Friday 22 May 2020

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 730 – 31 August 1944

1. Germany.

Along with the struggle of the German troops at the front does not interrupt the work of the defence industry.

– Farmers to harvest.

– Highlands in Bavaria.

– Here farmers are making great harvests with great physical exertion.

– The hay mow, loaded onto carts.

– Urban population helps farmers.

– Girls and boys of the imperial service labour service arriving at the weekend for the harvest.

– Grandson and grandmother at work.

The consequences of new activities in Germany in connection with the declaration of the Total war.

– Economic Council, in cooperation with labour exchanges everywhere are working on employment is not engaged in the production of the population.

– Newspapers with a list of activities / „Locale-Anzeiger“, „Folkisher Beobachter“ /.

– People read newspapers.

– Closing of theatres in Berlin, September 1, 1944.

– Women at the recruiting centre.

– At a Berlin defence plants occupied an entire troupe of cinema-ballet.

– Women for processing details.

– Women in the locker room, in the laboratory.

– During the lunch break.

– Children in kindergarten workers.

2. Germany.

The use of trams for transportation of various goods in the cities.

– Tram drags hooked to his car.

3. Germany.

The civilian population in the east of the country, as well as in East Prussia, is working on the construction of earthworks.

4. Germany.

In the ranks are battle-tested sailors.

– Vice-Admiral Hellmuth Heye awards distinguished sailors.

– Lieutenant Alfred Vetter, the commander of the group of 211-th diversionary assault connection, Knight’s Cross awarded.

– At the same time a number of torpedo boats German driver handed a golden cross.

– Both groups, which held the awards were presented to the Supreme Commander of the Navy Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz, it bypasses the operation of seafarers.

– Close-up of a lieutenant Fetter, talking with the sergeant of the 1st class Berrer.

– Since the opening of the second front German Navy sunk 4 cruisers, 9 destroyers, 2 corvettes, 1 special purpose vessels and 35 ships and cargo vessels.

5. Germany.

Celebration in honour of 22-year-old fighter pilot Erich Hartmann.

– Squadron commander Senior Lieutenant Hartman at the reception of Hitler, rewarding pilot Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds for the 300th stricken enemy plane.

– General aviation Hans Seideman congratulates him with the award.

6. Western Front.

Retrograde operations of German troops.

– Through exercises of retreat and providing strong resistance, the German command was able to repel the enemy forces and to gain time to pull fresh troops and heavy weapons.

– Go infantry.

– Carts.

– Crossing on a pontoon bridge.

– German troops in the French city.

– The soldier photographed passing tanks, traveling motorcyclists.

– Street fights, shootings.

– Tank battle with the enemy.

7. Eastern front.

Active in the construction of trenches and bunkers near Narva.

– General of the Waffen-SS SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner and Belgian leader Léon Degrelle, recently introduced to the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, to discuss the situation.

– Tanks firing on Soviet positions.

– The big calibre artillery is firing at the enemy.

8. Poland.

The suppression of the Warsaw Uprising.

– Street fighting in Warsaw.

– German guns shelled neighbourhoods of the city.

– German soldiers on the streets.

– Tanks and assault guns begin to assault the individual buildings.

– Then the remnants of buildings are taken by assault infantry.

– Under the cover of a smoke screen Marines pulled forward.

– German tanks in the streets.

– Burning Warsaw.

– Shoot German guns, flame throwers.

9. Eastern front.

German bombers start.

– Aircraft guns fired at the convoy of tanks, ground targets in the rear of the Soviet army.

– Top view of the road and riding technique.

– The plane swoops down, closer to the goal.

– A truck with fuel explodes.

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