Sunday 22 May 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) – Newsreel No. 514 – 10 July 1940

1. England.


– King George VI among his people.


2. France.


Adolf Hitler greets the victorious troops in the old Reich territory of Alsace-Lorraine.


– The motorcade of cars drives past a crowd of soldiers who greet the Führer.


– On the road through the Vosges, the car is on a mountain road.


– Adolf Hitler walks along the road with his officers, feeding an old war horse with cheese.


– The Führer is surrounded by a crowd of soldiers.


The Führer goes to Strasbourg.


– The car follows over the bridge.


– Hitler inspects the blown up bridge.


– On the outskirts of the city are bunkers.


– The streets of Strasbourg, half-timbered houses, the cathedral.


– Adolf Hitler is looking around the cathedral and its interiors.


– He rides through the streets.


– The soldiers on the streets cheering him.


Adolf Hitler on the Maginot Line.


– Damaged bunkers and fortifications.


– Monument to Minister of War Andre Maginot, the initiator of the armed fortifications on the border with Germany.


– Individual fortifications.


– Historical footage - French soldiers at the fortifications of the Maginot Line.


– Guns.


– Internal premises of the bunker.


– Power station, telephone exchange.


– Transportation of ammunition inside the fortifications.


– The French guns are shooting.


3. Germany.


Views of the Rhine.


– Pontoon bridge, the Germans greeted the Führer, returning from the former Franco-German front.


– Girls pass the Führer a gift through the window of the wagon.


– Adolf Hitler shakes hands with the boy.


– The Führer in the car, he is greeted by passengers on the oncoming train.


– The train with the Führer passes Marbach am Neckar.


– Hitler at the window of the car, he welcomed the railway workers, city dwellers.


– Girl gives flowers.


– The Führer signs autographs, shaking hands.


– Train with the Führer on the road.


– The meeting of the Führer in Berlin.


– German flags and banners hanging.


– Flowers scattered on the sidewalk near the Antgal station and near the Reich Chancellery by girls from the youth organization.


– Huge crowds of people.


– Police and soldiers held back an onslaught of people.




– Buglers, trumpeters with instruments.


– Arrival of the train.


– Adolf Hitler at Anthalt station, he greeted the generals, officials.


– The procession heads for the exit.


– The Führer, Goering, Hess, Keitel, Admiral Roeder and others leave the station building.


– Cheering crowds.


– Adolf Hitler walks down the street, he greets the people, gets in his car.


– The car follows the streets past screaming crowds.


– Street decorated with garlands, crowds of people.


– The car rides on a carpet of fresh flowers.


– The Führer in the car, cheering Berliners.


– The boy climbed up on the lantern.


– Adolf Hitler in the car.


– Soldiers and SS officers hold back the onslaught of the crowd.


– Adolf Hitler on the balcony of the Reich Chancellery, near Goering.


– The crowd goes wild.


– Goering pointed at something with a marshal's baton.


– The Germans shout “Heil”.


– Adolf Hitler leaves the balcony.

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