Wednesday 22 March 2023

Die Deutsche Wochenschau – Newsreel No. 547 – 26 February 1941

1. Germany.


Funeral ceremony for the deceased oldest member of the National Socialist movement, SA Gruppenfuhrer, head of the Foreign Ministry’s personnel department Hermann Kriebel.


– Adolf Hitler, Hermann Göring and Rudolf Hess follow the coffin.


– Adolf Hitler expresses condolences to the widow of the deceased.


– The coffin, orders of the deceased.


– Laying a wreath.


– Göring with a marshal’s baton.


– Adolf Hitler, Ribbentrop and other leaders of the Reich paid tribute to one of their oldest associates.


2. France.


The coast.


– Hermann Göring visiting pilots on the western front.


– German pilots who were awarded the Iron Cross: Hauptmann Walter Oesau, Oberleutnant Werner Mölders.


– Mölders walks along the platform to the staff train car to Göring.


– Göring talking to the pilot.


– Göring in the window of the train car.


– Göring with staff officers to discuss military issues.


– The meeting is attended by Colonel-General Hans Jeschoneck, Field Marshal General Albert Kesselring, Colonel-General Bruno Lörzer and other generals.


3. Germany


Marshal Göring arrives at Adolf Hitler’s Berghof HQ in a car.


– Göring climbs the stairs with Hitler, they are in the study by the huge panoramic window.


4. Italy.


The city of Bordighera.


– Benito Mussolini, General Franco and Spanish Prime Minister Serrano Suñer at a meeting at the residence of the Duce on February 12, 1941.


– View of the residence.


– General Jose Moscardo among guests.


– Mussolini and Franco in conversation.


– During the negotiations, the head of Spain refused to enter the war on the side of Germany and Italy, citing economic difficulties and the inability to protect the country’s overseas territories from the British.


4. Germany.




– Arrival of the new ambassador of Japan, Oshima.


– He is met by Secretary of State Ernst von Weizsäcker and diplomats.


– The wife of Mr. Oshima presented with a bouquet of flowers.


5. France.


Atlantic coast.


– Japanese delegation headed by General Yamashita inspects the German positions.


– Meeting with a propaganda company of the Wehrmacht, standing near the cars with radio installations.


– Training firing on a sunken British ship off the coast.


– Visit anti-aircraft battery.


– Fires anti-aircraft gun.


6. USSR. Lithuania.


German Volksdeutsche people going home.


– They are leaving their homes.


– Loading in wagons.


– German returnees in the trolleys.


– Works field kitchen.


– Nurses help women to feed babies.


7. Poland.


General Government (territory of former Poland).


– Restored by the Germans chemical plant in Moscice.


– View of the shops.


– Production processes.


– Packing of finished products – fertilizer.


8. The Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.


Prague, the protectorate.


– Solemn procession of storm troopers through the streets of the city, construction in the square.


– Viktor Lutze bypasses formation.


– They are welcomed Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Constantin von Neurath.


– Taking the oath.


9. Germany.


Berlin, Schiller Theatre building.


– Here is a session of the Imperial Film Chamber.


– German film-makers at the session: Heinrich George, Willy Birgel, Paul Hartmann, Matthias Wiemann, Heinz Rühmann, Leni Riefenstahl, Paul Richter, Ferdinand Marian, Hans Moser.


– Dr. Joseph Goebbels arrives at the session.


– He is welcomed by Professor Karl Frelich, President of the Reichsfilmkammer.


– Speech of Dr. Joseph Goebbels speech.


– Poster in front of the “Day of the People’s Cinema” February 16, 1941. Delegates are out of the building, the audience asks the actors for autographs.


The sports festival of the police at the Sportpalast.


– Reichsführer SS and police Heinrich Himmler, chief of the German police, General Kurt Daluge among the spectators.


– Athletes of the police.


– Jumping and running in uniform.


– Overcoming obstacles.


– Motorized police, riding motorbikes in a circle with the shooting at a target (balls), the construction of the pyramids by policemen on motorbikes by 4 and 5 people, riding in a row of three motorbikes.


– SS Obergruppenführer and Police General Reinhard Heydrich with Himmler in the box.


Camp of German paratroopers.


– Former world heavyweight boxing champion Max Schmeling at the gym, he folds his parachute.


– Together with other paratroopers he performs a parachute jump from a plane.


– Max Schmeling after landing on a snowy field.


SS General Sepp Dietrich’s barracks.


– Sentry on duty.


– Formation in the yard in lines on both sides of the road.


– Obergruppenführer SS Sepp Dietrich, commander of the SS Division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler,” bypasses formation of the SS.


– Presentation of marks to distinguished SS commanders.


10. Italy, Sicily.


German and Italian aircraft are preparing to take off.


– The General is inspecting the flight crews.


– Planes take off and head for Africa.


– View from the top of the desert city of Tripoli.


– English aircraft shot down.


– Planes are flying over the sea.


– Landing in an African city.


– Pilots on the walk.


– They are with the local population.


– Children run after the German soldiers, local women in burqas.


– Soldiers are treated to water.


– Camels.


German military equipment passing through the streets of Tripoli.


– Bazaar in Tripoli.


– A German pilot and Arab women.


11. Atlantic.


German ships on the high seas, the German War flag on the mast.


– Sailors on vacation.


– Hunting a shark with a harpoon from the ship, it is thrown on deck.


– Sailors celebrate the feast of Neptune, “ablution” in the pool.


– Pigs are washed from a hose.


– A puppy and a kitten are playing on deck.


Appearance of the enemy vessel.


– This is the English ship “King John”.


– The German ship takes on board the crew of the John.


– The goods are transferred from the German ship and the crew is transferred to the German vessel.


– The ship is destroyed.


– It goes down.


– Another enemy ship.


– Shelling a ship that refuses to stop.


– The enemy ship is on fire.


– Taking on board a German ship the crew of an enemy ship.


– Landing in an intermediate port of captive crews and wounded.


– New ship in sight.


– Night sea battle.


– Burning enemy ship.


– Morning.


– A large sailing ship appears.


– Crew takeover.


– Shelling the sailing ship with guns.


– It sinks.

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