Tuesday 12 October 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 477 - 25 October 1939

1. Germany.


Advocacy scene on the topic of the harmfulness of rumours.


– An elderly inhabitant Ludwig met with the young man, whispering in his ear a rumour about the disappearance of the coffee trade.


– The turning to the hall to the audience, assured that we should not believe the rumours, and Ludwig reports that, according to rumours, the coffee is in Brazil.


2. Spain.


In Madrid, the first meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers under the chairmanship of Franco, for the first time since 1936.


3. Norway.


18.-19.10.1939 in Stockholm hosted an international conference on the question of the British blockade.


– The heads of government discussed how to reduce the catastrophic situation of the countries as a result of the blockade.


– Journalists at the building, driving up cars.


– In the courtroom are the king of Sweden Gustav V, king of Denmark, Christian X, President of Finland Kallio, king of Norway Haakon VII.


4. Panama.


25.9 - 2.10.1939 at the conference in Panama there is the Republican party of the United States.


– At the conference it was decided on the neutrality of all the States.


5. Manchuria.


After between the USSR and Japan had resolved all border disputes on the border between Mongolia and Manchuria meet envoys with Japanese and Soviet sides.


– A Japanese General, Kurimoto and Soviet General Potapov are in talks about establishing a new demarcation line for the troops.


6. Poland.


After the liberation of the Eastern part of Upper Silesia from the poles of German engineers and technicians immediately took over the restoration of industrial enterprises.


– Steel mills, which were built by the Germans and poles brought to complete ruin, delivered on track, commissioned the same blast furnace.


– Volksdeutsche of the city of Katowice are raising funds for the construction of domain and mines.


– Kindergartens are opened For working women whose husbands are at the front.


– Children on the walk with caregivers, swinging on swings, slide down slides.


– Developing the sport in Poland.


– Young people in the pool, young man jumps into the water.


– A woman with a child in the pool.


– A chain of young people jumping in the water.


7. France.


After the departure of the French on the coast exposed to the German outposts two soldiers sitting on a hill watching the river.


– Bunkers West of the shaft, the German soldiers marching in the bunker.


– From the loopholes sticking the barrel of a gun.


– The soldiers in the trenches.


– Shooter with machine gun at the loopholes.


– The observer on duty.


– German soldiers carry the speakers, set on the Bank for campaigning French soldiers on the French coast sweeps German music.


German soldiers help local farmers harvest grapes.


– The soldiers helped the farmer to the mountain wagon with barrels.


– The grapes thrown into the press, a German soldier turns the handle of the press.


– The soldiers helped the girls tie the scarf, apron.


8. Western front.


Japanese General Terauchi attends the German defences on the Western front, which he described as a simple and acceptable.


– He is among the officers looking at the telescope.


– French and British aircraft attacking the German positions.


– Flying German aircraft.


– Anti-aircraft artillery guns set, light spotlight.


– On the ground, three shot down French airplanes.


Until October 18German troops, captured 25 French officers and 664 soldiers, they are on the field, around the village.


– Stop in the village.


– Prisoners smoke.


– German soldiers photographed prisoners.


– Prisoners truck.


The West shaft, gun ready, he starts pounding the French positions.


– The German Navy in the campaign.


Return to the home port of the submarine under the command of Günther Prien.


– Sailors stand in formation aboard the boat.


– Residents from the shore greet the sailors.


– The sailors on Board the cruiser waving their hands.


– The German flag flapping in the wind.


9. Germany.


The plane with the sailors on Board landed at the airport Tempelhof in Berlin.


– A crowd of residents and soldiers meets sailors down the ladder of command.


– The faces of the sailors.


– The commanders sit in the car, going to Berlin.


– Residents welcomed them, throwing flowers.


– The crowd at the Reich Chancellery, the police holding back the pressure.


– The delegation of sailors sent to the Reich Chancellery.


– Captain Günther Prien stands before a microphone.


– For seafarers is available Wunschkonzert (concert tickets).


– Plays a Symphony orchestra.


Rooms are with newborns, children playing.


Hall with spectators and soldiers.


– Concert listen to the radio, soldiers in camp.


– The pilots sing in front of a microphone.


Flying German aircraft.


– The pilot in the cockpit.

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