Tuesday 24 February 2015

Gottfried Feder - The programme of the NSDAP

Today is the 95-th anniversary since the founding of the NSDAP (24.02.1920)! Greetings to all comrades!

For this anniversary I digitized the important brochure “The programme of the NSDAP” by Gottfried Feder.  You can download it from the link below:

On 24 February 1920 in Munich was founded the National-Socialist German Worker’s Party - NSDAP. Led by our Führer Adolf Hitler, NSDAP became much more than a political movement - it became the holy Order of the entire German folk - the Order which united the Germans of all classes, educated and organized them in the best possible way.

Thanks to Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP - only within 6 years Germany turned into the greatest world power! During the following 6 years the NSDAP became the heart and soul of the European resistance forces and led them through the greatest war in the history. Although the war was lost, the National-Socialism is a perfect example for the future generations - NSDAP is written with golden letters into the world history - forever!

1 comment:

  1. Gottfried Feder was truly a visionary. His place in history has yet to be appreciated. My respect for him grows with each day. The World could free itself by using his methods. The Kosher Tribe deliberately distorts real the record of Feder's achievements.
