Friday 22 January 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 748 – 11 January 1945


1. Germany.


Record volunteers in the Volkssturm.


Headlines from the Fuehrer decree of October 1944 on the establishment of the Volkssturm.


Poster urging recorded in the militia 7-28 January 1945.


At the recruiting office, record older men, boys.


Collection of clothing and shoes.


Admission things in the population.


Warehouses with the collected items.


Volkssturm soldiers are getting their uniforms.


They are armed with Panzerfaust.


They are on the march.




Leipzig monument „Battle of Nations“.


Subscription of the Volkssturm in Leipzig.


Speech by Himmler.


A solemn march of the Volkssturm with banners.


Manifestation in the square, speech of the Gauleiter.


Slogans: „No sacrifice can be too great for the victory,“ „Call of the Fuhrer - this is our holy order.“


Ceremonial march battalions Volkssturm.


Soldiers with rifles, shotguns, Panzerfausts.


Representatives from Buntzlau and other areas.




2. The Eastern Front.


Fragment of battle in the Baltic and East Prussia.


Reflection of a Soviet troops attack.


Counterattack German grenadiers.


The narrator speaks about the losses of the Bolsheviks.


German torpedo boats in the Baltic Sea.


Fighting in the area Gumbinnen.


Shoot the German warship.


German tanks in Gumbinnen, they go ahead.


Marines rush.


Hemmersdorf village, burnt houses.


The corpses of civilians.


9, 13, 24 graves of those killed in the hostilities peaceful German inhabitants.


German infantrymen in the line of fire.


3. France.


Exchange of prisoners between the German and American sides.


American prisoners in boats.


German infantrymen.


German generals counsel.


German soldiers reading letters from home.


Damaged American technology and beached ships.


4. Western Front.


German tanks.


Captured from the American town.


The corpses of American soldiers.


German tank on the streets.


Captured Americans.


5. Ardennes.


German troops in the offensive.


German planes dogfight.


Shoot the German anti-aircraft guns.


German tanks in the attack.


Start German planes dogfight.


German pilots in combat with American planes.

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