Nothing is more proscribed than “xenophobia”. It’s only villains with their hearts full of hatred, who dislike immigrants? Isn’t it?

But you, too, have wondered now and then: What are they doing here? After all, they aren’t asylum seekers all of them! Correct! Most of them are here for only one reason: there is something to get, social welfare for example. Or money from wealthy Europeans, by peddling fake goods to them. That’s a more comfortable life than working all day in Africa or Anatolia. And they are in a country where everything still is running well and medical treatment available.

Really perverse is that we are forced to accept being bad-mouthed by them – if not even worse things, such as mugging, rape and homicide. And as their number is increasing, they become more and more prone to violence.

European politicians support this development and talk us into believing it is our moral duty to turn our homelands into ideal immigration countries; because of “human rights” and “our historical responsibility”. In Germany it is about the “Holocaust”, in France and England about “colonialism”, and in the USA about slavery, etc. But have you killed Jews or traded slaves? Have you been a colonial master? And what about Norway for example, which became independent not before the beginning of the 20th century and had been a poor country then?

And what is the true reason for mass immigration? International high finance and their henchmen, the politicians, want to replace the European cultural nations by a racially mixed “population” without identity in order to establish a perfect exploitation system: the “New World Order”.

We will become prisoners in our own countries. Victims of our “humaneness” and our wrong concept of tolerance towards intolerance.

By their sheer number the aliens will destroy our societies. Alone in 2011 ONE MILLION PEOPLE came to Germany, mainly from the “Third World”. More than TWO MILLION illegal immigrants live in Athens. The most common first name given to newborn boys is Mohammed in almost all major European cities. This going on will lead to as many aliens as natives in European countries in 2040.

He who imports people from the Third World, brings the Third World into his home. Filth, poor education, crime, and lifestyles we had overcome long ago enter our daily lives and we ourselves are to respect alien and archaic religious behavior rules. Today it is no more pork in school cafeterias, tomorrow sharia will be implemented. We are not only to “tolerate” the immigrants’ habits, we are to observe their rules. But if you travel to Saudi Arabia, your wife has to wear the veil, nobody will comply with your desires.

It is NOT about blind racism. It is NOT about hatred towards foreigners. No, it is about OUR HOMELANDS being destroyed – and we AS PEOPLES, too.

Only recently, the German parliament has passed a law which allows domestic military deployment in case of “catastrophic conditions”. According to EU law insurgents can be shot. These measures are not taken because politicians fear the millions of immigrants in our countries but in case we object to our displacement by alien peoples.

That is exactly what is happening: We are displaced, we are to be replaced. German politicians openly talk about the “dilution of the German people” and that “Europe needs more diversity”. Sarkozy urged the French to more race-mixing, lest they would “get into trouble.”

You are not insane, if you feel there are only immigrants everywhere. You are not hate-filled if you notice that many immigrants do not conform to our rules. And you are not racist if you want the immigrants to go back to their own countries.

The slogan of the major Turkish newspaper “Hürryet” ist “Türkiye türklerindir”, which means “Turkey for the Turks”. Turkey for the Turks? Yes! But for all of them! Including those who are here. Shoo, home you go! And social welfare for Turks only in Turkey!