Monday 3 May 2021

The Private Film Archive of Eva Braun-Hitler - Reel 2


Source: US National Archives -


Reel 2

00:06 – Berghof views, Josef Goebbels arrives in Mercedes and is greeted by Julius Schaub (Hitler’s personal adjutant), at the Mooslahnerkopf overlook, Teehaus walk, Teehaus scenes (Dr. Karl Brandt outside), Watzmann mountain (02:28), panoramas (color).


02:47 – Hitler on Berghof terrace with Wilhelm Brückner, LAH honor guard, Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Karl Wolff, others, LAH honor guard, Heinrich Hoffmann, Count Galeazzo Ciano (Italian Foreign Minister) arrives (04:10) (color).


03:01 – Hitler does a little „dance” on the Berghof terrace, in a well-known scene.


04:44 – Berghof terrace with guests – Brandts, Speers, Essers, Morells, Bormanns, Wilhelm Brückner, Walter Hewel, Jacob Werlin (?), Max Wünsche (SS aide), secretaries, Ribbentrop makes face (color).


05:42 – Teehaus walk with Bormann, Ribbentrop, Brückner and others; Teehaus interior with Ribbentrop (color).


06:11 – drive to Kehlsteinhaus, Kehlsteinhaus in snow (color).


06:46 – EB with Bormann children at Bormann house (Easter egg hunt, 1938?) (color).


07:57 – view of background buildings from Bormann house (greenhouse, SS Kaserne – includes Hanni Morell, Gerda Bormann, Sofie Stork, Adolf Wagner, Martin Bormann, Gretl Braun) (color).


08:10 – AH at Berghof terrace with Julius Schaub, Adolf Wagner, Martin Bormann, Sofie Stork, Hanni Morell, EB, Hermann Esser and wife, Dr. Theo Morell; Gretl Braun, EB on terrace (color).


09:46 – EB with Franz X. Schwarz and wife on Berghof terrace, also unknown man (color).


10:19 – EB poses in dirndl on Berghof terrace, makes face (color).


10:53 – AH with his dog Blondi, Hermann Esser on side terrace, Blondi plays (color).


11:07 – AH secretaries Gerda Daranowski and Christa Schroeder in dirndls on Berghof terrace (color).


11:20 – AH inside Berghof Wintergarten (color).


11:25 – Berghof views, Gretl Braun with Walter Hewel, AH with Adolf Wagner (color).


12:40 – Gerda Daranowski and Gretl Braun inside the Berghof Wintergarten (B/W).


12:53 – Berghof panorama, AH descends staircase, AH in overcoat (color).


13:58 – Berghof interior (dark) – AH greets women of the Berghof staff (B/W).


14:25 – Teehaus walk in the snow, birdhouses with Watzmann, AH at Berghof in snow, with Blondi (color).


15:33 – Watzmann view, children play in snow, AH at Berghof with lots of snow (color).


16:01 – Braun family swimming (probably at Starnberger See, same as Reel 1), water horseplay, also swimming at Königssee (same scene as Reel 1 with Gretl in a bath towel) (color).


18:31 – Berghof terrace – Wilhelm Brückner, Gerda Bormann, Dr. Karl Brandt, the Gauleiter  of Danzig Albert Forster (color).


19:02 – Mooslahnerkopf Teehaus walk and views, overlook (color).


19:26 – Berghof terrace – Walter Hewel, Gerda Bormann, Wilhelm Brückner, Gerda Daranowski, Albert Speer, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Hitler with Max Amann, Hanni Morell, Berghof front view, back on terrace – Brückner clowns around; Anni Brandt and Margarete Speer (color).


20:55 – Teehaus walk (color). (Villa Bechstein at 21:08).


21:12 – Braun family and others at Kehlsteinhaus (Uschi Schneider, Heinrich Hoffmann with his son Heinrich Jr. („Heini”), man clowning at falling, Herta Schneider with her daughter Brigitte („Gitta”) (B/W).


23:13 – sunbathing, swimming, playing with kitten, unknown man (B/W).


24:05 – Hitler at Berghof with Joachim von Ribbentrop, Martin Bormann (B/W).


24:25 – Bormann children playing in the snow at the Kehlsteinhaus, in the greenhouse (also with Speer children, Easter egg hunt?), with Sofie Stork, Hanni Morell, Gretl Braun, EB and others (color).


25:47 – EB in dirndl on Berghof terrace (same day as 10:19), unknown man with Dr. Karl Brandt, Walter Hewel on a recliner (color).

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