Sunday 12 June 2022

Die Deutsche Wochenschau (UFA-Tonwoche) – Newsreel No. 516 – 22 July 1940

1. Italy, Piedmont.


Italian mountain riflemen.


– Italians bombard the French positions.


– Italian planes in the air.


– Views of the Riviera, traces of bombing.


– Italian troops enter Mentona, street fighting in the city.


– Hotel building, the promenade.


– Mussolini inspects the Italian troops.


The Duce meets with a French parliamentarian.


– Duce gives approval for the transfer of French prisoners of war to France.


– Duce bypasses formation of soldiers, then sits in the car.


Italian ships at sea.


– Sailors on deck of a warship, guns.


– Sailors dropping mines into the sea.


– The bow of the ship, there are two sailors with binoculars (good shot).


– Muzzles of the guns.


2. Africa.


Italian troops on the march in Somalia and Abyssinia.


– The cars, they unload guns.


– Preparing to repel an attack by British tanks.


3. Gibraltar.


The cliffs, the fortress.


– Ships off the coast.


– British soldiers in the city.


– English fortifications on the shore.


4. Hong Kong.


An airplane flies.


– British boats in the raid.


– English soldiers are marching, entering the bunker.


– Shooting guns.


– Chinese prisoners building fortifications.


– The use of child labour, a boy breaks stones.


5. England.


German prisoners of war on the earthworks.


– The prisoners dragged the rails.


– Prisoners are in formation with shovels and picks, holding a ration.


– Wire camp fence, guard’s box with a sentry, the prisoners.


6. Oil fields in Libya (Africa), set on fire by the British.


German soldiers are fighting the fires.


– Spilled oil on the ground.


– The burned houses of the nearby villages.


7. France.


Occupied territory.


– Dismantling the ruins.


– Restoring the destroyed bridge.


– The soldiers.


– French and German railroad workers to work together.


8. Poland.


The return of German refugees in Poland in the “returned territories” (the territories included in the Reich after the defeat of Poland).


– The train comes to the station Merzig Saar.


– Old people, children go out of cars.


– Nurses help refugees.


– Refugees with their belongings are walking along the street, they are welcomed by the residents, an orchestra is playing.


– Escorting refugees into their homes.


9. Germany.


Session in the Reichstag on July 19, 1940.


– Newspaper headlines about the meeting of the Reichstag.


– A note about the visit of Count Ciano in Berlin.


– After the government statement in the Reichstag, the Führer goes to the opera.


– Crowds of people greet him.


– The Brandenburg Gate, the car of the Führer drives by.


– Adolf Hitler gets out of the car, takes a report from an officer of the guard of honour, inspects the formation of troops.


– Next to Hitler is Himmler and the generals.


– The soldiers are in formation.


– Adolf Hitler enters the Opera House.


– Adolf Hitler in the presidium, he greeted his comrades-in-arms.


– He is on the podium, speaking about the tasks of Germany in the fight against England.


– At the podium Dr. Goebbels, Ciano, Keitel, Jodl, Goering and others.


10. Return of parts of the Wehrmacht in Berlin after the conquest of France.


The population enthusiastically welcomed the German soldiers.


– Women hugging the victors.


– Girls give flowers to the soldiers.


– Girls from the BDM in uniform, the soldiers hug girls.


– Police contain the enthusiasm of the crowd.


– Columns of soldiers marching past the Brandenburg Gate.


– On the podium – Dr. Joseph Goebbels and generals.


– Passing mortar crew.


– Cheering crowds.


– Children, women, individuals.


– Traveling horses in wagons, military field kitchens.


– The band plays.


– Jubilant crowd.


– Passing cyclists, motorcyclists. The jubilant crowds.


– Drummers.


– Dr. Goebbels speaks about the “inseparable unity of the army and the people”.


– Wounded German officers and soldiers saluted the conquerors of France.


– Women, girls.


– Columns of soldiers.


– Panorama of the street filled with people.


– Monument to Frederick the Great.


– Pass the cavalrymen.


– Pass convoys of soldiers.


– Women and children welcome the soldiers.


– The square in front of the Berlin Cathedral.


– Panorama of cheering crowds, columns of soldiers.

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