and had been reduced to 93 soldiers. However,
it was able to absorb the survivors from the badly depleted 4th Co./ 181st Inf.
Rgt. (Army), which brought 12th Company’s strength back up to 4 officers/23
NCOs/114 men.
The Defense of Kaluga
In December
1941 the key city of Kaluga was defended by Col. Gen. Heinrici’s XXXXIII. Corps
consisting of the 31st, 131st and 137th Inf. Divisions. In the course of the
month the Corps was reinforced by III./SS-IR 4, the 32nd Motorized Polizei Btl.
and the Polizei Rgt. “Center.” The component parts of III./SS- IR 4 landed at
the West Kaluga airfield from 22 to 24 December. Hstuf. Vogdt, the battalion
CO, arrived with his staff at 1445 hours on 22 December. The following day the
regimental staff with the SS-IR 4 commander, Ostubaf. “Kap’tan” Schuldt,
landed. The first III. Btl. unit to be deployed was 8th Co., which was sent off
on Christmas Day to take over 12th Company’s old positions.
in Kaluga, the regimental HQ was soon functioning near the airfield and
Ostubaf. Schuldt had his first conference with the Corps’ commander, Col.Gen.
Heinrici at 1100 hours on 23 December. Schuldt was ordered to deploy part of
his regiment in the defense of the threatened towns that lay to the south of
Kaluga, running along the Vorotynsk-Sztolpovo-Pletenjevka railroad lines. On 23
December 1941, the war diary of XXXXIII. Corps carried the following extract:
“SS-IR 4 requested artillery to oppose the
enemy artillery in the Oka [River] Bend, but none was available. The motorized
Polizei Btl. 32 joined in the request. Colonel Gen. Heinrici told their
commanders: ‘You can only hope for a gift from the heavens.’ [Editor’s Note:
i.e., snow.] At 1200 hours SS-IR 4 reported that their assigned attack south of
Annenka was being carried out. The course of the attack ran as follows: 1300
hours, the regiment has broken through to Annenka and freed the supply lines to
31st Division. The attack force from SS-IR 4 was resupplied from the air. In
the night hours the enemy attacked towards the west. III./SS-IR 4 stopped all
of the enemy efforts in the Oka Bend, even though they were supported by all
calibers of artillery.”
in the morning of 23 December, part of III. Btl. left the general security
lines east of the Kaluga airfield to go north to help free the Kaluga-Medyn
supply road. After achieving its objectives, this deployment group (apparently
the same one discussed in the Corps’ war diary), returned back on the night of
24 December.
regimental anti-tank platoon from 14th Co., led by Ustuf. Buettner, landed at
Kaluga on 23 December along with its disassembled 3.7 cm PAK guns; these had to
be carefully unloaded and put together. A staff officer from XXXXIII Corps met
the platoon at the airfields and gave it its orders. It was being sent to
Sztolpovo, about 20 km to the south. The journey to this village took about an
hour to complete in a motorized convoy and the SS men found that they were the
first German troops to occupy the town. A tributary of the Oka River, bordered
by towering pine trees, ran next to Sztolpovo. There was a broken bridge across
the river at a point about 8 km to the south.
AT Platoon from 14th Co. was soon joined by 11th Co. under Ostuf. Rehburger,
and together they formed a small battlegroup. As the day progressed, the
Kampfgruppe came under increasing enemy pressure. The front to the south was
wide open and Soviet formations were flowing to the west towards the
Juchnov-Roslavl road.
the night, Rehburger’s command occupied Hill 201, which was considered the key
point in the Oka Bend sector, but for a time this seemed like a useless
gesture. The enemy was quite content to go around the SS positions at Sztolpovo
rather than do battle. In addition, Soviet artillery batteries to the south of
Hill 201 began to raise havoc on 25 December when they found the range of the
West Kaluga airfield. XXXXIII. Corps war diary for this day describes what
hours: Since the early morning hours, the Kaluga airfield has been under enemy
artillery fire. The transport planes carrying 8./SS-IR 4 were forced to land
under fire. There were no losses.”
Day also saw the Soviets crossing the Oka River to the north of Kaluga and
beginning to drive on the western part of the city. Enemy spearheads soon
reached the Kaluga-Medyn road at Annenskaja. On 26 and 27 December, the Polizei
Btl. 32 and 31st Inf. Division’s regimental reserves vigorously counterattacked
this incursion and drove the Soviets back over the Oka.
201 and the Kaluga airfield were the scene of heavy enemy attacks on 25
December. The airfield perimeter was stubbornly defended by 98./SS-IR 4, which
except for 8th Co., was the last regimental unit to land there. The 8th Co.
(machine guns), after arriving in Kaluga, was ordered to proceed to Hill 201
and provide fire support for Kampfgruppe “Rehburger.” Hstuf. Maitre, 8th
Coompany’s CO, was given instructions that said: “Hill 201 is to be held to the
last man!” Fifty sleds, some with horse teams, were put at the company’s
disposal. Russian farmers had already volunteered to drive them, and in many
cases had put their own equipment at the disposal of the German Army! The sleds
were divided up between 8th Company’s four platoons, and after being loaded
with weapons and equipment, the march to Hill 201 got underway at 1400 hours in
sub-zero temperatures.
reaching the hill, Hstuf. Maitre reported in to Hstuf. Vogdt, III. Battalion’s
commander who had taken personal charge of the area’s defense. The 8th Co. was
quickly put into position. One MG platoon was placed behind 10th Co. on the
left (south) side of the hill while a mortar squad was placed behind 11th Co.
on the right (north) side of the hill. Other MG and mortar groups were put into
reserve positions in the village of Shelybina on the east side of the hill.
Still other platoons were inserted into the frontline along the Oka to the
southeast and northeast of the village. The Company’s 2 cm Flak guns were
deployed in the southeastern sector.
military situation in general had become so dangerous that XXXXIII. Corps staff
in Kaluga was preparing to implement a large-scale withdrawal. These plans did
not sit too well with Adolf Hitler, however, and at 2030 on 25 December his
personal directive arrived at Corps’ HQ: “Kaluga is to be held at all costs!”
Any and all orders to the contrary were to be considered invalid. There would
be no evacuation of the city; word of this arrived just as the supply troops
were feverishly preparing to pull out!
the Russians closing in from three sides and Hitler’s orders in hand,
preparations for a last-ditch defense of Kaluga were rushed into action. The
front lines around Kaluga were firmed up as much as possible and by the morning
of 26 December contained the following elements, running from south to north:
II1./SS-IR 4, 31st Inf. Div., 32nd Polizei Btl., Polizei Rgt. “Center,” 131st
Inf. Div., 137th Inf. Division. After sustaining heavy losses in the course of
earlier withdrawal actions, most of the companies from the infantry divisions
numbered only about 35 men each.
SS-Ustuf. Metzger, CO of 10./SS IR 4 with his NCOs. He was killed on 8
July 1943 at Bjelgorod.
Regimental medical officer, Hstuf. Dr. Treutler, third from left and
Ostuf. Dr. Lipok, III./SS IR 4 medical officer, second from left.
26 and 27 December, the defenders of Kaluga turned back all enemy attacks. The
Soviets then regrouped to await the arrival of new forces. Hill 201, held by
the Waffen-SS men, became a focal point of Soviet attention. At the time the
Red Army Lt.Gen. Boldin declared: “The hill must first be taken, then Kaluga
will also be ours.”
28 saw the Soviets turn the full force of their artillery fire upon Hill 201 (or
Mount Olivet as it was referred to by the defenders). At 1000 hours the first
wave of Red Army infantry started up the foot of the hill. It was driven back
only to be immediately replaced by a new wave. Again, and again enemy mass
assaults were attempted and driven off. But each time the attackers got a
little bit closer to their goal. Grisly stacks of Russian corpses were soon
piled up in front of the snow walls that marked the German positions. The hill
defenders called for some support from 8th Company’s mortars, but only a few of
these worked as the firing pins on most had frozen.
the late afternoon a strong enemy assault troop broke through the lines of
Ostuf. Metzger’s 10th Company. A reserve platoon under Ustuf. Bode quickly
launched a counterattack and in rapid, violent fighting, the Soviet penetration
force was wiped out to a man. In the course of the melee, Ustuf. Bode caught a
mortar fragment in his lower left thigh and was removed from the action.
Soviets next brought up some tanks. The 3.7 cm PAK guns from 14th Co./SS-IR 4
were quickly switched from the south to the north side of the hill to try and
counter them. But they proved ineffective against the new Russian tank models,
which proved impervious to even direct hits!
fighting on 28 December ended with the onset of darkness, but before things had
quieted down, two machine gun posts from 1st Platoon/8th Co. had been overrun
by the Red tanks. But the men of 14th Co. also managed to knock out two of the
tanks and capture their crews. Under the cover of darkness the wounded had to
be evacuated to the field dressing station of III./SS-IR 4 which had been set
up in a group of houses at Orjeshkova near the Kaluga airfield. The battalion
medical officer, Ostuf. Dr. Lipok, worked throughout the night without pause to
save the lives of his wounded comrades.
next enemy attack came at 0100 on 29 December, when a communist force overran a
machine gun post in the northwest part of Shelybina. In the course of the next
hour the Soviets broke into the west portion of the town and simultaneously
began moving up from the east side. Hstuf. Maitre was in Shelybina with his
supply section when word of the breakthrough reached him. By chance, Ostuf.
Haase, the wounded CO of 9th Co., was also there and the two SS officers moved
to take charge of the situation. They assembled all of the battle-worthy troops
that they could find and began a counterattack with Ostuf. Haase leading his
group down the right side of the main street and Hstuf. Maitre and his men
advancing down the left side of the street.
the next three hours the two small groups of SS men held off the threatening
Soviets. At daybreak the reserve machine gunners and mortar groups were able to
join in and this spelled the end for the enemy. The Reds were forced back down
the snow-covered hill and they became pinned down in a snow bank by the mortar
crews. German medics tried to use this opportunity to assist some of the
wounded Russians on the battlefield, but they had to give up the effort when
some of the wounded they sought to help began shooting at them! The machine gun
group that had earlier been overrun, now emerged unscathed from a field cellar
where they had taken cover.
the morning hours, more than 100 Soviet soldiers were flushed out of the
buildings and cellars in Shelybina and taken prisoner. Another 95 enemy dead
were counted on the ground. The total German losses stood at two dead and six
wounded. Unfortunately, the village was on fire at both ends as a result of the
stiff night fighting. In the fortified snow wall positions all around the town
on Hill 201, the companies of III./SS-IR 4 anxiously awaited a new Soviet
assault. It would not be long in coming, in fact the enemy artillery had begun
its softening up barrage not long after daybreak.
29 would be the decisive day—one way or another—for the defense of Hill 201.
Once again, the enemy tanks were back, leading the attack wave; they virtually
rolled over the almost powerless 3.7 cm PAK guns from the southeast and broke
into the positions of Ostuf. Rehberger’s 11th Company. The German defensive
effort was made even more difficult by poorly coordinated artillery support.
With the enemy rambling forward at will and the lines seeming on the verge of
collapse, the battalion commander called for an emergency Stuka dive bomber
howling sirens, 27 Stukas soon bore down on the Soviet troop concentrations.
Under persistent strafing and bombing, the communist attack broke down and the
survivors fled in a panic for their original lines. What was left before the
Waffen- SS positions was a jumbled field of death and carnage, marked by scores
of twisted corpses. But the defenders had not gotten off easily either; they
had about reached the end of their strength. The 8th Machine Gun Co. reported
to the battalion command post that it had lost 35 dead and 40 wounded or more
than half its strength. It had to be reassembled as a small “rifle” company.
The first priority was to get first aid for the wounded. They were then loaded
on sleds and hauled over the ice-bound Oka River to Szpasskoje where they had
to wait for a motorized med-evac convoy to come get them and take them to the
west. “Mt. Olivet” fast became known as the “Hill of Sorrows”!
the meantime, the situation at Kaluga had deteriorated to the critical point.
XXXXIII. Corps now decided to pull out of the city, Hitler’s orders or not. At
noon on 29 December, Corps HQ passed on the following orders to Hstuf. Vogdt’s
4 is to remove itself from Hill 201 by 30 December. It will withdraw in a body
during the night hours to the Kosmatschoi-Lossva line. It will then retire into
reserve. The enemy must be kept back until the morning hours of 30 December
the course of 29 December, Ostuf. Dr. Lipok found that he had treated some 200
wounded from the battalion and it had proved possible to evacuate only some of
these for more intensive treatment. In the savage fighting for Hill 201, 180 SS
men from III. Btl. had been killed, and they had to be hurriedly buried on “Mt.
Olivet” in unmarked graves.
on the 29th, III. Btl. moved off Hill 201 towards the north (the only direction
still open), where the Corps’ divisions were also relocating. By the morning of
30 December, the battalion was in temporary positions behind Hill 201, and in
the early afternoon the Waffen-SS troops watched the Soviets occupy the ground
they had fought so hard over. With the communists now moving towards Kaluga,
III. Btl. received another assignment. The earlier, optimistic bit about
“retiring into reserve” was now forgotten. The new orders read as follows:
31 December 1941, III./SS-IR 4 will take over positions to the south of
Kolyschevo to strengthen 434th Rgt./131st Inf. Div. and to block any enemy
encroachment from the south.”
Vogdt’s companies just did reach their new deployment areas before the
spearheads of the Soviet attack force got there. The SS men spread out along a
3 km front that ran through Kolyschevo and dug in for the fighting sure to
The Defense of Subovo
look at the “big picture” gives a good indication of the desperate situation
the Germans now found themselves in around Kaluga. The Red Army had torn a 45
km gap in the frontlines between Kaluga and Belev and was moving rapidly to the
west. The Juchnov-Roslavl highway had been reached and captured and the
communist advance forces were driving on Smolensk. The 4th German Army was
teetering precariously on the brink of total disaster. The only things still
propping up the front were a few strongpoints which had to be held on to at all
costs. One of these key “breakwaters” was the town of Subovo to the east of
Juchnov. Its defense was entrusted to II./SS-IR 4, and in a very real sense the
fate of Army Group “Center” rested to an extent on the shoulders of the
battalion’s soldiers!
27 and 28 December 1941, II./SS-IR 4 and parts of 13th, 14th, 16th Companies
and the Platoon “Matzke” from 11th Co., left Krakau for the South Juchnov
airfield near the town of Ogi- balovo. At this point in time, XXXXIII. Corps was
engaged in heavy fighting for Kaluga. The Soviets had already cut the
Juchnov-Kaluga road and once II. Btl, landed it found it could not make its way
through to Kaluga as ordered. This being the case, the unit was sent to Subovo,
via Gladkoje and Tschel- kanovo. Subovo was a critical crossroad town where the
Kaluga- Juchnov highway intersected with the Medyn-Mosalsk road. II. Btl. was
given the job of blocking any further enemy movement down the Kaluga road while
at the same time keeping open a withdrawal route for XXXXIII. Corps.
battalion was deployed in a half-circle around Subovo; the battle-tested 5th,
6th and 7th Cos. were inserted in the front lines and were joined later by
Ustuf. Matzke’s platoon from 11th Co. which had been delayed at Krakau by bad
weather. The regimental support units, anti-tank and artillery sections were
also sent to Subovo. II./SS-IR 4’s commander, Hstuf. Walter Harzer knew what
was expected of him; the town had to be held no matter what if the enemy
floodtide was to be checked. He had confidence that his troops could do
whatever was required of them.
II. Btl. was going into position, Kaluga was being evacuated and XXXXIII. Corps
was trying to establish a new defensive front to the north of the city. In
relation to Kaluga, Subovo was about 50 km due west of it while Juchnov was
closer to 75 km to the northwest of it. The thin front between Subovo and
Juchnov was being held by portions of Gen. von Knobelsdorfs 19th Pz. Div., with
the divisional command post at Matschalovo. To the southwest, holding blocking
positions on the road to Juchnov, was the 10th Inf. Division. Both of these
divisions were part of the newly brought up XXXX. Corps.
Btl. had hardly gotten into place before the enemy began to attack with infantry
and tanks. A battle of unmitigated viciousness took shape with the Reds
attacking Subovo again and again only to be thrown back each time by the SS
defenders. Continuous fighting raged through the last days of December, but II.
Battalion’s soldiers, led by the company commanders Loose, Zische, and Hoehmann
and the platoon leader Matzke, never wavered. Without pausing to rest, they
fought back like cornered tigers. In addition the PAK guns of 14th Co. and the
field howitzers of 13th Co. provided superlative support for the front line
grenadiers; no Russians could get through.
Ostubaf. Schuldt, Regimental CO, outside his HQ, Spring 1942.
their progress blocked at Subovo, the Reds began to attack towards the west on
either side of the town. Their efforts here were more successful and a weird
configuration in the German lines began to take shape. II./SS-IR 4 found itself
sitting in Subovo at the apex of a 15 km long, narrow finger that now extended
into the enemy lines! The northwestern portion of the “finger” was defended by
emergency battlegroups composed of supply and support troops from the 19th Pz.
Div.; if they ever had to give way, Subovo would become totally isolated.
fortunately, all positions were holding and some assault guns were brought into
the “finger” to assist the defenders of Subovo. With the aid of these, special
“storm” troops from II. Battalion’s companies began to launch counterattacks
against the Soviet incursions on either side of them. This caught the enemy off
balance and substantially improved the defensive situation. But there were set
backs, the commander of the 3rd Anti-tank Platoon, Ustuf. Suhrau, was killed in
an enemy mortar barrage while directing close support for a counterattack.
at the Führer’s Headquarters the story of the struggle for Subovo had caught
Hitler’s attention. While leaning over his map table he pointed to the spot
marking Subovo and turned to his Waffen-SS adjutant, Hstuf. Max Wuensche,
saying: “I want the men leading the defense down there to get the Knight’s
Cross!” But the Führer’s wishes never seemed to filter down through the
military bureaucracy; it would be two and half years before Walter Harzer won
the Knight’s Cross for his role in the battle of Arnhem.
9 January 1942, 19th Pz. Div. reported to XXXXIII. Corps that: “The situation
in Subovo at this time is unchanged. A strong enemy threat from the southeast
on 10 January is anticipated.”
the basis of this report, much of XXXXIII. Corps began withdrawing northwards
(the only direction it could go), leaving a line of infantry regiments (12th,
82nd and 432nd) behind to hold open the road to Subovo. For the next ten straight
days, II./SS-IR 4 fought off the enemy on a near continuous basis. At times,
Stukas had to be called for to help deal with the communist tanks. But the end
was now in sight.
19 January 1942, the German divisions between Kaluga and Medyn began a general
retreat down the Juchnov-Medyn highway. The Subovo defenders were to be the
last to pull out. On this same day, II. Btl. reported the sighting of 3 enemy
“Spitfire” planes with British markings and the approach of large-scale enemy
reconnaissance troops. The SS unit also received orders to carry out its own
withdrawal from Subovo in two stages from 19 to 21 January, a mission that was
accomplished without any particular difficulty.
Hstuf. Walter Harzer, CO of II./SS IR 4.
21 January II. Btl. was reunited with the regimental headquarters at a spot
north of Juchnov. Only Ustuf. Matzke’s platoon from 11th Co. remained in the
lines, staying with the 82nd Rgt. of the 31st Inf. Division. It later took part
in very bitter fighting at Kosstina with the 17th Inf. Rgt. and the platoon
took heavy casualties. The survivors did not rejoin SS-IR 4 until 28 January.
the meantime, some high level command changings had been taking place. Colonel
Gen. Kuebler was replaced by Col. Gen. Heinrici as commander of 4th Army on 21
January and the CO of 31st Inf. Div., Maj.Gen. Berthold took over XXXXIII.
Corps. He was in turn replaced at the helm of 31st Div. by Oberst Hossbach.
The Struggle for Juchnov
the beginning of January 1942, 4th Army held a general defensive line that ran
from Malojaroslawice through Djetschino and Mysgi to Kolyshevo before turning
west to Sobova and from there to a point about 10 miles south of Juchnov. In
the Malojaroslawice sector were parts of the 98th, 34th, 260th, 52nd, 131st,
31st and 137th Inf. Divs. plus I. Btl./SS-IR 4.
the night of 1 January 1942, a strong Soviet spearhead reached Malojaroslawice
itself and a fierce battle for the town began. On the following night
Malojaroslawice had to be evacuated and the Germans fell back towards Burakova,
reaching it on 4 January. Under intense enemy pressure the retreat continued
and a new makeshift defensive line was soon strung out from Mallossovo to
elements of the 33rd Soviet Army flooding through the Borowsk area to the west,
with the aim of assaulting Juchnov from the south, the defenders of Kaluga were
hard put to keep pace. I./SS-IR 4 was attached to the 260th Inf. Div. which was
engaged in a fighting withdrawal through Balanina, Frolova and Mussina. From 31
December 1941 until 2 January 1942, III. /SS-IR 4 fought in support of the 31st
and 131st Inf. Divs. at the corner of the front lines near Kolyschevo.
Particularly bloody fighting was waged here in sub-zero temperatures. On 11
January, III. Btl. began to retreat towards the Ugra sector west of Tavarkovo;
its retrograde movements were covered by segments of the 32nd Polizei
14 to 18 January, III./SS-IR 4 was attached to the 137th Inf. Div. and again
fought in the main defensive lines, taking heavy losses. Late on 17 January,
the unit again began marching westwards, this time being driven out of its
positions in Malaja/Bolshaja Rudnja by heavy enemy artillery, mortar and rocket
fire that had set the town ablaze. For four straight days the battalion was on
the move. The Waffen-SS grenadiers had to cross the deep snow fields on foot
and averaged less than two hours worth of rest per day. By 22 January, III.
Btl. had only 100 of its original 500 man complement left; the rest were dead,
wounded, missing, frost-bitten or prisoners.
the first part of January, I./SS-IR 4 continued to fight alongside 260th Div.
in the middle of the Tavarkovo-Medyn defensive line. When the 260th finally
pulled out, I. Btl. covered its retreat. On 10 January, I./SS-IR 4 took up
positions around Kolyschevo in a half-circle facing northeast, east and
southeast. The battalion remained here until 20 January, serving as the main
defensive buttress for the 260th Div. in the Kondrovo sector. On 19 January,
part of the SS unit helped the division block an enemy penetration at Kondrovo,
but on the 20th, the battalion began a fighting retreat that took it through
Panovka, Bogdanovo, Beljeikovo and other points on the Juchnov-Medyn road.
the same time, III. Btl. also reached the Juchnov road, where it tangled with
the enemy again at Krykovo. This little engagement rated a big entry in a
Soviet propaganda newspaper published for the benefit of the German Army,
titled “The Truth.” In an article entitled “The Offensive of the Soviet
Forces,” it was stated that III./SS-IR 4 had been “wiped out” at Krykovo,
leaving 200 officers and men dead on the battlefield with the rest fleeing. The
veracity of the story couldn’t quite hold water, since the battalion had only
100 soldiers to begin with during this battle!
21 January 1942, 4th Army issued new orders to SS-IR 4 that read:
4 will be attached to the LVII. Corps (motorized). With all the strength that
it can muster it is to join with the Group Meindl (paratroopers) on the
Juchnov-Oschansk road facing north. It is then to outflank the enemy on the
easternmost sector and commence a counterattack that will alleviate the enemy
pressure on Juchnov. II./SS-IR 4 is in the Kuuschinov- kaarea to the south of
Juchnov. It will be made free as soon as possible to rejoin the regiment.”
late January to early February, the Soviets attacked towards Juchnov with
everything from airborne troops to horse cavalry. On 20 January, the supply
troops from II./SS-IR 4 under Ostuf. Dennstaedt struggled to keep open the main
road some 15-20 km southwest of Juchnov. With a superhuman effort these men
flung back Soviet airborne and cavalry forces and kept the road free for the
withdrawal of German combat troops. For his courageous leadership, Ostuf.
Dennstaedt would receive the Iron Cross, 1st Class.
a month of debilitating combat, the scattered units of SS-IR 4, together with
parts of various “broken” Army divisions, finally began to regroup at the North
Juchnov airfield on 20/21 January 1942. After being attached to LVII. Corps,
SS-IR 4 received the following orders from that command on 21 January:
“Together with the reinforced elements of the Group Meindl, SS-IR 4 is to be
employed in an advanced line along the Juchnov- Gschatsk road to the north to
outflank and prevent further enemy movement [in that area).”
4 now became a subordinate element of the Group Meindl, led by Generalmajor
Eugen Meindl, the 50 year old hero of the Crete campaign. The staff and I. Btl.
of Meindl’s paratroop regiment had been flown into Juchnov on 15 January 1942.
The other two battalions from Meindl’s regiment were fighting at different
parts of the Eastern Front; one was at Schlusselberg and the other was on the
Mius River.
22 January 1942, I. and III. Btls./SS-IR 4 were sent to join Kampfgruppe
“Meindl” at Fedjukovo, 30 km north of Juchnov. At this time, II. Btl. was still
in the process of disengaging from the Subova strongpoint. Kampfgruppe “Meindl”
now consisted of the following elements:
I. and III./SS-IR 4
Fallschirmjäger regimental staff and staff company
Fallschirmjäger battalion
Luftwaffe construction battalion
Flak detachment
strong, detached infantry battalion
the evening of 22 January, I. and III./SS-IR 4 reached Fedjukova and the
regimental CO, Ostubaf. Schuldt reported in at Kampfgruppe HQ to see what the
situation was. III. Btl. Was immediately sent out on a mission to drive back a
Soviet spearhead. Hstuf. Vogdt led the battalion in a night attack along both
sides of the Fedjukovo-Kolodkino road. In a violent clash, the communist forces
that were trying to seize Kolodkino were dispersed by the Waffen-SS troops.
the same time, I. Btl. under Stubaf. Vitzthum was sent to Telejujto. to occupy
that town before the Russians got there. Ostubaf. Schuldt then ordered Ostuf.
Metzger and his company to launch an attack on the regimental north flank
towards Nono- Derevnja. This town was taken in a dashing and daring night
assault that surprised the Soviet defenders, who fled wildly to the east. While
this was going on, Hstuf. Harzer’s valiant II. Btl. finally reached Fedjukovo
and reported in to the regimental HQ.
23 January 1942, III. Btl. moved into jumping-off positions in the woods IV2
miles east of Kolodkino for an attack on Kolodesi, which was to be supported by
the “88” Flak gun battery from KGr. “Meindl.” High snow drifts and temperatures
hovering at -25 F precluded any quick gain of ground. Stukas had been called
upon first to soften up the enemy defenses. Once they had done their job,
Hstuf. Vogdt’s men went over on the attack. Slowly but surely the SS attack
built up a head of steam and despite the horrible conditions, good progress was
soon made. Moving forward at a quick pace, only stopping every now and then to
fire their weapons, the grenadiers stormed into Kolodesi, crossed a stream, and
kept on going to the village of Agaryschi. The Soviet defenders began running
away to the east towards Belizy and the battle came to its conclusion.
Btl. regrouped in the east part of Agaryschi and counted its spoils. One hundred
Russians had surrendered and another 205 were counted dead on the battlefield.
Twelve artillery pieces, 20 machine guns, five anti-tank guns and large
quantities of carbines were captured. III. Battalion’s losses totaled 2 dead
and 26 wounded.
“Meindl” now ordered III. Btl. to attack Belizy from the west on 24 January
while 98th Inf. Div. moved on it from the east. But the planned assault never
materialized; the enemy defensive fire directed towards III./SS-IR 4 was too
great to permit the battalion to advance on Belizy, so the unit remained in
place holding Kolodesi-Agaryschi, which were actually twin villages divided by
a stream. On 25 January the battalion was reinforced by Hstuf. Hoehmann’s 7th
Co. from II. /SS-IR 4.
and Novo-Derevnja were now held by I./SS-IR 4 with 10th Co. under Ostuf.
Metzger defending the key point in the lines at Novo-Derevnja. II. Btl. was
made responsible for defending the towns of Fedjukovo and Kolodkino and at this
point in time the entire SS-IR 4 was fully committed to battle for the first
time under one command.
the enemy was now preparing to strike back. With all of the main units of KGr.
“Meindl” in the front lines, the major supply route to Prisselje was left
unprotected. A Soviet ski troop task force promptly broke through the thinly
guarded front at Ssemenowskoje and was able to sever the Kolodkino-Kolodesi
road in the sector of III./SS-IR 4 and then advance to take the town of
Prisselje. This created a huge logistics mess for the Kampfgruppe, which would
have to be dealt with in the near future. But for the moment, the battlegroup’s
units were engaged again in a struggle for survival.
26 January 1942, 12th, 13th and 14th Cos./SS-IR 4, reached Fedjukovo and were
quickly deployed in different supporting positions. 13th and 14th Companies
along with some other regimental troops and an engineer platoon from 16th Co.
had finally left Krakow for Juchnov in a motorized convoy in mid-January. The
heavy artillery and anti-tank guns attached to these companies had to be
transferred to horse-drawn sleds in order to reach their designated positions.
The severe cold took a heavy toll on the trucks, whose motors often froze solid
overnight. In the morning, fires often had to be started under the engine,
which was a procedure that sometimes didn’t work.
Hstuf. Harzer presents the 180 survivors (out of 2,500) to Ostubaf.
Schuldt, April 1942.
Soviet command next directed its attention to the exposed positions of III.
Btl. and on 28 and 29 January this unit was hit by strong attacks from both the
east and south. The “88” gun battery stationed 12 km away at Fedjukovo was
called upon to assist the battalion, although firing ranges had to be
transmitted via radio. The most violent fighting raged from Chmylovka to
Agaryschi where one enemy company after another was shot to pieces. At
nightfall on 29 January the frustrated Soviets pounded the area with artillery
fire, setting the SS held villages on fire. The German soldiers were forced to
hug the ground in their snow-covered bunkers and foxholes while the temperature
plummeted to more than — 30 F below zero!
29 January 1942, Gen. Meindl made the following report on the condition of
SS-IR 4 to XII. Corps HQ:
The combat strength of SS-IR 4 is only about 700 men. For the last three days,
shortages in munitions and supplies have developed.
[Regimental] attacks must have the support of heavy weapons, otherwise there
will be an unnecessary loss of blood with no possibility of success.”
1930 hours a radio message from SS-IR 4 HQ reached Meindl:
men are holding 10 villages. We do not have enough ammunition for our heavy
weapons to preclude the possibility of a breakthrough by a mass attack.”
early morning hours of 30 January were unnaturally tranquil in III. Battalion’s
sector; but this only caused Hstuf. Vogdt’s men to prepare for the worst.
Fortunately supplies were dropped to the regimental elements by air, thus
helping to alleviate some of the severe shortages. But the Soviet pressure
would continue to threaten the lifeline of the regiment until the town of
Prisselje was retaken, so a 100 man battlegroup to be led by Ustyf. Matzke was
formed to do just that.
parties observed that there was substantial enemy east-west troop movement
through Prisselje, so Kampfgruppe “Matzke” had to be careful not to prematurely
stumble into any Red Army troops before reaching the attack zone. At one point
an enemy ski platoon passed right by the flank of KGr. “Matzke,” but failed to
recognize the German soldiers for what they were!
after 1100 hours on 30 January, Ustuf. Matzke’s troops attacked Prisselje. In
bitter house-to-house fighting the enemy was pushed out and a Soviet supply
column consisting of pony wagons and sleds filled with weapons and equipment
was destroyed. Parts of II. Btl. and 16th Co. (engineers) rushed ahead to seize
the nearby village of Novo-Uspenskaja. At 1300 hours, Gen.Maj. Meindl was able
to send the following message to Corps’ HQ:
is in our hands; munitions for SS-IR 4 can go through!”
the evening of 30 January it proved possible for the first time in days to
transport the badly wounded SS men in Fedjukovo to the field hospital at
Juchnov. But from Juchnov the railroad line to Roslavl was cut at many points
by the enemy, so the most severe casualties had to be flown out in Ju 52
transport planes (70 separate flights in two days), although two large groups
of the less badly wounded were sent out to the west in columns of horse pulled
SS IR 4’s surviving 20 officers (out of 300), April 1942.
Desperate Battles
the morning of 31 January 1942, the Soviets began a massive tank-supported
assault on Kolodesi-Agaryschi. One enemy contingent swiftly broke through the
lines and overran the SS-IR 4 supply route about 2 km east of Kolodkino. The
principal objective of the attack was the destruction of III./SS-IR 4, and
within a short time this became a very likely possibility. At 1145, SS-IR 4 HQ
radioed the command post of 268 Inf. Div. reporting enemy tanks advancing on
Agaryschi and requesting artillery fire on Belizy. The division was unable to
help with the request so Stukas were called upon. This assistance also failed
to materialize and at 1155, SS-IR 4 again radioed 268th Div.: “Enemy troops
with tanks entering Agaryschi.” At 1200, artillery gunners from the 98th Inf.
Div. were instructed to fire upon Belizy and Loschevo, while some of the
division’s infantry prepared to launch a relief attack. But it was almost too
late for III. Btl.; the Reds had reached the unit’s “snow wall” defenses with a
batch of new T-34 tanks.
minutes, III./SS-IR 4 was fighting for its life. In the eastern part of
Agaryschi, 7th, 9th and 11th Companies were overrun and the survivors scattered
for new cover. Ostuf. Reh- burger, commanding 11th Co. and Hstuf. Kohn, the
leader of the 14th Anti-tank Co. were both killed. The Russian tanks kept
moving forward and four of them advanced on three 3.7 cm antitank guns from
14th Company. The SS gunners bravely stayed in place and scored one direct hit
after another on the T-34’s but with no effect! The tanks kept coming and
simply plowed into the anti-tank guns, crushing them into mangled metal.
8th Company’s machine gun and mortar crews suffered a similar fate; the tanks
simply rolled over their positions and the crewmen fled for their lives. Ustuf.
Unterrainer, the battalion ordnance officer, regrouped a platoon of survivors
and led them in a courageous counterattack; he was immediately killed and his
men dispersed. Agaryschi had to be abandoned. The remnants of 8th, 9th, 11th
and 14th Companies fell back on Kolodesi. The battalion adjutant, Ustuf. Balz,
was killed in the retreat and many wounded and dead were left behind. All of
the members of 8th Company’s mortar group, save one, were killed. Only Rottenführer
Fregin remained alive and he was forced to lay still in the snow all day
feigning death. At night he slipped through the Russian sentry posts and
rejoined his unit.
Kolodesi, which was defended by Hstuf. Hoehmann’s 7th Co., the battalion’s
survivors reassembled. A steep banked, snow-filled stream bed that separated
Kolodesi from Agaryschi effectively stopped the Russian tanks. An old, rotten
wooden bridge was the only easy way across the gorge and this could not support
the weight of the tanks. But the Red Army infantrymen were not deterred; they
streamed across the stream bed and continued the attack.
3rd Platoon/7th Co., under Oscha. Seeger, counterattacked through the ruins of
the village and flung the communist foot soldiers back across the stream. But
they reassembled, and supported by the direct fire of their tanks, resumed
their assault. Hstuf. Hoehmann led the defensive effort at the head of his
company and as a result, was killed in action. In the west part of Kolodesi,
the light artillery section from 13th Co. ran out of ammunition. The crews then
spiked their guns and joined the infantry.
1600 hours, all of the heavy weapons belonging to III. Btl. had been silenced
and the SS riflemen were down to only 5-10 cartridges apiece. They were also
totally exhausted, but fortunately, so were the Reds. But a close eye had to be
kept on the Soviet tanks in the west part of Agaryschi; they kept opening fire
on any careless German troops. At this critical juncture, Hstuf. Vogdt, the
battalion CO, radioed regimental HQ in Fedju- kovo for further instructions. He
was particularly concerned over the lack of ammunition.
the regimental commander, Ostubaf. Schuldt, there was only one solution. He
sent the following directives back to III. Btl.:
4 will break out to the west. In the east part of the forest eastwards of
Kolodino it will be joined by II. Battalion!”
Vogdt hurriedly prepared III. Btl. for the break out. Leading off the march
would be Hstuf. Maitre with parts of 7th and 8th Companies. He was to follow
the supply road to the west. Moving through deep snow in a widely spread-out
group, Maitre’s column soon drew enemy fire from the nearby forests. Suddenly
some white-clad Soviet advance troops came charging towards the SS force,
shouting “hurrah, hurrah.” With cool deliberation, Hstuf. Maitre’s men used up
the last of their ammunition as they succeeded in driving off their Russian
assailants towards the south.
Maitre’s group came pony drawn sleds hauling the battalion’s artillery pieces.
It was slow going and the engineers from 16th Co. had to help out at times.
Along the break out route, three overturned horse sleds with dead drivers were
found. They had been part of a regimental supply convoy that was wiped out on
25 January. However, some artillery rounds were salvaged from the wrecked
sleds. The field pieces were then set up in firing positions and fed the new-found
ammunition. The Waffen-SS gunners then shelled Agaryschi until the onset of
darkness, giving the Russians an unpleasant surprise and providing cover for
the withdrawing battalion.
the night, the last part of III. Btl., personally led by Hstuf. Vogdt,
successfully reached II. Battalion’s positions at Kolodino. The battalion had
brought out 82 wounded but had also left behind many dead and unaccounted for.
On 1 February, III./SS-IR 4 was redeployed in Novo-Derewnya, except for its
10th Co., which had been attached to a battalion from the 268th Inf. Div.
further to the north. A 5 cm PAK gun was sent to III. Btl. to replace its lost
anti-tank cannons.
this time, the other battalions of SS-IR 4 were situated as follows: II. Btl.
in Kolodino and I. Btl. in Jeshovo. The defensive front was critically short of
supplies and was being threatened all over. During a manpower check it was
discovered that all of SS-IR 4’s battalions were down to company strength.
3 February, little had changed in the lines. I./SS-IR 4 under
Stubaf. Vitzthum was still in Jeshovo, facing east. To its
southeast was a 5 km gap in the lines to the positions held by III. Battalion.
To the north a tenuous link-up was maintained to the 17th Inf. Div. which was
located to the north of Krapivka. II./SS-IR 4 in Kolodino with the regimental
HQ, was worried about the tanks that had overrun III. Battalion. No unit in the
regiment had weapons that were adequate to deal with the new T-34’s, and
tensions were growing as enemy assault parties kept up hit-and-run raids
through gaps in the regimental positions.
on the night of 4/5 February, the loud rumbling, rattling sound of tanks on the
move could be heard emanating from the woods to the east of Kolodino. Hstuf.
Harzer immediately put his entire battalion on alert. At daybreak, the Red
tanks and accompanying infantry began to move on Kolodino. This time fate
played a kind hand: the lead tank detonated a “T”-mine and exploded and the
following tanks got bogged down in deep snow. Without even firing a shot, the
SS defenders watched in amazement as the enemy attack force floundered in
somebody gave the orders to open fire. The German field howitzers began
shelling the tanks, and they stopped struggling to move forward long enough to
return the fire. But once again the shells merely bounced off of the thick
armor of the T-34’s. There was only one sure way to get them: by hand! Death-
defying SS troopers, loaded down with Teller mines, sprang from their positions
and ran towards the tanks. It was a risky business; some men were shot down but
others got their pay- loads through to the tanks. But even these explosive
charges were not effective enough to cripple the Soviet armored monsters. Still
the explosives shook up the tank crews and got the message across that they
would be better off by withdrawing from the immediate vicinity.
was running the Red Army attack was less than impressed by the cautious
approach taken by the tank crews and within a few minutes they were on their
way back towards the German lines. SS-IR 4’s feeble 3.7 cm anti-tank guns began
blazing away but were quickly overwhelmed by the tanks; their crews headed for
safer ground. The T-34’s opened up on the wooden buildings in Kolodkino and had
most of them ablaze in short order. Then the Red infantry tried to move
forward. From out of their foxholes in the frozen, snow-covered ground the SS
men fought back furiously with their small arms, and the Soviet soldiers were
soon heading back in full retreat.
the general situation looked hopeless; the men of II. Btl. were in their last
defensive positions, they had no further place to run to. In addition, the
battalion had sustained high losses and the infernal tanks were still there,
blazing away, seemingly unstoppable. The only thing that kept them back
momentarily were the hand grenades the SS men pelted them with. At this
juncture, Hstuf. Harzer radioed regimental HQ for further instructions. After
hearing about the battalion’s predicament, Ostubaf. Schuldt ordered it to fall
back on Fedjukovo.
available parts of the regiment would now be used to build a blocking line
between Fedjukovo and Kolodino. But in the meantime, the fighting in Kolodino
continued. II. Battalion’s dressing station was repeatedly shelled by the enemy
tanks (despite its visible Red Cross insignia), and almost all of the medics
were killed. The battalion doctor, Ostuf. Reiner was Finally, Hstuf. Harzer issued
these orders to his company commanders: “[Commence] fighting withdrawal to
retreat was not an easy one. Hstuf. Buhmueller and his engineers from part of
16th Co. tried to provide cover fire for the rest of the battalion, but
Buhmueller was soon severely wounded and hovered between life and death. The
remnants of the escaping unit were shredded by the tank fire and all too many
fatalities occurred as a result. In the evening of 5 February, II. Battalion’s
150 survivors reached the newly designated interception line, but there would
still be no respite.
HQ sent a small reserve group and two new field howitzers to II. Btl. to help
the unit face the enemy follow-up attack that was sure to follow on the next
day. If II. Btl. could not hold now, Fedjukovo would fall to the enemy. During
the night, 15 tanks and assault guns providentally turned up in Fedjukovo to
support the regiment. Some of them were detached and sent to join Hstuf.
Harzer’s battalion. At the same time a recce patrol reported in to the II. Btl.
command post after observing the enemy elements in Kolodkino. It seems that
after their great victory the Russians had stopped to celebrate and were now
mostly all quite drunk.
Harzer digested the information and came up with one thought: counterattack! An
assault troop was quickly formed and the tank commanders were given the job of
supporting it. A little bit after midnight on 6 February, the bold task force
started off on its mission.
the bright moonlight of a bitterly cold night, the German tanks led the
battalion back into Kolodkino. The town was quiet; its Red Army occupants were
oblivious to the world, mostly dead drunk. The fatigued soldiers of II. Btl.
had to shake themselves awake. Then the frightful memories of the previous
day’s fighting subsided and the old battle spirit came back to them. Alongside
the tanks they stormed into Kolodkino.
tank cannons barked, the machine guns clattered and the soldiers yelled. Within
minutes six enemy T-34’s went up in flames. The Soviet infantry woke up in
horror, and those that could began running madly towards the east. All the
while the SS men dashed into the few standing houses and began mopping up. They
met little or no resistance. As the dawn broke, the whole town and the old
defensive lines were back in German hands. A defeat had been turned into a
success in the span of only a few hours! With the arrival of daylight, a
particularly horrifying tragedy was revealed: 40 officers and men from 16th Co.
(Engineers) who had been cut off and captured were found bound and shot in the
head. On top of this the wounded that had been left behind were also found—they
had been shot in the nape of the neck. No words were necessary; the bestiality
of the communists had once again been revealed. No one had to ask themselves
“What are we fighting for?”.
Situation Map of the German 4th Army December 1941 to April
the afternoon, Oberst Greiner, CO of the 268th Inf. Div., visited Kolodkino to
get an overview of the situation from Hstuf. Harzer. In the days to come, SS-IR
4 would fight alongside 268th Div. in the struggle to free the sectors to the
other units of SS-IR 4 had not been left out of the action. I. Btl. (a
designation in name only!) had a net strength of one officer, eight NCOs and 45
men. These 54 soldiers were still divided into two rifle and one machine gun
“companies,” that were positioned around Jeshovo under the overall command of
Hstuf. Maitre. To the battalion’s east were a string of three small outposts
that connected it to III. Btl., while to the west a fragile contact was
maintained with the 55th Inf. Regiment. The defenses were so weak that nerves
were always at the breaking point. On 15 February, a Russian assault troop
attacked Jeshovo; it was driven off but Hstuf. Maitre was wounded, thus leaving
the battalion with no officers of its own. It now had to borrow one from the
55th Inf. Regiment.
radioed in a report of his losses to Ostubaf. Schuldt and a “Hiwi” (Russian
volunteer helper) was assigned to evacuate the battalion wounded in a horse
drawn sled packed with straw. The destination was the dressing station in
Feldjukovo. En route the sled was ambushed by a Russian scouting party that had
infiltrated into the adjacent woods. With bullets flying by his face the “Hiwi”
driver vigorously applied his whip to the horse and the sled raced madly away,
out of reach of the Soviets. It later pulled into Feldjukovo with the horse
steaming and foaming, but the cargo intact.
Btl./SS-IR 4 was lucky in that it still had five officers left, though two of
them were medical doctors. They were, all told: Ostuf. Dr. Lipok, Ustuf. Dr.
Hampel, Hstuf. Vogdt (the CO), and the company commanders Ustuf. Matzke and
Ustuf. Metzger. The battalion strength was about equal to that of one strong
company. On 18 February 1942 the German attack to re-establish links to the
north began. After a good “softening up” barrage from the artillery, 17th Inf.
Div. led the drive towards Sacha- rovo; on its right flank was II./SS-IR 4
(Harzer) and a company from III./SS-IR 4 (metzger).
Btl. had the twin objectives of resecuring Jeshovo (which I. Btl. had been
forced to abandon) and then attack towards Mjakota. Supported by Stukas, Hstuf.
Harzer’s men attained their goals with the loss of three killed and several
wounded. The enemy had been severely weakened by hunger and unbelievably heavy
losses, so by the end of the month it proved possible to establish a new, and
reasonably formidible, defensive line along the Ugra River. Of course SS-IR 4
had not fared too well either; in two months of non-stop action it had lost 80%
of its troops but remained in the front lines!
The Ugra River Line
early March 1942, the depleted elements of SS-IR 4 found themselves in
defensive positions along the course of the Ugra River. On 6 March, in a small
schoolhouse that was being utilized as the command post of III. Btl., Hstuf.
Vogdt and his adjutant, Ustuf. Mathoi, both received the Iron Cross 1st Class
for valor. Then a Soviet artillery shell came through the window and Vogdt was
instantly killed. It was certainly the supreme irony of war, as Vogdt had
survived countless hand-to-hand clashes over the previous several weeks! The
loss of this formidable officer was felt throughout the whole regiment. Ostuf.
Mueller now assumed command of what was left of III. Battalion.
the south of SS-IR 4’s positions the 98th Inf. Div. held down a 12 km front
with its entire troop strength of 900 men—all of the German units on this
sector of the front had taken devastating losses. What ensued now was a war of
attrition as the exhausted Germans and Russians pummeled each other with
artillery fire across the Ugra. In the middle of March, SS-IR 4 received its
first replacements of the winter: a group of young and eager Swiss volunteers.
This was perhaps the only batch of volunteers from this neutral country which
would be sent to a Waffen-SS unit in a “national cluster.” Within a month many
of these brave “sons of Europe” would also become casualties.
14 April 1942, the nightmare of the Eastern Front during the winter of 1941/42
was over for SS-IR 4 when the remnants of the regiment were sent back to
Germany for a well-deserved rest. After two weeks of home leave, the regiment’s
soldiers reassembled in Krakow to begin the process of rebuilding the unit.
Many recovered wounded and new replacements were now added. For the valiant
performance of his regiment, SS- Obersturmbannführer “Kapt’n” Schuldt was
awarded the Knight’s Cross.
the ultimate compliment for the unit came from the Führer himself. On his
birthday, 20 April, Hitler bestowed the name “Langemarck” on the SS-IR 4.
Langemarck was the town in Flanders where in World War I, endless ranks of
student volunteers had hurled themselves again and again against impregnable
British machine gun positions, singing the national anthem. Before the day was
done even disarmed and wounded soldiers had joined in, in an example of total
dedication and sacrifice. In this manner an entire division of 18 to 20-year
olds was annihilated at Langemarck, but their example stirred the entire German
Army. The comparison with SS-IR 4 was obvious; from December 1941 to April 1942
the regiment’s strength went from 2500 combatants to 180! This was a casualty
rate of 93%! The title of “Langemarck” had certainly been earned in blood by
the men of the regiment.
in May, the reformed unit joined the SS Panzer Grenadier Div. “Das Reich,”
which was also reforming after a hard winter’s combat at the Fallingbostel
training camp. SS-IR 4 was now reorganized as a motorized “fast” rifle
regiment, consisting of two rifle battalions of five companies each and a
motorcycle detachment. In the course of the summer of 1942, the infantry
companies of I. Btl. were broken up and used as replacements for the rest of
the “Das Reich” Division. II. Btl. became the II. Abteilung of the newly
authorized SS Pz. Rgt. 2 “Das Reich,” while only the motorcycle detachment
remained intact. For several months it was carried on the divisional roster as
the SS Kradschuetzen Btl. “Langemarck.” In 1943 this unit was dissolved and the
title “Langemarck” was transferred to the 6th SS Sturmbrigade, composed of
Flemish volunteers. In much difficult fighting in 1944 and 1945, they continued
to maintain the honor of the name “Langemarck.”
the winter of 1942/1943, “Kapt’n” Schuldt commanded a SS/Police battlegroup
with success on the southern part of the Eastern Front. Later in 1943 he took
command of the 2nd Latvian SS Volunteer Brigade which would be transformed into
the 19th Latvian SS Division. Schuldt led this unit brilliantly; being further
decorated with the Oakleaves to the Knight’s Cross and promoted to the rank of
Oberführer. In March 1944 he was killed-in-action leading his command and was
honored by the posthumous decoration of the Swords to the Oakleaves of the
Knight’s Cross and a promotion to Brigadeführer. A funeral sevice was held for
him in Riga, Latvia and it was well attended by both Germans and Latvians
alike. Hinrich Schuldt was an irreplaceable Waffen-SS officer.
its brief but violent existence, SS-IR 4 “Langemarck” fully proved itself as a
superior military unit. The dedication and sacrifices of its soldiers speak for
themselves. It was a remarkable, but in many ways typical, representative of
the elite multi-national army that was the Waffen-SS.
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