Tuesday 12 November 2019

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 712 – 26 April 1944

1. Germany.

- Celebrating the 55th anniversary of the Fuhrer. Symphony concert at the Berlin Philharmonic, the musicians, the audience. Dr. Goebbels’ speech.

- Berlin orchestra marching on Unter den Linden.

- German girls welcomed the soldiers.

- Festively decorated ruins of houses with NS flags.

- German Chancellery, diplomats and special guests to write in the book of honorable guests.

- The slogan on the ruins: „Military Berlin welcomes the Fuhrer.“

- The slogan: „Our walls collapsed, but our hearts prevailed.“

2. Germany.

- Hitler on the review of the tank corps. There are also Keitel, Doenitz, Guderian, engineer Bauer congratulate the Fuehrer.

- Hitler and entourage visiting the new models of tanks.

3. Moldova.

- Eastern Front, the southern section. The retreat of German forces from the territory of Bessarabia.

- The population goes behind the Germans, a string of wagons loaded with household goods.

- Trains with soldiers on the way.

- Infantry in the city.

- Germans blow up the major industrial enterprises and strategic targets, burning buildings.

- The movement of German convoys of tanks such as „tiger“ of infantry on the bridge, then rutted muddy dirt roads.

- Infantry and tanks to counterattack.

4. Reflection strengthen the attack Allied aircraft on German cities.

- Notification to the base of the fighters which began the raid.

- Pilots sit on cars, wear helmets. Start fighters, they are in the air.

- Anxiety in the city, empty street with a fixed tram.

- In an industrial plant.

- Fire brigades are preparing to fly.

- Wounded from the hospital converted into bomb shelters.

- German fighters attacked a fragment of air combat.

- The wreckage of the downed US aircraft.

- Captured American pilots in Hamburg, interrogation of prisoners.

- Cemetery of dead American pilots.

- German fighter pilot tells of sorties and fight with the Americans.

- Awarding of honors.

- Children firemen helmets, members of defense.

- People come out of shelters, passengers again fill tram.

- German air defense headquarters, an officer on the phone.

- Anti-aircraft gunners begin shelling enemy aircraft.

- Drop a wounded American plane explodes another plane.

- German pilots in the cockpit.

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