Tuesday 29 October 2013

Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich

David Irving’s famous biography of Reichsminister Dr. Joseph Goebbels.


 A Note on the Internet Edition.  This biography went through half a dozen drafts between the handwritten original and the printed book. The final typescript was completed on Sept. 7, 1994, and submitted to St Martins Press (SMP) that winter. That is the full-length text reproduced here.

After the contract was signed, the biography went through the normal editing processes, being appraised, according to SMP’s editor Thomas Dunne, by seven different editors.

At SMP’s suggestion the earlier chapters were substantially cut back in editing. In Feb. 1996 the „Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai Brith,“ a New York based Jewish body, began agitating against SMP and Doubleday Inc., who had announced this work as their History Book Club selection for May 1996. The publishers initially announced that they would not surrender to the ADL intimidation, but on Apr. 6, 1996 they did just that. The book never appeared in the United States.

This Internet edition is the gift of the author and his publishing imprint Focal Point to the academic and student world. We ask only that the intellectual and copyrights be respected.

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