Saturday 27 May 2023

Postcards Collection – Beautiful German Landmarks – Part I

Bonatz, Schaechterlc, Leonhardt – Suspension Bridge of the Reichsautobahn


Paul Bonatz, Gottwalt Schaper – Lahn Bridge of the Reichsautobahn near Limburg


Hans Riechert – Bell Tower of the Youth Hostel, Danzig


Friedrich Hetzelt, under the direction of the General Building Inspector – Italian Embassy, Berlin


Alfred Locke – Administrative building of the NS. Teachers’ association, Bayreuth


Franz Xaver Stadler – Chief Finance Office, Munich


Naval Construction Administration, Wilhelm Rambacher, Gustav Hense – Homes of the Kriegsmarine, Kiel


Gauheimstättenamt Mainfranken, Jürgen Siebrecht – Erlenbach housing estate


Helmut Erdle, Hans Watzel – Residential buildings, Innsbruck



Willi Erdmann – Farm in Götemitz, Rügen

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