Friday 22 April 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) – Newsreel No. 512 – 27 June 1940

1. North Sea.


Operations of the German Navy in the North Sea.


– German ship at sea, the sailors on deck.


– Firing enemy mines.


– Takes off the reconnaissance seaplane, he flew.


– The German cruiser is to carry out a special mission.


– German ships are on a rapprochement with the enemy.


– Discovered the British ship “Glorious”.


– Beginning bombardment, firing German flatbed guns, hitting the target.


– The burning “Glorious” sinks.


– The German ships continue to fire.


– The sinking of another British ship.


– The English crew is taken to the German ship, its crew in the dinghies.


– The burning “Urami” sinks.


– Lifting her crew aboard the German ship.


2. France.


The attack on the Maginot Line.


– Burning French fortifications.


– German planes in the air.


– View of the Maginot Line from an airplane.


– German planes dropping bombs, explosions on the ground.


– German artillery fires on enemy positions.


– The German infantry stepping up the Rhine, they’re on the offensive.


– The Germans are throwing grenades, firing grenade launcher.


3. France.


Infantrymen in boats crossing the Rhine.


– Infantry in the fight, firing mortars, flamethrowers.


– Bomb squad carried on hand pontoons, pontoon bridge.


– Bunkers Maginot Line near the Rhine.


– German soldiers at the broken bunker.


– The pontoon bridge moving soldiers, machinery.


– German anti-aircraft guns firing at enemy planes, the plane falls and explodes.


4. France, Strasbourg.


View across the river to the city and the cathedral.


– Close-up of the cathedral.


– German columns enter the city, residents watching the passing troops, tanks.


– The war in the Vosges.


– German soldiers are bicycles on the field.


– Burning town.


– German tanks and cars in a small town, they move along the station tracks.


– From the punctured car-tank pours gasoline.


– Column of troops in town, riding artillery, cavalry, machinery.


– Oil storage tank set on fire by the French.


– The French soldiers surrendering.


The German troops are entering the city of Metz, the inhabitants are looking at them.


– Representatives of the new government greeted the winners with flowers.


– Solemn parade of troops.


– The inhabitants of Metz in the streets.


– German soldiers holding children in their arms, smiling.


– On the northern section of the front.


– German sappers rebuild a destroyed bridge.


– The German troops moving forward.


Verdun, the destroyed French fortifications.


– German generals at the bunker, the ruins of the fortress.


– The monument commemorating those killed in World War I.


– The sculpture of a soldier with a sword in his hand, the inscription: “Verdun”.


– Solemn parade in Verdun, he takes General Bush.


– The passage of the columns.


5. France. June 22, 1940.


The surrender of French troops on the Maginot Line.


– French prisoners are on the road.


– The prisoners behind the wire, among them black legionnaires.


– German tanks on the highway, close-up of the tracks.


6. France.


German tanks in the attack.


– Artillery bombardment of French positions.


– Massive tank attack.


– Burning and damaged French tanks.


– The French prisoners.


– Burning armoured car.


– After the battle.


German soldiers from various parts of the conversation, drinking wine from bottles, the tankers eat canned food.


– German infantry on the streets of the French city.


7. Germany.


Führer’s headquarters.


– Adolf Hitler and the generals at the map to discuss the military situation.


– Major-General Jodl reports the situation to the Führer.


– At the map Brauchitsch, Keitel, Admiral Roeder.


– Jodl rolls up the map.


– Adolf Hitler comes out of the rate, Goering meets him on the path, they walk and talk.


– Adolf Hitler is surrounded by generals.


– General Keitel presents the Fuhrer with documents about Pétain’s surrender and victory over France.


– Hitler openly rejoices, turns to the generals.


– Hitler is in the troops, he approaches the seated wounded, shaking their hands.


– The soldiers listen to the news of the surrender of France, it causes general jubilation.


8. Germany.


The Fuhrer goes to Munich, he is on the train, through the window you can see the mountain scenery.


Adolf Hitler is greeted by passengers on the oncoming train.


Adolf Hitler’s arrival in Munich, he is greeted by the Bavarian Statthalter Ritter von Epp - shaking hands.


– On the platform residents, cheering youth.


– Arrival in Munich Mussolini June 18, 1940.


– The train with the Duce is approaching, Hitler meets him.


– They get in the car, drive through the city, they are greeted by a crowd.


– The Führer and the Duce are on the balcony of the Führer House.


– They are indoors, talking about the French campaign.


9. France.


Paris, at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier are German soldiers and residents.


– German Lieutenant General von Riesen awards soldiers with iron crosses.


– Awarded poses for the camera.


Solemn parade of German troops on the Champs-Elysees.


– German general on horseback taking the parade.


– They’re coming infantry, cavalry, artillery.


10. France.




– French monument is closed with a German flag.


– Wagon, in which the armistice was signed in World War I.


– Arrival of Hitler, Göring, Admiral Roeder and other officials, they bypass the troops, approach the wagon.


– Monument to Marshal Fosch.


– Adolf Hitler and Göring at the monument to the 1918 Armistice.


– Hitler and Göring go up to the car.


– Adolf Hitler welcomes the French generals.


– The French delegation, led by Huntziger bypasses line of soldiers.


– The discussion at the table in the car the conditions of capitulation of France.


– Hitler and Göring during a break leave the wagon.


– The anthem played by an orchestra.


– Adolf Hitler bypasses the guard of honour.


– Negotiations continue.


– The French delegation leaves the carriage and goes to the tent with a telephone exchange for communication with the government in Bordeaux.


11. France. June 22, 1940.


The signing of the surrender.


– Keitel and Huntziger sign the document.


– The bells in honour of the German victory.


– German banners.

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