Thursday 22 April 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 754 – 16 March 1945


1. USA. Dispersal of labour demonstrations in the United States.


– Police disperse protesters.


– The arrest of demonstrators.


2. Western Front.


The fighting in the flooded area with the advancing Anglo-American troops.


– Grenadiers are going on a mission, the soldiers put machinegun belts and Panzerfausts, one camp stove on his shoulders.


– Soldiers marching down the road past the houses.


– The position of the river.


– The Germans are firing on enemy positions.


– General talking with the soldiers.


3. Germany.


General Vlasov inspects units of the Russian Liberation Army (ROA).


– Parade.


– Vlasov and a German general for foreign volunteers recruitment Ernst August Kostring.


– Arriving soldiers with Panzerfausts.


4. The USSR. Eastern front.


Reflection of Russian offensive by German infantrymen on a section of the front in the Courland.


5. East Prussia.


Transporting the wounded on the ice on an iceboat from areas threatened by the Soviet army.


– German refugees from East Prussia on carts, soldiers are chasing a herd of cows.


– The ruined city of Marienburg.


– Street fighting against the Bolsheviks.


– Officer award distinguished themselves in combat soldiers.


– Destroyed Soviet tanks.


– Burning tank.


Second retaking by German troops of the city of Guben.


– A woman is giving water to a soldier.


– Street fighting.


– German soldiers with Panzerfaust.


– Soviet prisoners.


6. Germany.


District of Görlitz, the battles on the way to Dresden.


– Dr. Goebbels officers watching shooting self-propelled guns.


– Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels visits the ruins of the city Lauban freed by German troops, he made a speech to the soldiers.


– On the square in Lauban, before the formation of soldiers Dr. Goebbels shakes hands with Colonel General, Commander of the Army Group “Center” Ferdinand Schörner.


– Dr. Goebbels is shaking hands with the young soldier, gives him the Iron Cross.


– The Bolshevik atrocities - disfigured corpses.


–  In Görlitz Dr. Goebbels is calling for a fierce defence - 11.3.1945.


7. Germany.


Hitler was surrounded by staff officers.


– He talks with the generals.


– Soldiers greet Hitler.

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