Friday 27 August 2021

NS Poster Collection – Kraft durch Freude (Strength Through Joy)

Kraft durch Freude Auch Du kannst jetzt reisen! Maria von Axster, G Werner Heudtlaß, 1934

Kraft durch Freude Now you, too, can travel! Maria von Axster G Werner Heudtlass, 1934


Volksfest Kraft durch Freude in der KdF-Stadt am Valzner Weiher, Ludwig Hohlwein 1938

Kraft durch Freude fairground next to the Valzner Weiher in the KdF City, Ludwig Hohlwein, 1938

The KdF Town was built next to the Nuremberg Party Convention Site during the 1937 and 1938 NSDAP rallies as a venue for festivals and fairs.


Mit Kraft durch Freude in den Fasching 1937, R.P. Strube, 1937

Celebrate Carnival with Kraft durch Freude 1937, R.P. Strube, 1937

The KdF organisation also staged carnival parties, for example in Munich between 1935 and 1939.


Schönheit der Arbeit Wir helfen mit. ... N.S.G. Kraft durch Freude, Hermann Witte, um 1934

The beauty of labour. We're lending a hand ...NS Community. Kraft durch Freude, Hermann Witte, around 1934


Sonne und Grün allen Schaffenden, Hermann Witte, um 1938

Sunshine and nature for working people, Hermann Witte, around 1938

The graphic designer fulfils the wishes of the Office of the Beauty of Labour colourfully and realistically to suit the organisation's tastes. The text is set at the very bottom of the picture to avoid covering up the image of a worker


Der Winter kommt Ski-Vorbereitungskurse der N.S.- Gemeinschaft „Kraft durch Freude“, Lothar Heinemann, 1936

Winter is coming - Ski-training courses of the N.S. Kraft durch Freude Organisation, Lothar Heinemann, 1936

Physical training and sports such as skiing were part of the KdF agenda. The skiers are depicted here realistically, training synchronously in rank and file.


5 Mark die Woche musst Du sparen - willst Du im eignen Wagen fahren! Christian Minzlaff, 1938

Save 5 Marks a week and you can drive your own car! Christian Minzlaff, 1938

The graphic designer aptly summarises the requirements for purchasing a KdF car: A contract and a weekly instalment of 5 marks.


Dein KdF-Wagen, K.H. v. Graeve, 1938, Titelblatt der Werbebroschüre, Verlag der DAF

Your KdF Car, K.H. v. Graeve, 1938, title page of the advertising brochure, published by the DAF


KDF-Wagen, Maria von Axster & Werner Heudt- laß.1938

KdF Car, Maria von Axster G Werner Heudtlass, 1938


Dein KdF Wagen, Atelier Brach, 1939

Your KdF Car, Atelier Brach, 1939

The cheerful young people in the car have a modern appearance, while at the same time conforming to the Nordic racial ideal.

1 comment:

  1. Why Germanic Values will save the World ?

    Only the truth can heal and save us. To stop this overwhelming stream of lies, maximum energy is required; only the combined efforts of all patriots to spread the truth will be able to protect them from the parasitic plant that causes the death of the tribe with which it becomes entangled.
