Sunday 12 April 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 726 – 03 August 1944

1. Germany.

State funeral of Colonel General Aviation Günther Korten, former Chief of Staff of the Luftwaffe, were seriously injured during an assassination attempt on Hitler.

He will be buried in the mausoleum of Tannenberg.

Awards deceased.

The coffin covered with flag.

Göring expresses condolences to the family of the deceased.

He lays a wreath on behalf of the Führer.

At the funeral, there Keitel, Doenitz.

Göring at the tomb.

The coffin was carried out of the mourning hall.

2. Germany.

Hitler visited by employees and officers of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht suffered during an assassination attempt on the Führer on July 20, 1944., In the hospital.

Among them General Scherff, Senior Lieutenant Borgman, Captain Assmann, Rear Admiral Karl-Jesko Puttkamer, General Walther Bohle infantry.

Nurses and doctors welcome „miraculously escaped“ the Führer.

Hitler sent to the council.

NSDAP party and government leaders congratulate the Führer before the council.

Reich Minister of Economics Walther Funk shakes his hand, Weimar Gauleiter Fritz Sauckel, Reich Minister Albert Speer, Dr.

Sauer, Reich Minister Hans Lammers.

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and the police, and Colonel-General Ferdinand Schemer in the yard.

Hitler comes with Göring, Goebbels is suitable to them.

Colonel-General Heinz Guderian and Wilhelm Himmler.

Goebbels speaks with Reichsleiter Martin Bormann and Colonel General Alfred Jodl.

The Führer passes Goebbels powers to the defence of Berlin.

3. Germany.


Major Otto Ernst Remer, the commander of the honour guard battalion in Berlin, raised to the rank of colonel for his services during the assassination attempt on the Führer July 20 bypasses the formation of soldiers of his battalion.

Remer makes a speech to the soldiers („Today, we are soldiers and political front.
Our political slogan says - the safety of our living space, protection of our German homeland, protect our national-socialist ideas. And we will fulfil this political slogan in all circumstances until the final victory”).

Battalion march past by freshly baked colonel.

4. Germany.


Mobilization of the Landwacht in Hannover.

The march of men together with the soldiers of the Wehrmacht, the parade takes Gauleiter Lauterbacher.

A solemn meeting of the local population.

Lauterbacher speech about the readiness to defend the fatherland to the last.

5. Norway.

Writer Knut Hamsun with his wife pays a visit to the crew of the German submarine, talking to divers.

Hamsun and his wife, the ladder down to the shore.

6. USSR. Eastern Front map points Kovel, Lemberg, Vitebsk.

Since the beginning of large-scale offensive Bolshevik's been more than 30 days.

War requires destroy that German troops restored over the years after the Russian retreat.

Of retreat and defensive operations of German troops.

The rapid retreat of the troops in some areas has not diminished defence power.

Fragments of hostilities.

German tanks, motorcycles, German soldiers.


Burning houses near the railway station.

Anti-aircraft gunners defending the road that leads to the retreat.

Sappers undermine the railroad.

They are at work.

The soldiers in the trenches.

German soldiers on the streets of the village.

Arson and destruction of buildings during the retreat.

Burning buildings.

7. USSR. Eastern Front.

Arriving trains with fresh reserve troops, tanks and guns.

Unloading of tanks, artillery, sending them to the front.

Tanks in the attack.

A German officer with a map.

Marines on vacation, they are smoking.

Close-up of a young soldier in the neck machine-gun belts.

Construction of trenches.

German infantrymen occupy new positions.

Start a fight.

Shooting German guns.

Tanks and infantry in the attack.

Skirmish with the enemy.

German tanks.

8. Western Front.

On the roads of Normandy.

Farmers moving their livestock to safety.

German tanks, camouflaged with branches.

Fragments of fighting.

Aircraft in the air.

Residents leave destroyed the Anglo-American bombing of the city.

Refugees with their belongings.

Women driven carts.

The Anglo-American prisoners in Paris.

The column of prisoners walking down the street.

The population shows acts of hostility towards the prisoners.

German fighters take off into the sky.

Fragments of air combat with the British.

The bombardment from the air of the American colonies.

Military action south of the city of Caen.

Infantry in the trenches.

German artillery shelled positions allies.

Shooting guns.

German tank.

SS Division soldiers in the attack.

SS-Hauptsturmführer Michael Wittmann on the tank.

Shot gun German tank.

Destruction and damage to the Anglo-American military equipment.

Shoot tanks.

Gunners, infantrymen.


Marines among the ruins.

Shooting guns.

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