Monday 20 June 2022


Source: Command and Obedience: SS Leadership Guide by Alfred Kotz


When we returned home in 1918 we silently shook hands. The shouting by others filled the muggy air. There were those who had never seen the realm of shells but who bragged at the beer table about heroic deeds. There was the crowd on the street which, directed by Marxist editors, mimicked radicalism. They bragged and „radicalized“ Germany into the ground. It is often necessary to remember how sad and disgusting all that was. We easily become spoiled and quickly forget the bad.


A false radicalism haunts men’s minds. Being radical and revolutionary only means for them to tear down. Whether and how something can replace what’s torn down was known least of all by those who behaved the most radical. Their radicalism was hate, rage and negation.


Wild narrow-mindedness acts like sub-humanity. If it takes control, it foams with „radicalism“. We Hitler soldiers have nothing to do with such radicalism.


Nonetheless, we must be radical. Radicalism is good, if it includes affirmation. We do not rant and rage against things that we don’t like and which aren’t appropriate for us. Otherwise we would only rant and rave, but we would not be radical. Getting to the root of the problem, combating it with determination so that bad developments are avoided, to us that means being radical. The word „radical“ refers back to the word „root“ (radix = root).


To research and fight the source of disturbing events that endanger our goal is something totally different than a Don Quixote duel against the outward manifestations.


Any idiot can run headfirst against a certain condition, if it’s just about running head first against this condition. But he does not know its prerequisites. He is unable to eliminate the greater evil. We, however, wish to research the cause that produces the bad result.


We want to take this to heart for everything that concerns us. A great effect often stems from a very small cause. It might be due to the tardiness, negligence or lack of character of individuals, if detestable conditions arise, which expand beyond the circle of the action and jurisdiction of these individuals and cause widespread damage. Let us first of all through loyal fulfillment of duty and through correct treatment of the people entrusted to us avoid such causes within our own area!


We can, however, find bad conditions caused by others. Then we must eliminate the cause as fast as possible. We must have the courage to replace sick parts with healthy ones and not satisfy ourselves with patchwork, which only hides the damage from the eye. A house filled with dry-rot cannot be saved from collapse by nailing boards over the beams eaten away by fungus. No, the beams must be ripped out and flawless beams installed! We must not be diverted from this even if the homeowner complains about the inconvenience.


Applying the strictest standard to our action and inaction and, where necessary, replacing the rotten with the robust is in truth being radical. We do not allow ourselves to be blinded by agreement or contradiction.


We know grumbling. It is bad. It’s even worse when there’s a reason for grumbling. Worst of all, however, is if we do not eliminate this reason.


You will interject: „That must come from above. The individual cannot do that!“ I tell you: it depends on the action and inaction of the individual, whether a work develops inwardly solid or feeble. You, Sturmführer, can perform extremely valuable educational work in this regard.


If all of us Hitler soldiers are radical – even, when necessary, revolutionary – toward ourselves, if we are loyal to ourselves and to the others, if we remain plain and simple, if we are exemplary in work and service, if we resist the temptation to let ourselves go, in short, if we live as the Führer demands, then it is easy to see where a bad root germinates. The fulfillment of these demands makes even the great throng we have become easy to see through.


Mistakes don’t come from us. Because we are radical, they can be seen from above and removed.


It’s a mistake if somebody thinks he has done enough for Adolf Hitler, if he has stood his ground in battle and now figures he can rest on his laurels and celebrate. Two things belong to a Hitler soldier proving himself: first, to have the courage to stand against the red flood in bad times, and then after the rise to power to demonstrate the manly values which Adolf Hitler expects from his followers, and expects anew each day.


Whoever only meets the first requirement should not be surprised to now also see people in our ranks who make an effort to meet the second requirement, although they did not actively stand in our ranks before. Still less should they look down on them, if they are serious about proving themselves in the present and future.


The more time passes between the present and past events, the more we must view as comrades all those who are industrious, clean and loyal. The further we come, the less we can ask the past and the more we must observe the present.


We are building a new Germany. Everyone should carry building blocks for the Führer. Although we can do without the hurrah shouters, we cannot do without the folk comrade who gladly and joyfully helps, and we want to make sure that his joy is not turned sorrow. It should be all of Germany! More and more it will depend on the accomplishment and character of those who are willing to serve the better Germany.

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