Friday 22 October 2021

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) - Newsreel No. 482 - 29 November 1939

1. Germany.


A propaganda sketch about recruitment.


– A young man sits in a cafe, waiting for Ludwig.


– An elderly inhabitant Ludwig quickly goes to the coffee shop, tells the man that he was in a hurry.


– Upon seeing an unknown man, Ludwig obscures himself with a newspaper and says that this type seems to be following him, perhaps to recruit him.


– The young friend reassures Ludwig that the government will take care of him.


2. Japan.


20,000 students gathered on naval manoeuvres.


– Warships at sea, the cadets at the guns.


– Anti-aircraft guns ready to repel an attack from the air.


– Practice landing on the shore.


– Horse artillery galloping in the background of Mount Fuji.


– The gunners prepared the cannons.


– Infantry attack.


3. Germany


Military training of the Hitler Youth.


– Marching and singing detachment of the „Hitler Youth.


– The boys in the ranks, face closeup.


– The lesson in the classroom, the instructor conducts exercises on the model of a rifle.


– Target shooting on location and in the room.


4. Germany.


Classes in kindergarten.


– Children play educational Board games.


5. Germany.


An exemplary giant pig farm, workers prepare feed from waste in barrels and pour it out to the animals.


– Pigs out of the sty on the field.


– Women work in the barn, they teddle hay, feed cows with bran, and milk them.


– Removing manure in the fields, ploughing with horses.


Despite the modernization of the army, horses still play a major role in some branches of the military.


– Stables for horses of the motorized artillery of the German Wehrmacht.


– Soldiers lead the horses out, harnessed by 3. Veterinarians monitor the health of the animals, horses are treated with an ointment for a sore leg, go around the horses in the stables, and conduct inspections.

6. Germany.


The issue of military message sheets in the printing press, the headlines of the new newspaper.


– The newspaper is created from materials sent from the front and distributed from the west to the east.


– Typing is done on a typewriter.


– Typewriters with type, sheets of newspaper go to the machine.


– The worker looks at the finished newspaper.


– Newspapers are packed in bundles of 500 pieces, loaded.


Western Wall.


– General Todt inspects work processes at the construction of fortifications on the Baltic Sea, he bypasses construction workers.


– Armband with the inscription: “Org. Todt.” 200 German and Polish workers had been working at the construction for 6 months.


– Rewarding Polish workers for their work.


North Sea. 76 British ships caught in the blockade in the German harbour.


– The German Navy is carefully guarding its borders.


– Border boats are patrolling the North Sea, stopping the ship.


– A German officer with sailors crosses in a boat to an English ship, climbs aboard, checks documents.


– View of various foreign merchant ships, which are checked by German border guards.


7. Poland.


The Volksdeutsche arrive by steamer in the conquered areas of the Baltics and Poland for new homes, fulfilling the Führer’s call in his speech of October 6, 1939, to grant German settlers of the conquered eastern territories.


– People on deck with their belongings.


– Crates, wagons, horses, etc. are being loaded at the port.


– Arrival in the Baltics, families are welcomed, fed.


– Women from the Red Cross help immigrants.


– Issuance of documents for housing and au visas to those who have arrived.


– Posen (Poznan) station, people come out of the car, they are met by soldiers of the Wehrmacht, help.


– Registration of arriving people.


– Young people answering the questionnaire, receive documents for work in their specialty.


Family Volksdeutsche come on a cart to the farmyard, inspect their new farm.


– Cows are grazing.


– In the pond geese are swimming.


– Float on the pond and geese.

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