Monday 6 December 2021

Publications of the European Volunteers

Published in „Siegrunen“ Magazine - Vol. XIII, No. 5,

Whole Number 79, Summer 2007


„Le SS Combattant”, a newspaper published for the 5. SS-Frw. Sturmbrigade “Wallonie“; this issue features the „The Third Anniversary of the Legion Wallonie“ and was published in August 1944.


All of the larger groups of European volunteers that found their way into the Waffen-SS, had newspapers and magazines that were published specifically for them, taking into consideration their ethnicity, culture and history. Some publications were more „militant“ than others with political slants, while others (including East European ones), scarcely had any political content. All of them featured news stories concerning the specific combat units of the different European volunteer groups, while some also featured lighter features from the „homeland“, including sports news, cartoons and puzzles, along with cultural and historical pieces. Current events and military topics were generally covered quite accurately, certainly more so than those that came from „communist“ propaganda publications. In fact the material in these stands up quite well today.


The following is a partial listing of some of the publications of the volunteers, but there were many others, some quite short-lived. Some were printed in the „homeland, some in Germany (usually Berlin), and others by troops near the front. They were quite varied and were often supplemented by various political and civilian publications from home and the Reich. Other nationalities also had their own newspapers, but I don’t have titles for them on hand. I will list the nationalities first then the titles of known publications for them.




Azerbaijan“, published for the „Azerbaijan“ Legion, which eventually joined the Waffen-SS in 1944.




Kosaken Illustrierte“ („Cossacks Illustrated“), published in three different languages for the XV. Cossack Cavalry Corps, and civilians in other countries. „La Terra der Cosacchi“, again printed in different languages for Cossack troops in Italy and other interested people in Europe.





Kirim“ (Crimea), a weekly newspaper for Crimean and Turkic volunteers that was published in Berlin, circa 1944-1945.




De Zwarte Soldat“ („The Soldiers of Black“), printed by the NSB Par ty in Holland for volunteers and other interested people. „Storm SS“ („SS Assault“), published by the Germanic SS in Holland. „De Vermolmde Bolsjewiek“ („The Rotten Communist“), published for the Legion „Nederlande”. „SS Front en Heem“ („SS at the Front and Home“), a monthly magazine published for all Dutch Waffen-SS volunteers. „Het Bruggehoffd“ („The Bridgehead”), a newspaper published near the frontlines for the soldiers of the „Nederland“ Brigade on the Narva Front in 1944. „SS Vormingsbladen“, a monthly news and information publication for all Dutch SS members on duty, but later for others as well.




Eesti Pildileht“, a monthly magazine featuring news and cultural articles for the Estonian Waffen-SS volunteers and others, 1943-1944.




Devenir“ (Future“), a French Waffen-SS volunteer monthly newspaper. This issue dates from March 1944.


European Combatant“, published for the LVF or French Volunteer Legion of the Wehrmacht, 1941-1943. „Devenir“ („Future“), the monthly newspaper of the French Waffen-SS volunteers in the SS Sturmbrigade „Frankreich“ and the „Charlemagne“ Division. „Com bat“, a journal for the French Milice (Militia), that was used to fight partisans in the homeland; many members also joined the Waffen-SS.




Avanguardia“ („Avant Guard“), the newspaper for the Italian Waffen SS.




Kalmyckij Boec“ („Kalmuck Fighter“) a publication for the Kalmuck Cavalry Regiment.




Daugavas Vanagi“ ( „Daugavas Hawks“), a Latvian Waffen-SS publication, the title of which was later adopted by the post-war Latvian volunteer veteran’s organization. „Nakotne“ („The Future“), another Latvian Waffen-SS periodical. „Junda“ („Taps”), also for the Latvian Waffen-SS.




Hirdmann“, a publication of the Norwegian NS Stormtroopers, many of whom joined the Waffen-SS. „Germaneren“, newspaper of the Germanic SS in Norway.




Dobrovoletz“ („The Volunteer”), publication for all Russian volunteers.




Nuestro Boletin“ („New Bulletin“), „Adelante“ („Forward“) and „Hoya de Campana“, all publications of the „Spanish Blue“ Division and the „Blue“ Legion.




Deutsch-Tatarisches Nachrichtenblatt“ („German-Tatar Newspaper“), published monthly in Berlin in two languages from 1944 to 1945.




Yeni Türkistan“ („New Turkistan“), a publication for the „Türkistan“ Legion. „Svoboda“ („Freedom”), the publication of the 162nd Turkic Volunteer Division. „Türk Birligi“ („Turkish Units“), a weekly newspaper published for members of the Osttürkischer Waffen-Verband der SS. It was printed in Berlin and appeared from 1944 to 1945.




Ukrainskyi Dobrovoletz“ („The Ukrainian Volunteer“), a publication for all Ukrainian volunteer units. „We Are Going Into Battle”, a magazine of the 14.Waffen-Grenadier Division der SS (Galizien/Ukraine Nr.1). „Do Boyu“, a newspaper of the 14th SS Division.





Annales“ („Annals“), a publication of the Walloon Legion, Sturmbrigade and Division. „Le SS Combattant“ („The SS Combatant“), a newspaper for the Walloon Waffen-SS volunteers.

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