Tuesday 22 June 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 564 – 25 June 1941


– An educational video about nutrition.


1. Germany.


Football match of the championship Germany at the Olympic stadium in Berlin.


Baldur von Schirach on the podium.


2. Germany.


The arrival of the Japanese Ambassador Oshima in Hanover on a demonstration of the German-Japanese friendship.


Parade units of the Hitler youth.


The ceremony Oshima, who is an honorary member of the academic Council of the University of Göttingen.


3. Italy.


Venice 15.6.1941. Fascist festivities on the occasion of the accession of Croatia to the Axis powers pact.


The arrival of the foreign Ministers of Italy and Germany, Ciano and Ribbentrop and the Croatian leader Ante Pavelic.


Meeting of the Ministers in the Palace of the Doges.


The signing of the final document.


4. Germany.


The arrival in Germany of the Minister of culture of Italy – Alessandro Pavolini.


Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels meets Minister Pavolini at the airport.


Pavolini lays wreaths at the tomb of the Pantheon of the fallen heroes.


Reception of Minister Pavolini with the Führer in the presence of Dr. Goebbels.


5. North Africa.


General Rommel, commander of the German African Corps, awards the Italian General Italo Gariboldi with the Iron cross.


The two generals are shaking hands.


6. Africa.


Fortifications on the approaches to Tobruk.


The German infantry in the desert, the German artillery fires.


Rommel is watching the battle.


Calculation at the guns, charging shells, shooting.


The bombing by German planes of the English transports near Tobruk.


A burning ship.


Crew of sunken ship surrenders to the Germans in captivity, wounded.


The explosion in the English ship with ammunition.



7. Germany.


German generals of aviation with Reichsmarschall Goering at a meeting, among them General field Marshal Sperrle, Milch, Colonel-General Jeschonnek, Field Marshal Kesselring, Colonel-General Löhr, and others.


– Hermann Goering talks with the generals.


8. Germany.


The Reich Chancellery.


The early morning of 22 June 1941 - empty streets, a milkman, a mailman.


House of the German Radio Broadcast.


Transfer preparation for the text of the Proclamation of the Führer. 5:30 in the morning.


The Imperial Ministry of Propaganda.


– Reichsminister Dr. Goebbels reads the Führer’s Proclamation about the conspiracy between the USSR and Britain and Germany’s decision to take military action against the Bolshevik state.


– Everybody listens to the radio.


Speech by Ribbentrop at the press conference - he is reading of the Note of the German Reich to the Soviet Union.


Map of the military actions of Germany and its allies against the Soviet Union.


9. The invasion of the united European armies on the territory of the USSR. Early morning on June 22.


German artillery starts shelling the Soviet side.


Fires, explosions.


Shooting German guns.


East Prussia, Eidkau (on the border with Lithuania).


The destruction of the frontier marks.


German gunners roll out concealed weapons.


German soldiers on the streets of a Soviet village.




The first battles on the Lithuanian-German border.


German equipment on the streets of the Lithuanian village, shooting.


Burning buildings.


The first Soviet prisoners of war. A German soldier is leading a wounded Soviet prisoner.


A group of prisoners, many scantily clad, in underwear.


Germans cross the river on a footbridge.


German infantry in the attack.


Shooting German guns on a railway platform.


The point with battles of various parts of the Soviet border.


German infantry and vehicles.


Germans moving across the bridge.


The advance of the German troops in the direction of Kaunas.



10. The Germans cross the river San, the clearance of the bridge.


Marching German soldiers and trucks.


German tanks in the attack.


The Germans in the village, skirmishes with the Soviet troops.


Soviet soldiers surrendering.


Large-calibre bombs driven up to the aircraft.


German planes in the air.


The first raids on Soviet cities and villages.


The pilot in the cockpit, bombs are flying down.


Explosions and fires on the ground.


Burning objects on Soviet territory.


Squadron in flight.


German soldiers are passing by

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