Tuesday 22 October 2019

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 711 – 19 April 1944

- Composer Hans Pfitzner on the day of its 75th anniversary will conduct the orchestra, performing music from his operetta „Kethen of Heilbronn“.

- On Easter prize races at the Berlin Karlshorst racecourse there are tens of thousands of Berliners.

- Against the background of the radio tower sculpture of a man and a woman with fragments of columns and books.

- Newspaper „Reich“, over a photograph of Hitler with military commanders at the headquarters of the title „inexorable solidarity“.

- The head of the Greater German radio microphone in front of the doctor.

- Rau reads message Reich Propaganda Joseph Goebbels from the weekly „Das Reich“ of the barbaric bombardment of enemy aircraft German cities.

- The coal mine in the Ruhr area.

- The next generation of miners in the classroom at a vocational school.

- Classes at the chemistry laboratory.

- Practical training at the mine.

- The guys on the construction of the tunnel in the mine, they drive a wooden mounting.

- The work is evaluated by the Commission and recognizes good.

- Diplomas of graduation.

- The soldiers cut down a tree in the forest.

- The soldiers at the front in his spare time produce wooden baby crib as a gift for a soldier-fathers.

- Kern Shmettser - the first person of the division, which will be able to bring young son from the front cradle.

- Soldier carries on holiday gift wife and son.

- Arriving by train to his hometown, he is met by his father.

- The soldier with his family.

- A small child is placed in a wooden cradle.

- Area Cassino.

- Destroyed city after the Anglo-American bombing.

- The kind of place where the fighting took place.

- Statue and mural on the wall, accidentally surviving among the ruins.

- Nine US tanks attacked a mountain pass, where German troops had taken refuge.

- A soldier looks through the telescope.

- There is a heavy artillery bombardment of German positions before the tank attack.

- German anti-aircraft artillery opened fire in response.

- The bombardment of American tanks.

- Artillery fire forced German paratroopers to seek shelter in the mountains.

- German transport aircraft „Giant“ deliver reinforcements and ammunition.

- Huge motors, vehicles and tools fade into the belly of „Giant.“

- Planting a company of soldiers.

- Plane in the air.

- Aircraft and ships delivering different loads German units defending in the Crimea.

- German coastal anti-aircraft battery fires at Soviet planes.

- The arrival of the German convoy to its destination.

- Eastern Front, Kovel district, besieged by Soviet troops by March 16th.

- One of the squadrons of the Luftwaffe supplies are surrounded by soldiers with everything you need.

- The plane is directed to the area of ​​Kovel, throws food for the German troops stationed in the environment.

- Unloading „bombs supply“ with a variety of supplies for the troops.

- View Kovel.

- German soldiers on holiday, wounded.

- German armoured train on the tracks.

- Actions tanks „Tiger“ and the infantry.

- Air connections Junkers-87 dive on the enemy position near Kovel, dogfight.

- Colonel Hoffman, commander of the parts, we obtain the release of the task of the garrison.

- In stubborn fighting German tanks leading the way grenadiers and SS units.

- They approach the border Kovel, are fighting in the suburbs.

- All around burning houses, the streets are broken Soviet tanks.

- The Germans are prisoners, among them many Asian people.

- Wounded Soviet soldiers.

- April 5, 1944 - the removal Kovel siege.

- Gruppenführer SS Lieutenant General Herbert Gille and officers greeted Colonel Hoffman and award distinguished themselves in combat soldiers and officers.

- Sergeant catastrophe - one of the infantrymen who have received the Knight's Cross, comrades congratulated him.

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