Friday 24 June 2022

The Reich in Photos – The Crusade Against the Bolshevism, the Year 1941 – Part I

A “He 111” is loaded with bombs before deployment. The twin-engine aircraft was used as a horizontal bomber or reconnaissance plane.


The observer of a “He 111” in his aircraft cockpit. He determined and controlled the direction of flight and passed on his observations to the pilot.


In the countryside the picture is the same: a “Panje” hut was set on fire. Both Red Army soldiers and partisans can still be in the vicinity, so the landers are cautious.


Especially in the first years of the Eastern campaign, the Red Army applies the principle of “scorched earth”. All facilities that the enemy could use for themselves were burned by their own people in case of a retreat. Of course, the Soviet civilian population in particular suffered greatly as a result.


Civilians carry their possessions out of the burning houses to save at least something. The Wehrmacht often has to extinguish the fires set by the Red Army first, together with the population, when it enters a town.


Tank destroyers with a 3.7 cm anti-tank cannon in road combat. However, the caliber was not sufficient to destroy Soviet main battle tanks.


Wehrmacht soldiers shot an enemy ammunition transporter on fire. In the foreground a German Panzer IV.


A grenadier as an observer at a scissors telescope, which gave a long-range spatial view.


An infantry mounted platoon leader. With his soldiers, he maintained liaison between separate units in difficult terrain.


 It was not only on the Eastern Front that Wehrmacht soldiers enjoyed listening to the radio in their free time. In Germany, special programs were broadcast for soldiers to help them briefly escape from everyday life on the front.

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